OC2 version of form
Land at Yorks Bridge
Land at Yorks Bridge, Lichfield Road, Pelsall, Walsall
Agricultural Land
c. 300 dwellings
Site is located adjacent to Pelsall North Common LNR/SINC. Development of the site would provide an opportunity to extend the value and landscape character of Pelsall North Common within the site to the north to provide a recreational landscape that also establishes a strong (new) landscape edge for the Green Belt.
Uncertain; this is an issue that would be examined further as the process progresses.
Development of the site would provide a logical new development boundary for Pelsall to the north. The site is sustainably located and within close proximity to a range of local facilities including doctors, schools, post office, convenience stores as well as existing employment areas; all of which are accessible by bus, cycle and foot. The site can be accessed via Lichfield Road and there are no technical or utility constraints. Development of the site provides an opportunity to extend the value and landscape character of Pelsall North Common Nature Reserve to provide a recreational landscape that also establishes a strong (new) landscape edge for the Green Belt. The site is available, deliverable and could contribute to housing provision in the local area. The majority of the site owned by St Modwen is within the administrative boundaries of Walsall Council however part of the site (3.6 ha) is located within Cannock Chase District Council. The site should be considered in its entirety.
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1,350 dwellings; 2.5ha commercial uses
All constraints have been taken fully into account in the Concept Masterplan submitted with this form and the accompanying representations for the Core Strategy Issues and Options consultation.
See concept masterplan accompanying this Call for Sites submission.
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Land north of Stonnall Road, Aldridge
Land north of Stonnall Road, Aldridge, Walsall
No answer given
approx 300 dwellings
o known constraints identified
Yes – the Natural England ALC map for West Midlands Region (ALC004) identifies the land as Grade 3. It does not differentiate between Grades 3a and 3b.
It is assumed that based on the scale of development, there is sufficient capacity within the local area regarding other social and physical infrastructure or would otherwise be improved via financial contributions. There however remains scope to consider other uses on-site.
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The site is available, suitable, deliverable and viable. There are no known constraints other than its location within the Green Belt. Otherwise it is in a very sustainable location, well related to the urban edge of Aldridge and can form a logical rounding off to the settlement and provide a new defensible boundary to the Green Belt, with minimal harm to the Green Belt purposes.
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Perton Park Golf Club
Wrottesley Park Road, Perton
The site is curently used as a golf club. Memebership levels are low, however decreasing. This is having adverse implications on the club's long term financial viability. As a consequence the owners of the clun are exploring the potential alternative use of the site alongside IM Land. The site is well placed to deliver a large scale residential development next to one of South Staffordhsire's principle settlements to assist in meeting the growth requirements of both Staffordhsire and the Black Country generally.
If fully developed, it could be assumed that approximately a third of the site will be set aside for public open space and associated infrastructure. As a consequence, the maximum net developable residential area could be in the region of approximately 33 hectares. Based on the density of 30 dph the site could deliver in the region of 990 dwellings.
The site promoter is not aware of any constraints to develoipment that cannot be addressed.
The site is currently in use as a golf club, however it may well be the case that this use needs to be significantly remodeled due to financial viability. The club is experiencing declining membership which is adversly affecting its fiancial position. If this trend continues, which it is expected to do, the existing use will need to be relocated.
The site is capable of providing a large scale residential development, on-site supporting infrastructure including new public open space, playing pitches and local facilities including a primary scholl and shops if required. The site promoters will welcome the opportunity to discuss on site services and facilioties with the local authority.
The Club has applied for changes of use and minor development in the past, predominantly relating to the club house.
The oqners are willing to diversify their current operation to free up land for residential development, which could act as an enabling scheme to ensure the longevity of the rationalised business. The timescales for this will depend on the delivery requirements of the local authority and the owner is willing to be flexible in this regard.
The site is being promoted by IM Land, an experienced site promoter, alongside the owners of the golf club. IM Land have identified that there is strong market interest in bringing the site forward for residential development should the site be allocated for a residential scheme in tyhe emrging plan.
The site is in highly sustainable location for development. The land between the club and the built up edge of Perton has been identified as a preferred location for residentialdevelopment by the emerging South Staffordshire Sites Allocations Plan. The site does, therefore, form a logical location for additional development next to the settlement edge. The development of the site will not adversely impact on the setting and special character of a historical town. The development of the site will not adversely affect urban regeneration. It is recognised by the emerging plan that there are insufficient brownfield sites available to meet the growth requirements of the Black Country, and it is now acknowledged that Green Belt release will be required. The site has strong and defensible Green Belt boundaries and is surrounded by mature vegetation on all sides. Whilst it will result in encroachment into the Green Belt this is true of any development in the Green Belt. The site is well suited for release from the Green Belt when considered against the guidance in the Framework. The site will not result in towns merging into one another. It is located on the western edge of Perton with no nearby settlements that will be impacted upon by the development. The site's close proximity to Perton means that it cahn take advantage of the existing services and facilities available in the wider area. The developemnt is also of a scale that it will help create further footfall in Perton Town Centre improving its viability and vitality. Furthermore if glof membership continues to decline, an alternative use must be clearly identified for the site. It cannot be simply left vacant. A residential led scheme is the most suitable alternative use for the site.
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The Traingle, Lodge Lane/Swindon Road, Kingswinford
Lodge Lane/Swindon Road/Kiddermisnter Road, Kingswinford, Dudley
The site is currently in agricultural use.
The site is controlled by an experince land promoter who has been promoting the site for the last three years. The promoters have received interest from a national housebuilder who is acquiring and developing the site.
The Representator has carried out an intial assessment of the suitability of the site for development. The assesssment by Messrs Atkins is attached for refernce.
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
Please see accompanying development Statement
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Land at Little Aston Road, Aldridge.
Little Aston Road, Aldridge, Walsall
A search using Walsall Councils interactive planning application map identifies the site as having a Certificate of Lawful Use for an Equestrian Centre (reference 10/1186/LE).
The constraints of the site are being explored through technical work. Currently we are aware of electricity lines to the east of the site. These are held under wayleaves and are capable of removal or compensation can be sought.
It is assumed that amenity open space would be provided on-site together with residential dwellings. The need for any contributions to off-site improvements to physical and social infrastructure arising from the residential development of the site would be subject to viability considerations.
A search using Walsall Councils interactive planning application map suggests there are no relevant live or historic planning applications or permissions pertaining to the land.
The site is under a promotional agreement to St Philips and a house builder would develop the site if planning permission were obtained.
No St Philips is of the view that the site is achievable and could be bought forward for development within the first five years of the new Core Strategy being adopted. However, this view would need to be confirmed by the eventual developer.
Hilton Park, Junction 11, M6 Motorway
Hilton Park, Junction 11, M6 Motorway
Developable area of up to 65 hectares (including estate roads), depending on route of M54, M6, M6 Toll Link Road Agriculture –Mixture of arable and grazing for livestock and horses.
Developable area of up to 65 ha depending on route of M54, M6, M6/Toll Link Road, generating up to 230,000 m2 (2.47 m. sq.ft2) of industrial and distribution floorspace.
Please refer to Sections 5 and 6 of the Development Prospectus on the assessment of these constraints and how they can be successfully mitigated by the development proposals.
Yes. Grade 3 as per Natural England West Midlands Agricultural Land Classification Map (Reference 10-111d).
New access will be provided from either A460 or direct from the new link road, depending on route chosen. The development will involve the provision of significant areas of open space and open up new footpaths and cycleways.
The site is not being marketed actively as the site does not have planning permission. However, agents are appointed (JLL and Bulleys) and enquiries have been received.
No. The site has potential for large scale development and this will support delivery of the site.
Please refer to the Development Prospectus which forms an enclosure to this form.
TPO on various trees on boundary of Whites Drive
One planning application to build property on Bilston Street (Possibly Lapsed).
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The site is not subject to any ecological or heritage constraints. There are no known technical constraints that would preclude the site being brought forward for development.
Notwithstanding the fact that developers provide for commuted sums when delivering new parks, sports pitches etc as part of development, this inevitably 3 places a burden on Local Authorities in terms of the continuous maintenance of such facilities. As part of new development, consideration should also be given to maximising the use of existing parks, sports pitches, nature areas and walking and cycling routes. New development can facilitate the enhancement of existing facilities through financial contributions and improvement of facilities. Consequently the enhanced use of existing facilities should also be a priority The land at Sutton Road, Walsall is well related in terms of its scale and location to the existing pattern of development including the residential development that adjoins the site at the south and east. The site is located such that it is within easy walking distance of all services and facilities within Walsall. Sutton Road, Walsall in the vicinity of the site is a public transport route. Everyday activities can be undertaken on the site, where there is the need to travel, there is the opportunity to do so by sustainable means.
The site is suitable, available and achievable for housing and is deliverable in the Plan period. Consideration should therefore be given to identifying the land at Sutton Road, Walsall within a general area to be released from the Green Belt to accommodate new housing.
Land west of Foxcote Farm, Oldnall Lane, Wollescote, Stourbridge
Land west of foxcote farm, Oldnall Lane, Wollescote, Stourbridge
Part of foxcote House Farm
Upto 170 dweliings
Yes, it is Grade 3 classification
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Land east of Turls Hill Drive
Turls Hill Drive Coseley Bilston
horse grazing
It is currently green belt
Grade 4
It has good road frontage, services nearby and existing housing on the other side of the road. It is a logical site for further necessary housing
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Land at Jones Lane, Great Wyrley
Easting: 399698, Northing: 306620
Site Area in Hectares of land suitable for development approximately 25.53 ha – subject to further masterplanning Agriculture
Approximately 600 homes, subject to further masterplanning.
According to DEFRA’s online mapping tool ‘Magic Map’ the site is in its entirety Grade 4 Agricultural Land.
The site is in a suitable location for housing development and there is a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged.
Aldridge Wyevale Garden Centre
Chester Road, Aldridge, Walsall
No answer given
Garden centre with retail sales and ancillary café.
6 detached properties.
No answer given
No – site is in active use as a garden centre.
None – if allocated for residential redevelopment, garden centre use on site would cease.
None of relevance.
No answer given
No answer given
Please refer to attached covering letter.
Land at Electrium Point
Land at Electrium Point, Forge Road, Willenhall, Walsall
WV12 4EY
Car parking area and area of managed / amenity grassland
Circa 23 residential dwellings
The car parking area can be relocated to vacant land at Electrium Point (this is under the ownership of Hortons’ Estate Ltd). Any future development will be supported by an Arboricultural Assessment to demonstrate the TPO trees (ref: 5/1977) will be retained and protected.
No – the site is previously developed land.
The car parking area can be relocated to vacant land at Electrium Point (this is under the ownership of Hortons’ Estate Ltd).
No new infrastructure would be required, save for internal access and car parking.
Refer to cover letter.
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Merry Hill
Merry Hill, Brierley Hill
Retail, Leisure, Office, Non-Residential Institutions
Not known at this time
Not known at this time
Not known at this time
Intu Merry Hill - Store F - Next/Sainsbury’s (P17/0615) - Infill of colonnade, erection of mezzanine and external alterations to Store F – approved 13 June 2017. Intu Merry Hill - Store B/D - Primark (P17/0781) - Change of use of mall space (sui generis) to shop (A1) to form part of Store D and change of use of Store B Café (A3) to mall space (sui generis) at lower mall level – approved 21 July 2017
Not known at this time
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Land off Aldridge Road.
Opposite One Hundred acre school, Aldridge Road, Walsall
B74 2BB
Grade 3. As shown on the West Midlands Region 1:250 000 Series Agricultural Land Classification
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