GDPR Compliance Statement
All planning policy documents are public documents; in accordance with Planning Legislation any comments which you submit relating to a planning policy document consultation will be available for public viewing both online and within our designated public locations. When responding please include your name, address and/or e-mail address. The information you provide will be stored within the Councils’ or Council’s electronic databases and some details including your name and whether a respondent is a resident, business or public body may be published on the Black Country Core Strategy website and / or individual Council websites, and they will be available for public view. Personal contact details including your postal address, phone number and email address will not be published by the Black Country Councils or any individual Council. Information provided by you will be published and retained in-line with each of the four Black Country Councils’ retention policy for planning policy, which requires the Councils to retain your information for 10 years after adoption of the relevant planning policy document. The Councils will only use your data to inform planning policy and to keep you informed of the planning policy process and of proposals for new or amended policies. The Councils may therefore consult you in relation to future planning policy documents jointly or as individual authorities. Any representations that are considered defamatory or discriminatory not be accepted.