OC2 version of form

Showing forms 181 to 210 of 362
Form ID: 10270
Respondent: Oxley Park Golf Club

Sole owner


Map 1268
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Oxley Park Golf Club land adjacent to 1A Ribbesford Avenue

off Ribbesford Avenue, Oxley, Wolverhampton WV10 6DU

WV10 6DU


Currently used as land for storing sand, gravel and other aggregates for use on Oxley Park Golf Course, with access for delivery lorries from Ribbesford Avenue

Private Market Housing

4 semi-detached homes with gardens (subject to local plan priorities)

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Restrictive covenants - what land uses do these prevent or require?

There is a restrictive covenant in place that requires the assent of Wolverhampton Council should the land be used for purposes other than in connection with a golf course.


Alternative sites for storing sand and gravel with good access to main roads have been identified within the golf course. The footprint of an alternative site could be reduced through use of hard standing.

None. The site is a small infill site along an existing residential street.


No existing planning permissions. To our knowledge, there are no historic planning permissions.


[Subject also to agreement by Wolverhampton Council to waive its restrictive covenant.]

Not known

The site has yet to be marketed. It is expected that the site will be highly marketable based given its location next to a golf course.




The site consists of 0.25% of the golf course and adjoining land. The purpose of releasing this land for development is to secure the long term financial position of the golf club and so safeguard the remaining 99.75% of that land for continuing use as a golf course as now. The site should cease to be classified as green belt. It has already been substantially degraded through its long time use for storing sand, gravel and other aggregates. There are no mature trees on the site itself, but mature trees on its border would shield the development from the rest of the golf course. The site is sealed off from Ribbesford Avenue by a high concrete wall and barbed wire. Viewed from there from ground level it is visually ugly with the appearance of an industrial site. Hence this infill development would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing use. The relocation of the existing use would mean that heavy lorries would no longer need to use residential streets leading to Ribbesford Avenue.

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10271
Respondent: RCA Regeneration Ltd

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Land off Wynall Lane South, Wollescote

Land off Wynall Lane South, Wollescote



No answer given

The site is undeveloped land. Part of the site previously formed the curtilage (beer garden) of the Foxcote Arms public house. The pub was demolished in around 1998 allowing the redevelopment of the site for 17 dwellings, that is now part of Farmside Close located immediately to the west of the site. The remainder of the land was previously in agricultural use.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

25-30 dwellings

Not known

Protected species / habitats

A preliminary ecological assessment accompanies this representation.



Footpaths and cycleways

The site would require the creation of a vehicular access from Wynall Lane South to adoptable standards with associated footways connecting the site to the wider area. This would be achievable and relatively easy to deliver.


No answer given


No answer given


No answer given




No answer given

Form ID: 10272
Respondent: Lichfields

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.



Map 1268
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Chester Road, Streetly

Chester Road Streetly



Agricultural land

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches

505 homes

Not known

Pylons crossing the site / sub – station

See Development Statement Figure 4

The site is currently agricultural land. The agricultural land classification, based on the Provisional Agricultural Land Classifications, is classed as Grade 3. The parcel of land has not been assessed within the Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification.

N/A – there are no current uses which need to be relocated.

A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways



Under option to developer


Taylor Wimpey has reviewed the economic viability of the proposals in terms of the land value, attractiveness of the locality, level of potential market demand and projected rate of sales; as well as the cost factors associated with the site including site preparation costs and site constraints. Where potential constraints have been identified, Taylor Wimpey has considered the necessary mitigation measures and required investment in order to overcome any deliverability barriers. Taylor Wimpey confirms that the development of the site is economically viable and is confident that residential development can be achieved within the first five/six years of the plan period.


Please refer to Development Statement.

Form ID: 10273
Respondent: RCA Regeneration Ltd

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land off Timmis Road

Land off Timmis Road, Lye

No answer given


No answer given

Undeveloped land. Historic use associated with brick works and coal mining.

Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Contamination known or suspected , Previous mining activity known or suspected , Ground instability (not linked to mining) , Watercourse / culvert / other water body , Underground services

Coal Mining Risk Assessment is included with this representation along with a plan from Severn Trent Water showing the constraints associated with underground services.


No answer given

Nothing chosen



No answer given


No answer given


No answer given


There will be viability issues but it is unlikely that external funding would be sought.


No answer given

Form ID: 10274
Respondent: HUMO Developments Ltd.

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Ketley Farm

Dudley Road, Kingswinford



No answer given

Former derelict farm and outbuildings. It is understood that the land was used for rough grazing. Dudley MBC granted planning permission in September 2018 for the Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 11 for the demolition of farmhouse and outbuildings (reference P18/1306/PN11B).

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Retail

HUMO Developments Ltd. is the current owner of the Ketley Farm site and adjacent Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24). The combined sites would facilitate c.40units/Ha with substantive areas of green infrastructure (POS/LEAP etc.) and will provide approximately 600 houses. There is the potential to incorporate retail development adjacent to the A4101 (Dudley Road).

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No existing land holding/grazing license.

No answer given


If combined with the adjacent site (Entry 24 Ketley Quarry) matters may need to be reconsidered.


Planning Reference P18/1306/PN11B Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 11 for demolition of farmhouse and outbuildings (Approved 27/09/2018)


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

No answer given




HUMO Developments Ltd. is the current owner of the Ketley Farm site and adjacent Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24) and wish to highlight the potential for both sites to be considered jointly as part of the Black Country Site Submission process. The above are shown on the accompanying plan, KT1123-D2: Ketley Farm site Adjacent to Ketley Quarry (site 24). The former site area of Ketley Farm is shaded green and the adjacent Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24) shaded brown. The following points should be noted: • Whilst the Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24) is being prepared for housing development to commence as early as 2020, the Ketley Farm site is technically immediately available for development, although it is anticipated both this site and the Ketley Quarry site will be promoted as an area of housing as a single site. • It is envisaged that the proposals over the combined sites would facilitate c.40units/Ha with substantive areas of green infrastructure (POS/LEAP etc.) and will provide approximately 600 houses. • There is the potential to incorporate retail development adjacent to the A4101 (Dudley Road). • Both sites are presently being regenerated for immediate release. • Currently, an outline planning application is being prepared and pre-application discussions are being held with Dudley MBC.

Form ID: 10275
Respondent: First City Limited

Sole owner



No site plotted.

Show full map

Land off Cradley Road

Cradley Road



The land is currently vacant but is partly used for parking for the adjacent industrial uses and adjoining residential uses

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Previous mining activity known or suspected , Constraints on adjoining land e.g. railway line, noisy industry

A proposal is presently being prepared to support a planning application for residential development. This will be accompanied by the reports to confirm that housing is the most appropriate use for the site and to address the material planning issues

As part of the proposed development the scheme will will consider the existing access to the site onto Cradley Road



Owned by developer



Form ID: 10276

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Land on the North side of Langley Road, Lower Penn.

Land on the North side of Langley Road, Lower Penn. South Staffordshire WV3

not known



it is currently only used for grazing horses on. It is green belt land close to the border of Wolverhampton WV3

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

approx 15-20

Not known

Land in other ownership must be acquired to develop the site

Neighbours who own the adjacent 4 parcels are keen to develop the whole area (including our 3 acres). The total site would be more than 50 acres of prime greenbelt fields on the edge of Wolverhampton, Merry Hill, WV3 I have uploaded a map of the overall site. The title we own is title number SF353257 (approx 3 acres). It was in the name of my father and is now transferred over to my mother.



Nothing chosen


Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

We have been approached by the neighbouring land owners about a collaborative approach. The whole potential site consists of 4 parcels of greenbelt land land totalling over 50 acres. Prime land for housing development in a really nice area on the fringe of the Wolverhampton, Merry Hill. I have uploaded a site map showing the difference owners. Our land is just approx 3 acres title number SF353257




We are proposing to appoint a specialist for act for us as we are not experts in this field. This application is filled out as best as we could in order to meet the deadline of tomorrow 31.10.18 I will upload the details I have to date in order to register the site with you. I have uploaded the overall site plan showing all the parcels of land. Ours is title number SF353257 (approx 3 acres). It was in the name of my father. The land has been transferred over to my mother.

Form ID: 10277
Respondent: Emery Planning

Nothing chosen



Map 1268
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Land at Greenwood Road and Lazy Hill Road

Land at Greenwood Road and Lazy Hill Road Aldridge Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

Presently used for agriculture (grazing)

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

In the region of 60 dwellings, potentially in the form of bungalows to meet the need for older persons accomodation

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

Grade 4 (source: Magic Maps, Agricultural Land Classification - Provisional (England))


A small scale development which would require limited infrastructure provision. The site is capable of coming forward quickly to contribute to housing delivery in the early years of the plan period.



Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

HIMOR is an experienced land promotion company that has a track record of bringing sites to the market immediately following the granting of outline planning permission. HIMOR is aware of strong market interest in this area from developers and anticipates no issues in quickly disposing of the site to the market.




The site is triangular in shape, and is bordered on two sides by existing road infrastructure and residential development. Due to its location and physical attributes, the development of the site would not result in any physical or perceived closing of the gap between Aldridge and Walsall Wood to the north. We would request that it is assessed separately in any Green Belt assessment from the wider land to the north and west of the site, and should be considered on its own merits. HIMOR has undertaken initial technical assessments, including access and highways capacity. These indicate that there are no significant technical constraints to the site coming forward. An indicative sketch masterplan has also been prepared, which demonstrates one way in which the site could be delivered for 60 bungalows. A copy is enclosed. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with the Council to further discuss the potential allocation of the site and the development of the proposals.

Form ID: 10278
Respondent: City of Wolverhampton Council

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Open Space at Grassy Lane

Grassy Lane Fallings Park



No answer given

This site is a flat, grassed public open space. There is a footpath which crosses the site.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing


Not known

Rights of way (public or otherwise) across the site , Public Open Space

We are currently undertaking a review of the site which will confirm if any of the above items are applicable to this land.

A new park / open space

We are currently undertaking a review of the site. This will include highways implications in the local area and the opportunity to re-provide a small high quality public open space to serve the development and the wider area in line with the adopted open space strategy and action plan 2018.






This site is protected by an existing policy designation as recreational open space; however, it is underutilised but there is potential to re-provide a higher quality, smaller open space to serve local residents as part of a housing development.

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10279
Respondent: Emery Planning

Nothing chosen



Map 1268
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Land at Vicarage Road / Coronation Road

Land at Vicarage Road / Coronation Road, High Heath, Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

Presently used for agriculture (grazing)

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Offices (Use Class B1a)

Approximately 900 dwellings, but could also accomodate other uses such as B1/B2/B8 as part of a mixed use development

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

No answer given

Yes. Grades 3 & 4 (source : Magic Maps, Agricultural Land Classification - Provisional (England))


Local shops , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways , Other

Infrastructure provision required in association with a development for 900 dwellings could include POS, footpaths and cycleways and potentially new shops and community facilities such as a doctors surgery. Matters such as education provision would need to be reviewed further in association with other planned developments, as there may also be a need for a new primary school. This could be provided on site.


No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

HIMOR is an experienced land promotion company that has a track record of bringing sites to the market immediately following the granting of outline planning permission. HIMOR is aware of strong market interest in this area from developers and anticipates no issues in quickly disposing of the site to the market.




See enclosed letter and site location plan.

Form ID: 10280
Respondent: Lichfields

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.



Map 1268
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Clent View Road, Stourbridge

Clent View Road, Stourbridge

No answer given



Agricultural land

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches

Around 400

Not known

None of these

No answer given

The site is currently agricultural land. The agricultural land classification, based on the Provisional Agricultural Land Classifications, is classed as Grade 4. The parcel of land has not been assessed within the Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification.

N/A – there are no current uses which need to be relocated.

A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

No answer given


No answer given


No answer given

Under option to developer

No answer given


Taylor Wimpey has reviewed the economic viability of the proposals in terms of the land value, attractiveness of the locality, level of potential market demand and projected rate of sales; as well as the cost factors associated with the site including site preparation costs and site constraints. Where potential constraints have been identified, Taylor Wimpey has considered the necessary mitigation measures and required investment in order to overcome any deliverability barriers. Taylor Wimpey confirms that the development of the site is economically viable and is confident that residential development can be achieved within the first five/six years of the plan period.


See cover letter.

Form ID: 10281
Respondent: Emery Planning

Nothing chosen



Map 1268
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Aldridge School and land to the south of Bosty Lane

Bosty Lane Aldridge Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

Aldridge School - D1 education Land south of Bosty Lane (East) controlled by HIMOR - agriculture (grazing) Land south of Bosty Lane (West) owned by Walsall Council - we understand previously used for agriculture including a farmshop

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education)

775 dwellings and a new school

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Current use needs to be relocated , Area of mature woodland / tree preservation order , Protected species / habitats

Proposals would involve provision of a new school to meet modern educational requirements. Initial indicative masterplan has been prepared which demonstrates how the site could be developed with appropriate retention and green buffers to areas of woodland (Cuckoos Nook and The Dingle) to the south. Our client controls a significant quantum of land, including land which could also be offset to provide landscape and ecological enhancements as part of a comprehensive development.

Yes - Grade 3 (source: Magic Maps, Agricultural Land Classification Provisional (England))

Please see attached letter in relation to the provision of a new school.

Secondary School , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

Please see attached letter.

Nothing chosen

No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

HIMOR is an experienced land promotion company that has a track record of bringing sites to the market immediately following the granting of outline planning permission. HIMOR is aware of strong market interest in this area from developers and anticipates no issues in quickly disposing of the site to a developer(s).




Please see attached letter and initial indicative masterplan

Form ID: 10282
Respondent: City of Wolverhampton Council

Sole owner


Map 1268
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Former Northicote School Playing Fields

Northwood Park Road Wolverhampton

WV10 8HB


The site has been used for agricultural purposes in recent years and therefore now has no playing field status. The site is currently utilised for grazing land purposes.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing


Not known

We are currently undertaking a review of site constraints. This information will be provided in due course.

The site has been used for agricultural purposes in recent years. The site is currently utilised for grazing land purposes.

We are currently undertaking a review of the infrastructure required to support the development of the site. This will include the above matters with focus on access and highways and the boundary with South Staffordshire Council. This information will be provided in due course.



Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

A number of enquiries have been received from private developers in respect of this site.


We are currently not aware of any issues.


The site adjoins privately owned land and we are currently undertaking a review taking into account the potential for wider comprehensive development.

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10283
Respondent: City of Wolverhampton Council

Sole owner


Map 1268
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Colton Hills Community School (part of) Playing Field

Jeremy Road Goldthorn Park Wolverhampton




The land is currently used for playing field purposes. We are currently undertaking a review of the site and the amount of land identified above as suitable for development is subject to change and will be assessed and agreed with Colton Hills Community School. This information will be provided in due course.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing


Not known

We are currently undertaking a review of site constraints. In addition the current use of the land as playing fields will require significant planning issues to be addressed; this will include playing field loss and landscape impact. This information will be provided in due course.

We are currently undertaking a review of the infrastructure required to support the development of the site. This will include the above with focus on access, highways and the boundary with Colton Hills Community School. This information will be provided in due course.



Not known



The site adjoins Colton Hills Community School and we are currently undertaking a review of development options with the School.

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10284
Respondent: City of Wolverhampton Council

Sole owner


Map 1268
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Land at Former Bushbury Swimming Baths

Sandy Lane Bushbury Wolverhampton

WV10 8JW


No answer given

Following demolition of the swimming baths this site was landscaped and has since been maintained as a grassed public open space. There is a large quantity of open space adjoining the site with a variety of functions, therefore this site could be considered surplus to requirements in line with the current adopted Wolverhampton Open Space Strategy and Action Plan (2015).

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing


Not known

We are currently undertaking a review of site constraints. This information will be provided in due course.

We are currently undertaking a review of the infrastructure required to support the development of the site. This information will be provided in due course.


Demolition of Bushbury Baths Ref: 06/01719/CON Application validated: 14.12.2006 Proposal: demolition of Bushbury Baths Status: Decided


Not known



Following demolition of the swimming baths this site was landscaped and has since been maintained as a grassed public open space. There is a large quantity of open space adjoining the site with a variety of functions, therefore this site could be considered surplus to requirements in line with the current adopted Wolverhampton Open Space Strategy and Action Plan (2015).

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10285
Respondent: Cerda Planning Limited

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land R/O 10 - 30 Castle Road

Land R/O 10 - 30 Castle Road Walsall Wood




The site partially comprises existing residential development, land used for storage and open fields

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these




Flood mitigation system , A new park / open space

A sustainable drainage system and open space would be provided as part of a residential development

Nothing chosen


The site is washed over Green Belt and would have to released from Green Belt. Once released the site could be developed immediately.

Not known



Not known.


See attached statement.

Form ID: 10286
Respondent: Cerda Planning Limited

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.


Map 1268
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Land at Druids Heath Golf Club

Land at Druids Heath Golf Club Stonnall Road Walsall




The site is an used area of landscaping

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

None of these




Nothing chosen


The site is washed over Green Belt. Once removed from Green Belt the site could be developed immediately

Not known



Not known.


see attached statement

Form ID: 10287
Respondent: Mr Alec Drake

Sole owner



No site plotted.

Show full map

Private Market Housing


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Area of mature woodland / tree preservation order , Historic building / landscapes , None of these

Trees TPO'd Greenbelt





15/0135/OL - withdrawn address technical issues


Owned by developer




Brownfield site surrounded by existing residential dwellings - currently vacant and unsightly in appearance Under single ownership and as such can be delivered immediately Lies adjacent to existing permission - 10/-1262/OL - Queslett Centre

Form ID: 10288
Respondent: Mr Alec Drake

Sole owner



No site plotted.

Show full map

Former NHS site, Land east of Nether Hall Avenue, Great Barr Walsall



Vacant - former NHS use

Private Market Housing


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Area of mature woodland / tree preservation order , Historic building / landscapes

TPO'd trees Green Belt







Owned by developer




vacant brownfield site constraint free former NHS use lies adjacent to existing permission 10/-1262/OL

Form ID: 10289
Respondent: IBA Planning Ltd

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land North of Showmen's Caravan Site

Goscote Lane Pelsall Walsall



No answer given

Vacant undeveloped land

Gypsy and Traveller/ Travelling Showpeople Site

No answer given

Not known

Nothing chosen




Nothing chosen



No answer given


No answer given

Nothing chosen

The site has been purchased by the intended occupier, a locally operating family of Travelling Showpeople.




The site lies immediately adjacent to an existing showmen's site that was approved by the Council on 23 September 2009 under LPA reference: 09/00067/FL

Form ID: 10290
Respondent: Cerda Planning

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.


Map 1268
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Stencils Farm

Land at Stencil's Farm, Aldridge Road, Walsall





Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Retail , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education)

Circa 700 homes assuming densities ranging from 30- 45 units per net developable hectare

A comprehensive promotional document will be issued shortly which fully explores all relevant technical aspects of the site.

Yes - Grade 3


Primary School , A new local centre

It is considered that the development at circa 700 residential units would deliver both a primary school and a local centre with, in all likelihood a small range of retail units. The developer wishes to stress that it wishes to work with the LPA in order to determine the additional uses which the development would give rise to.

Nothing chosen


Bloor Homes have secured an interest in the site with the landowner.




A fully evidenced promotional document which thoroughly tests a comprehensive range of technical and environmental issues which in turn inform a full illustrative site layout will be presented to the LPA shortly.

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10291
Respondent: Barton Willmore

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Highfields North

Land West of Walsall Road, Walsall




Site currently has an extant planning consent for coal extraction.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches


Not known

Protected species / habitats

Part of the site is identified as a SSSI (Jockey Fields) - however the Natural England web-site identifies that this SSSI is "unfavourable - declining" - that this is attributed to 100% of the SSSI. This is attributed to a sewage spillage in October 2016 which covered the site and destroyed much of the habitat. It is also highlighted (and confirmed by Walsall Council as part of their Site Allocations DPD process) that the implementation of the extant planning permission for coal extraction would destroy what is left of the habitat in any case. It is considered that the allocation of the site for residential use would facilitate repair and restoration of part of the SSSI through a careful ecological management programme and thus facilitate a significant biodiversity enhancement.

The latest DEFRA mapping identifies the site as Grade 3.


A new park / open space

It is considered that part of the Jockey Fields SSSI can be restored to a more favourable condition.


• Planning Permission EB/3410 dated 23rd September 1966. • Planning Permission B.A.5827 dated 2nd May 1977 – Approval of details required under EB/3410 with a copy of the submitted details.


No answer given

Owned by developer

No answer given




No answer given

Form ID: 10292
Respondent: First City Limited
Agent: First City Limited

Sole owner


Map 1268
Show full map

Land south west of 74 Perton Road

Land south west of 74 Perton Road, Wightwick, Wolverhampton




Private Market Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

The site has the capacity to be used and developed to accommodate private market housing.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

We are not aware of any constraints that would prevent development of the site.

No the site is not agricultural land.

No. There are no uses that require relocation for the above site to be allocated for removal from the Green belt and allocated for residential development.


We do not consider any of the above infrastructure would be required as a result of the above site being removed from the Green belt and allocated for residential development. The site borders the urban area of Wolverhampton and therefore the development would make use of the existing services, facilities and infrastructure currently available and enjoyed by the existing residents surrounding the site.


There are no historic planning permissions on site.


Not known


No we do not envisage there will be viability issues in connection to this site and potential future development that will require external funding.

Nothing chosen

We consider the above site, outlined in red on the attached plan, should be allocated for remove for the Green belt. The site is located adjacent to existing residential development.

Form ID: 10294
Respondent: First City Limited
Agent: First City Limited

Sole owner



No site plotted.

Show full map

Land north of M6 Toll (Land off Wharf Lane/ Paviour’s Road) Burntwood, Lichfield District.

Land north of M6 Toll (Land off Wharf Lane/ Paviour’s Road) Burntwood, Lichfield District.

No answer given



The site is currently vacant / unused land.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches

The site can accommodate residential development. At a density of 30 dwellings per hectare, the site can accommodate approximately 280 dwellings. An apportionment of that will be affordable housing. It is envisaged the number of dwellings will be lower to make way for areas of public open space and tree planting.

Not known

None of these

We are not aware of any constraints that would prevent the site being developed for residential development. As part of ongoing promotion of the site for development, supporting specialist documents will be produced as part of the evidence gathering.

No, the site is not agricultural land and not used for agricultural purposes, neither pastoral or arable.

There are no uses that require relocation.


The site is a sustainable location where we do not envisage the requirement for any of the above services and facilities in addition to what is currently in place at this stage. The site is located within an easy distance to primary and education facilities, local shops, open space and has access to a good road network. The site is in close proximity to a number of A roads providing excellent accessibility between the site and the wider area.

Nothing chosen

No answer given


Yes, the site is available for development immediately (subject to obtaining any necessary planning permissions).

Site being marketed

The site has previously been marketed and enquiries and discussion are ongoing.


We do not consider there will be visibility issues that will require the use of external funding.


Information on the site has previously been submitted to earlier Call for sites consultation in Lichfield District. The site is approximately 9.43 hectares and is located to the south of Burntwood. The site is irregular in shape and slopes gently in a southernly direction.

Form ID: 10295
Respondent: Mr J Kirby

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.


Map 1268
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South of Dudley

Foxcote Farm Oldnall Road Wollescote



No answer given

The land is currently in agricultural use

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Community Facilities (including health or education) , Sports / Leisure


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Gas

Historic building / landscapes

Foxcote House Farm is a Grade 2 Listed Building The site is located in Flood Zone 1

Grade 3b

Primary School , A new local centre , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

The proposal would deliver a new sustainable urban extension to the south of Dudley which would be supported by provision of new social and community facilities in accordance with planning policy



Under option to developer

The land is under control of St Philips Ltd, a specialist residential land promoter


The site is fully deliverable in accordance with planning policy requirements


The land was identified as a potential sustainable urban extension within the Strategic Growth Study by GL Hearn. A Vision Document for the site is being prepared and will be submitted in due course

Form ID: 10296
Respondent: Clare Lucey

Sole owner

Map 1268
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Land at Park Lane, Cradley

Land at Park Lane, Cradley

B63 2QP



Currently vacant, last known use for employment

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

c.70 new homes

Mains water supply

Protected species / habitats





The site is part of a larger site with expired outline planning permission for residenital development (Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council ref. P13/1896, total 108 units).


Owned by developer



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Form ID: 10297
Respondent: Lichfield District Council

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Land at Albutts Road

Albutts road, Brownhills



Open space

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Not known

Public Open Space

The site is currently identified as a public open space.

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Not known


Form ID: 10298
Respondent: Oxley Park Golf Club

Sole owner


Map 1268
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Oxley Park Golf Club land adjacent to 139 Oxley Moor Road

Oxley Moor Road, Wolverhampton WV10 6TY

WV10 6TY


Land next to the 5th tee of the golf club which is unused.

Private Market Housing

3 or possibly 4 houses with gardens (subject to local plan priorities)

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Restrictive covenants - what land uses do these prevent or require?

There is a restrictive covenant in place which would require the assent of Wolverhampton Council should the land be used for purposes other than in connection with a golf course.


No current use

None. The site is a small infill site extending the line of housing along an existing residential street.


No existing planning permissions. To our knowledge, there are no historic planning permissions.


Not known

The site has yet to be marketed. It is expected that the site will be highly marketable given its location next to a golf course.




The site consists of about 0.3% of the golf course and adjoining land in the ownership of the club. The purpose of releasing this land for development is to generate a capital sum to help secure the long term financial position of the golf club and so safeguard the remaining 99% of that green belt land for continuing use as a golf club as now. The current designation of the site as green belt land would need to be changed.

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Form ID: 10299
Respondent: Oxley Park Golf Club

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Oxley Park Golf Club land adjacent to 21 Oxley Links Road

Oxley Links Road, Wolverhampton WV10 6TJ

WV10 6TJ


Unused land between the greens of the 10th and 12th holes of the golf club.

Private Market Housing

4 semi-detached houses with gardens (subject to local plan priorities)

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Restrictive covenants - what land uses do these prevent or require?

There is a restrictive covenant in place which would require the assent of Wolverhampton Council should the land be used for purposes other than in connection with a golf course.


No current use

None. The site is a small infill site extending the line of housing along an existing residential road.


No existing planning permissions. To our knowledge there are no historic planning permissions.


Not known

The site has yet to be marketed. It is expected that the site will be highly marketable given its location next to a golf course.




The site consists of about 0.35% of the golf course and adjoining land in the ownership of the club. The purpose of releasing this land for development is to generate a capital sum to help secure the long term financial position of the golf club and so safeguard the remaining 99% of that green belt land for continuing use as a golf club as now. The current designation of the land as green belt would need to be changed. However, the site is situated at the very end of the Oxley Links Road cul-de-sac. Extending the housing line would have minimal visible impact from the rest of the road, especially as it would be tucked away behind a high brick wall on the boundary of No 21. Viewed from the golf course the development would be hidden by woodland. Hence this development would overall have minimal visual impact on the openness of the green belt.

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Form ID: 10301
Respondent: Oxley Park Golf Club
Agent: Mr John Thorne

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Map 1268
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Oxley Golf Club

Stafford Road, Wolverhampton

WV10 6DE



Part fairway and green to golf course.

Sports / Leisure

Proposed golf clubhouse and grrenkeeper's facilities


Restrictive covenants - what land uses do these prevent or require?

Covenant with Local Authority to maintain land for sport and recreational use.


Existing green to be relocated to accommodate clubhouse and practice putting area.


Widening of existing access road.


No answer given


No answer given


No answer given




Site is adjacent main highway with an existing access