Call For Sites

Ended on the 20 August 2020

The four Black Country Authorities (Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton) are inviting land owners, developers and other bodies to put forward sites to be considered for development as part of the Black Country Plan Review.

Call for Sites submissions should only be made for sites within the Black Country or sites within neighbouring authorities but adjoining the Black Country urban area. However, submissions will be accepted for any site within a neighbouring authority which could potentially form part of a larger development which would adjoin the Black Country urban area, to allow discussions to take place with adjoining authorities. If your submission relates to a site which stretches beyond the Black Country into a neighbouring authority then this should be clearly stated and evidence of submissions to that neighbouring authority provided.

This form asks you to provide details about the site including location, ownership, current use, access, constraints, services and possible future use. Please provide as much information as possible to ensure your site proposal can be carefully considered. You can submit as many sites as you wish by completing a separate form and site boundary for each site.

It should take around 15 minutes to complete the information for each site you wish to put forward, depending on the amount of detail you wish to provide.

If you are acting on behalf of someone else you will be asked to provide their details.

The information you provide will be used to help prepare the Plan review and will be shared with other employees or agencies (such as the Planning Inspectorate) who may be involved with the process. Please note that the local authorities are obliged to make the Call for Sites submissions available for public inspection. This means that, with the exception of telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures, your comments and other personal details that you provide will be publicly available. We therefore encourage you to avoid providing sensitive information that you do not wish to be published.

(362) Submit your site

If you have any queries about the questionnaire please contact:

call: Dudley: 01384 814136 | Sandwell: 0121 569 4249 | Walsall: 01922 658020 | Wolverhampton: 01902 554038

Need help completing this? Click here for our simple user guide.
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