OC2 version of form
No site plotted.
Clothier Street
Clothier Street, Willenhall
WV13 1BG
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27 houses
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10/1131/TE 14/0118/FL
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We feel the site is in a residential area as there has been a few new developments along Clothier Street. Our development will further strengthen the area with new residential homes and provide a better outlook to the the future of Willenhall. The development will also create jobs for local residents, which may result in them securing long term work with the construction companies involved in delivering the development.
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Wildside Activity Centre
Hordern Road Wolverhampton
The site is currently used to provide a community education centre with grounds, a large area of hard surface car parking, and access to the Staffs Worcester Canal. It is not proposed to change the use of the building or grounds.
The Centre will be able to provide employment on the site.
Some of the site has semi-mature woodland which would only be marginally affected by an extension to the building. Some of the site is in a flood zone making it unsuitable for large scale redevelopment. The site is presently largely covered by a SLINC designation which helps to protect its natural values.
No new infrastructure is needed
The Centre presumably had planning permission when it was built in the 1980's and there may be historic permissions dating from its industrial heritage.
Charitable type grants will be required as this is is not a commercial proposal.
The Trustees wish to continue the existing use of the site as a community centre. The Centre has had to change its operating base in recent times from being a Council-led service to become more of a social enterprise. Its ability to survive is dependent on generating income and in the long term this will require some extensions to the existing building, and the concern is that these may be restricted by Green Belt status. In planning terms Green Belt designation seems inappropriate for a site that was previously part of the Courtaulds factory complex and is now more than 50% taken up by a building and hard surface car parking. In this respect the site is as much brownfield as countryside. When assessing the site against the stated aims of the Green Belt in the National Planning Policy Framework there does not seem to be a case for its retention. 1) The location of the Centre is essentially urban green space adjacent to a local nature reserve and in no way would removal of the site from the Green Belt create urban sprawl. Instead allowing the Centre to expand would enable more work to be done to maintain the SLINC and adjacent green spaces. 2) The removal of this small site from the Green Belt would not mean that neighbouring towns merged into each other. 3) In no way would removal of the site from the Green Belt impact on the countryside. 4) There is no question of the existing designation protecting any historic town. 5) The current Green Belt designation actually restricts the urban regeneration of the highly deprived Whitmore Reans neighbourhood in which the Centre is located.
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Ketley Quarry
Dudley Road Kingswinford
Currently operating as a quarry with restoration of the void underway
some of the site has been used for mineral extraction and is being restored to a development platform. Other parts of the site are virgin however some coal mining has taken place in the past
Existing permissions relate to mineral extraction and restoration of the site
The restoration of the site is not yet complete, however some of the site where mineral extraction has not taken place could be made available before completion of restoration of the site
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Land at Himley Road
Land north and south of Himley Road Brierley Hill Himley Dudley
Arable fields
Area of mature woodland would need assessing and taken into account in relation to design. sensitive layout planning taking into account landscape features. Pylons partially cross the northern and eastern boundary of the site
Site would need a new access to the existing public highway and internal road network. Due to the scale of development envisaged it is believed it could support the provision of new local shops
Strong interest from both Developers and Promoters
It is believed the site would provide an immediate opportunity to deliver much needed housing on the edge of the Black Country in a sustainable location with good transport links. The site is under one ownership and could be considered as a standalone site, or as part of a wider area of development for Green Belt release.
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pasture land for horse grazing
don't know
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No answer given
will depend on final layout. Good infrastructure already in place
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No answer given
Not known at this stage
The site is in joint council areas bordering Dudley & South Staffs. Access would have to be from Dudley side.
Land at Side of The Robin Hood ( public house )
54, The Crescent Willenhall, West Midlands
WV13 2QR
Scrub land to side of public house with small car park. The land is in the ownership of the public house
4No 2 bedroom homes
Mining report shows one small shaft on the edge of the site and one just outside the site. The location f the houses however can be located well away from these areas. A right of way is located around the perimeter of the site, this however can be redirected through the site for easy access to the rear open space. Te LA inform us that this land has been designated as Public Open Space however the scheme for housing would improve the visual amenity of the area and improve access to the rear open space after relocation/enhancement of the public right of way
Te existing car park would be relocated within the new development
We believe a small development of 4/5 houses would enhance the area and provide good access into the main public open space to the rear of the site. It would also eliminate fly tipping and anti social behaviour.
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Land off Viewfield Crescent
Land Off Viewfield Cresent Dudley
The site is agricultural land Holding number 46/557/0165 and is currently used for sporadic grazing
20 Houses and Public Open Space
There is a public footpath that runs along the southern boundary and the site slopes from east to west.
There have been historically several small scale applications on the site for equestrian uses but these have all lapsed.
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approx 1.3 hectares of employment land or approx 40 homes could be built
Some of the land is on a slight slope
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The site is in the ownership of Sandwell MBC
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Land off Vicarage Road, Penn Wolverhampton
Land off Vicarage Road, Penn Wolverhampton
No answer given
Pasture Land used for horse grazing
24 dwellings in accordance with the planning apprisal layout that has been prepared
Tree condition report is attached
Planning Appraisal layout attached
Perton Court Farm.
Land east of Wrottesely Road and north of Pattingham Road Perton. Site does not have a post code. One nearby has been given below.
Arable agricultural use.
11.1 hectares housing. 19 hectares open space, allotments and sports facilities.
The site has been promoted through South Staffs DC SHLAA process and site allocation process. All those studies have revealed no constraints to development.
Site is in agricultural use and tenancy arrnagements can be ended at short notice.
The site has no physical or infrastructure constraints. It directly abuts Perton which has a full range of schools, shops and other facilities.
The site is owned by a private trust who have appointed this firm to actively promote the land through South Staffordshire's site allocation process. Numerous developers and promoters have approached us as agents and the land owner direct wishing to be involved in bringing the site forward. The Trust has the resources and by employing this firm as their planning agenmts the expertise to bring the site forward itself. As the Trust has had an involvement in the area for over 300 years it wishes to retain a degree of control over the development to ensure a very high quality scheme is delivered.
No as a green field site with no significant infrastructure problems the site is viable and deliverable.
The site is available and deliverable and within 500 metres of the Wolverhampton MBC boundary. It has been subject to detailed scrutiny as part of the South Staffs DC site allocation processes and not been found wanting in any regard. Of the possible sites to serve Perton's future growth it is the closest to the existing settlement and has direct footpath and cycle way links to all the local facilities including schools, shops and medical facilities.
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Land at Wilderness Lane / Greenhill Gardens B43 7TB
WIlderness Lane, Sandwell
B43 7TB
Vacant unused land
Nearby motorway is a noise source, but capable to design round this.
Not applicable
Not applicarequiredble - no major infrastructure
No viability difficulty envisaged
The site is folded into the urban area and contributes little to fundamental Green Belt objectives, being separated from the wider Green Belt by the nearby Academy. It is visually separated from the wider Green Belt, and for this reason affords little or no contribution to the five aims of Green Belt policy.
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Rear Land, Norton
Rear garden land Old Farm Norton Road Norton Stourbridge
Residential garden land.
9 detached houses
None of the above.
Heyford Homes
Please see Site Location Plan and Site Layout Plan attached.
Land on the East side of Chester Rd
Land opposite The Coach House with metal gate Chester Rd Aldridge Walsall
Land has no current use, and is waiting for development 22 years ago it was used for agriculture
150 more if apartments are made also
The land is on a main rd, but a whole new estate would be build to accommodate the houses. Schools are close by, as are local shops and Sutton Park
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Grassy Lane
Grassy Lane, Wolverhampton
No answer given
No answer given
Horse grazing - no public access
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Green Belt site bounded on three sides by built development in location well served by public transport, schools & other services. New housing would have little impact on openness or landscape charactor of wider Green Belt. Indicative housing layout prepared
Land north of Vicarage Road, Amblecote. Stourbridge.
Land north of Vicarage Road, Amblecote. Stourbridge. As a development site the site does not have a post code. Nearest property given below.
Land is in agricultural use for grazing.
The majority of the site is developable however in order to design a neighbourly scheme and retain as many of the existing trees and the two ponds on the site which may be of some ecological interest it has been assumed that approx 0.7 acres should be left undeveloped.
Site is leased on an agricultural tenancy that can be ended when planning permission is granted.
The site is in an urban area close to existing schools, shops, open space and sports facilities.
This site is being promoted by the owner The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust as it is no longer needed for any health care pruposes. Once an allocation for residential development is secured the site will be marketed to house builders on the open market.
No. as a green field site with drainage and utilities nearby no viability issues are expected.
The site is very likley to be shortly declared surplus to requirements and can come forward for residential development.
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237 Watling Street
237 Watling Street Brownhills Walsall
No answer given
It comprises a mix of land in agricultural use; two dwellings; agricultural and commercial buildings; and land used for car repairs and storage.
160 houses at 35 dph. 6ha employment land. Or a mix of residential and employment.
Noise from the industrial estate beyond the canal is audible on parts of the site at certain times
The site lies within the Green Belt. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) says Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances, through the preparation or review of the Local Plan. At that time, regard should be had to their intended permanence in the long term, so they should be capable of enduring beyond the plan period (NPPF paragraph 83). This review of the Plan is the right time to review boundaries as there is a need to find land for housing during the plan period. In addition, the boundaries should be considered in the light of needs beyond the plan period and land safeguarded for long term needs. Green Belt serves five purposes (NPPF paragraph 80). This site is assessed against each as follows. 1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas: The site lies on the edge of the built-up area of Brownhills and although development of the site would be an extension, it would consolidate existing uses and would not extend new development into locations that are currently open and unaffected by development. The site itself comprises existing buildings in residential, agricultural and commercial use along with agricultural land. To the north of the site on Watling Street (A5) is existing residential and commercial development that contains the site. To the west are buildings fronting the B5011. To the south is Anglesey Branch canal beyond which lies substantial buildings on an industrial estate and the area of the site that does not adjoin the canal is bounded by a permanent mobile home park fronting Lichfield Road and a narrow finger of agricultural land. To the east is agricultural land that slopes down to the traffic island of Watling Street (A5) / Hanney Hay Road / Barracks Lane. Development would not breach the established north eastern extent of urbanisation of New Town, Brownhills. The boundaries are robust, defensible and permanent, they would contain development. 2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another: Chasetown is the nearest settlement to the north and is 1.2km from the site. The intervening area is interrupted by development along the north side of the Watling Street and by land being worked for minerals. The physical distance between the existing settlement edges would not be reduced as a result of development. Hammerwich is the nearest settlement to the north east and is 1.3km from the site. Existing development around New Town on Watling Street and the mobile home park on Lichfield Road mean the physical distance between existing sporadic development would not be reduced as a result of development. 3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment: The introduction of development within any area of countryside would inevitably have an impact. However, encroachment will be perceived within a limited envelope as it will be viewed in the context of existing development visible around all sides of the site. The site does not extend beyond existing built development and this containment by other buildings limits the perception of encroachment. 4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns: There are no historic towns in the vicinity. 5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land: The site is on the edge of the built up area with the western and part of the southern boundary adjoining non-Green Belt land. It contains a small element of brownfield land.
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Public right of way between sites A and B Railway line runs along west boundary but in deep sandstone cutting. No ground engineering issues envisaged.
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Land rear of Greenhill Road, Halesowen
Greenhill Road, Halesowen, West Midlands B62 8HA
B62 8HA
Totally unused. Last use was a pig farm back in the 1980's the farmer then retired ( my great uncle). The land is overgrown with bramble and difficult to access.
I would suggest around 10-15 houses
the site needs the acquisition of a property to secure proper access. A TPO was put on some trees that populate the site in a sporadic manner but these could be accommodated within the redevelopment solution. When the site was considered for development many years ago I recall that there was a need for a foul drainage connection, perhaps this could be dealt with in a sustainable way now through an Eco solution.
Site is totally unused
Just an access as the proposal is only for a handful of properties, open space could be incorporated within the development.
There were details submitted by Barrett Homes in the early 90's but this was over a larger area and, in my mind, involved too many properties.
An access needs to be secured.....say 18 months/2 years?
Perhaps BCLEP funding could be utilised to acquire property to open up access
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The Old Gun Site, Langley Road
Land to the North of Langley Road Lower Penn WOLVERHAMPTON
Two thirds of the area most recently used as Grade 3 Agricultural Land, remainder comprises the brownfield remains of a World War 2 Anti-Aircraft Gun Emplacement
Up to 220 new homes using typical modern density of 30 units per hectare
No constraints applicable.
No such issues.
The site enjoys good road access to a straight part of Langley Road with plenty of scope for additional accesses and offers the benefit of good nearby (pedestrian accessible) services including both primary & secondary schools, local shops & amenities and the South Staffordshire Railway Walk.
South Staffordshire District Council granted planning permission under application reference 16/00747/FUL on 17th October 2016 for the development of a 49.99 MW Battery Storage Facility and associated infrastructure at the extreme northern edge of the site where it adjoins the neighbouring Wolverhampton West Electricity Sub-station operated by Western Power Distribution. This facility will operate for a projected 21 years (including construction and end-of-term site restorations) and current indications from the operators suggest construction will commence late Spring 2018.
Approaches have been received from agents acting on behalf of a number of major house builders seeking option agreements and/or land promotion agreements.
Due to the site's proximity to the neighbouring electricity sub-station and as part of the broader Electricity Market Reforms currently being undertaken in early 2015 all of the neighbouring houses along Langley Road (approximately numbered 96-108) were approached and invited to indicate their preferences in terms of development options for the site. The options presented included all for which previous suggestions had been made prior to our ownership (Housing, Crematorium/Cemetery and Gypsy/Traveller Site) plus those available through Electricity Market Reform (Large Solar Array/Battery Storage). Approximately 90% responded with the vast majority approving EMR options and almost universally opposed to the other options.
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Land on the South West side of Lapal Lane South
land on the South West side of Lapal Lane South Halesowen
B62 0ES
No answer given
Agriculture - Mainly equine grazing
14-20 dwellings depending on size.
Dudley No. 2 Canal Western Tunnel passes from West to East under the site at considerable depth. The tunnel is not in use and is not accessible from the site. Details from the deeds: The land is subject to the following rights contained in a Conveyance of the land in this title dated 12 June 1972 made between (1) Constance Mary Green and Gertrude Margaret Green and (2) David Parsons:- "Subject to the rights (if any) of the British Waterways Commission concerning the running of the Birmingham Canal Navigation Canal Tunnel under the said property hereby conveyed so far as the same are still subsisting and capable of taking effect."
No answer given
Private road/Access for new properties.
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Development cannot take place until existing tenant vacates the land.
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Field at Woodsetton
Adjacent to Tipton Road/Setton Drive, Sedgley,
Currently used for grazing
Tree Preservation Orders in force for about five trees
The site has potential for development because it fronts the main A457 road and has good existing access; there is a spatial and numerical shortage of sites in the Sedgley area compared with other areas e.g. Coseley; it is close to the schools at Woodsetton and High Arcal; it is served by public sewer which runs along the edge of the field; it would not impact on green belt policies even though currently it is designated as green belt. Adjacent owners would be willing sellers, making a sizeable site of six hectares with potential for houses, affordable homes and/or mixed use development.
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City of Wolverhampton College
Padget Road Wolverhampton
Education and supporting facilities providing further educational needs.
96 Dwellings incorporating a mix of 2,3 and 4 bedroom houses.
Existing college needs to relocate to an identified site in the locality. All existing rights of access are maintained via layout proposals.
Current educational facility intends to move to another identified site within the locality.
Non illuminated Nursery Signs Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV6 0DU Ref. No: 13/00140/ADV | Received: Thu 14 Feb 2013 | Validated: Tue 26 Feb 2013 | Status: Decided 1 No. Lime tree - reduce crown by a third. Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton WV6 0DU Ref. No: TREE/0143/11/TR | Received: Tue 23 Aug 2011 | Validated: Tue 23 Aug 2011 | Status: Decided Extension to existing motor vehicle workshop and service yard, new access ramp, fencing and flue system. Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV6 0DU Ref. No: 10/00472/FUL | Received: Tue 27 Apr 2010 | Validated: Tue 27 Apr 2010 | Status: Decided Single storey extension to dining hall and new access ramps. Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton WV6 0DU Ref. No: 10/00341/FUL | Received: Tue 23 Mar 2010 | Validated: Thu 15 Apr 2010 | Status: Decided
Existing further education facility needs to relocate to an identified site within the locality so latest anticipated commencement of development would be 2021.
Interest has been shown by a national house builder.
The site provides a short to medium term opportunity to develop 96 dwellings in this location. The allocation of this site for residential development will allow the existing college to relocate to new purpose built accommodation upgrading their offering to further education students.
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Land to Rear of City of Wolverhampton College
Land to rear of City of Wolverhampton College Compton Park Wolverhampton
Recreational facility used in conjunction with City of Wolverhampton College.
130 Dwellings consisting of a mix of 2,3 and 4 bedroom houses.
Current use is a recreational facility which would require relocation. Currently evidence of an informal right of way across the site.
Relocation of existing recreational facility to another identified site or upgrading of existing provision within the area.
Site presents an opportunity to develop circa 130 dwellings in the short term subject to planning and could form part of a wider residential led scheme.
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Land at Highfields
Land off Walsall Road Walsall Wood Walsall
Poor quality agricultural land used for grazing.
120 - 150
A public footpath crosses the site east to west from the access onto Walsall Road No previous activity known but the land (and adjoining land has the benefit of a 'dormant' planning permission for brick clay extraction As indicated above, planning permission exists for the extraction of Brick Clay on the Highfields North Site. This accords with national planning policy which seeks to retain these finite resources to meet the demands of future generations. It has previously been acknowledged by all parties (Company and Council) that the site is not without its challenges but this does not detract from its value as a finite and diminishing resource (especially given the situation regarding raw material supplies available to Walsall’s existing brickworks which was fully explained in Walsall's Local Plan Site Allocation Document). The remainder of the land covered by the extraction permission (ie excluding the site now being promoted) is also subject to a designation as an SSSI (a designation which post-dated the grant of permission) Current policies seek to impose significant restrictions on the manner in which the site can be worked and restored, but it must be borne in mind that the working of the site is very much controlled by the structure, quality and content of the underlying mineral deposit. Given the restricted nature of the site and the vagaries of the deposit it is highly unlikely that the site could be viably worked without disturbing the whole of the SSSI designation within it – either for extraction purposes or overburden storage. Mineral extraction within this site will therefore destroy the site’s special features but policies require that the entirety of the worked area covered by the SSSI designation must be restored to recreated wildlife habitats, of similar or enhanced value to those currently present. There is a clear inconsistency here. The fundamental point is that the two elements (clay extraction and safeguarding of the SSSI are totally incompatible). The requirements relating to the SSSI would render the site working unviable at considerable financial disadvantage to the Company. Securing development on this site has the potential to safeguard the whole of the existing SSSI. Protected habitats - see above. The adjoining land forms part of the Jockey Fields SSSI.
Planning Permissions EB3410 and BA5827
There is a clear conflict of interests on the wider Highfields site and this goes beyond the Extraction/SSSI difficulty. The passage of time since the original extraction permission has introduced other areas of concern - increased housing land in the locality, increased traffic on the local road network and likely impact of introducing significant heavy goods traffic activity for many years to come. Developing this small area would make it possible to secure the safeguarding of the SSSI.
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City of Wolverhampton College and associated land to the rear
Paget Road Wolverhampton
No answer given
Education and associated facilities, recreational facility used in conjunction with existing City of Wolverhampton College.
220 dwellings incorporating a mix of 2,3 and 4 bedroom houses.
College intends to relocate to an identified site within the locality. Amenity uses would need to be either relocated to an alternative site or existing provision in the area upgraded. Currently evidence of an informal right of way across the site.
College would be relocated tot an identified site in the locality. Existing 3rd party interests protected by layout proposals. Current amenity uses would be relocated to another identified site.
Non illuminated Nursery Signs Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV6 0DU Ref. No: 13/00140/ADV | Received: Thu 14 Feb 2013 | Validated: Tue 26 Feb 2013 | Status: Decided 1 No. Lime tree - reduce crown by a third. Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton WV6 0DU Ref. No: TREE/0143/11/TR | Received: Tue 23 Aug 2011 | Validated: Tue 23 Aug 2011 | Status: Decided Extension to existing motor vehicle workshop and service yard, new access ramp, fencing and flue system. Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV6 0DU Ref. No: 10/00472/FUL | Received: Tue 27 Apr 2010 | Validated: Tue 27 Apr 2010 | Status: Decided Single storey extension to dining hall and new access ramps. Wolverhampton College Wulfrun Campus Paget Road Wolverhampton WV6 0DU Ref. No: 10/00341/FUL | Received: Tue 23 Mar 2010 | Validated: Thu 15 Apr 2010 | Status: Decided
Amenity uses are available for immediate development subject to planning consent.
Site has potential to deliver circa 220-240 dwellings and associated infrastructure with early delivery of circa half of the proposed site subject to planning.
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No site plotted.
Metal casement site adjacent to Birch Street Walsall and Farringdon Street walsall
Land formerly Metal casements limited under title numbers WM639740 SF92269
Not in use previous manufacturing site for metal windows
100 plus
Limestone workings on certain area of the land
None really should be accommodated in existing services
Housing association and private developers
Maybe due to mining
With waterside and close proximity to town centre ideal location for residential development for Walsall.
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Land to the north of Langley Road
Langley Road Merry Hill Wolverhampton
The land comprises a mix of former nursery land and derelict glasshouses (now disused) together with productive arable farmland.
The land is located with the South Staffs District Council though adjoins the boundary with Black Country / Wolverhampton City boundary
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Land at Codsall Road, Wolverhampton
Codsall Road, Wolverhampton (see supporting location plan on email send out)
The site currently forms part of the South Straffordshire Golf Course
20-25 dwellings
Golf course would need to be redesigned to accommodate the loss of 2 acres. The golf course currently occupies approximately 112 acres.
See above
The subject site is in a sustainable location in the sense that the site is within Tettenhall's Settlement Boundary and directly adjacent to Codsall Road and Crestwood Glen Bus Stop that provides frequent direct bus services to Codsall Town Centre and Wolverhampton City Centre. The subject site has no physical constraints and subject to the site's release from the Green Belt it would offer a deliverable and an available site that should be allocated for housing development.
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