OC2 version of form

Showing forms 31 to 60 of 362
Form ID: 10065
Respondent: Bruton Knowles

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land at Cannock Road, Wolverhampton

Cannock Road, Wolverhampton

WV10 8PS



The site is greenfield land and is currently used for the grazing of cattle.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

75-100 dwellings

Not known

None of these


A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways






Not known





The subject site has no physical constraints and is sustainably located on the outskirts of the existing urban area of Wolverhampton. And subject to the site's release from the Green Belt it would offer a deliverable and an available site that should be allocated for housing development.

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Form ID: 10066
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


No site plotted.

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Cookley Works

Leys Road Brockmoor

No answer given



A vacant and cleared former industrial site

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

The total capacity of the site is envisaged to be in the region of 80 dwellings

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Contamination known or suspected

The site is contaminated as a result of the former industrial use. A phase 2 contamination report has been undertaken and the costs of decontaminating the site established.

NA – the site is clear of development

A new park / open space

The site is on two different levels that are separated by a steep slope. The lower level adjoins the southern side of the canal. This part of the site cannot readily be accessed by car and so it will be turned into an area of public open space





Under option to developer

An agreement is being finalised with a national house builder


The level of contamination and removal of the concrete slab that covers the site have significant cost implications. A viability appraisal has been undertaken and a reduction in the affordable housing requirement is likely to be necessary to make the development viable.


The site is in a suitable and sustainable location for development. It already benefits from a residential allocation and the landowner remains committed to bringing the site forward for housing.

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Form ID: 10067
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Land to the north of Lapal Lane South

Land to the north of Lapal Lane South Halesowen

No answer given


No answer given

Land to the north of Lapal Lane South, Halesowen

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Offices (Use Class B1a) , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

The total capacity of the site is envisaged to be 400 dwellings or 11 hectares of employment land

Not known

Historic building / landscapes

The site is referred to as part of a Landscape Heritage Area, which is a non-statutory designation and, therefore, a non-designated heritage asset. These designations cover the majority of the greenfield areas within Dudley MBC. It is our view that the weight to be given to these blanket designations is limited and that this designation needs to be treated with caution given the volume of land the designation relates to.

No answer given

NA – the site is clear of development

A new local centre , A new park / open space

There are no specific infrastructure requirements to serve the development other than those normally expected of a development of this scale such as on-site public open space, new access roads, etc. The site is, however, capable of providing new infrastructure to serve residents of the development and the benefit and the wider areas as a whole if this is required.






The site is being promoted by the landowner and they are committed to following the promotion of this site through to an allocation. Given the current Green Belt status and the early stage in the production of the plan, it is far too early to put the site on the market. For the sake of clarity, that is not to say the market would not be interested in the site and we are confident that on securing an allocation this site would attract interest from a large number of house builders.


At the present time no viability constraints are expected


The site is in a suitable and sustainable location for development. It is capable of providing a relatively significant amount of development to meet the growth requirements of the Black Country authorities (and Birmingham). In addition to the good links to the strategic network, the site benefits from direct access onto Carters Lane, which provides direct access into Halesowen to the north, Birmingham to the east and a range of services and facilities. The site can start to deliver development promptly assisting in meeting the significant Black Country housing shortfall in the short term

Form ID: 10068
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Former MEB site, Bull Street

Bull Street Dudley



Vacant industrial

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

The site is suitable for the development of in the region of 80 houses.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Contamination known or suspected , Pylons crossing the site / sub – station

A planning application is being prepared for the site. This will include a ground investigation report and other technical reports as agreed with DMBC officers.



There is a previous planning permission for residential development (reference P05/1698).


Not known


Unknown - to be determined by the developer.


The site is allocated for residential development in the adopted Dudley Borough Development Strategy.

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Form ID: 10070
Respondent: Iceni Projects

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Land at Former goscote hospital Site




No answer given

Health and Social Care

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Community Facilities (including health or education)

 Residential and/or care home uses. Indicative capacity for c. 49 residential units and the provision of care home uses (approximately 5,600 sqm)

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Broadband internet

Historic building / landscapes

Goscote House is a locally listed building

No answer given

The existing health and social care buildings are expected to remain on site, and continue to be operational. However, the site includes a number of areas with development potential. In particular, the southern and western land parcels of the subject site including Goscote House are likely to be considered surplus to the operational healthcare requirements of the NHS. Confirmation is expected within the next 12 months. These site parcels should be therefore be considered suitable for alternative uses including a range of residential accommodation, depending on the needs of the local community.

Nothing chosen

Not known at this stage - dependent on final capacity of redevelopment and local needs. Given the site size, it is not considered that redevelopment of the site would require the provision of substantial infrastructure.


07/0773/OL/E11 Outline: Demolition of existing hospital buildings and redevelopment to provide new health and social care buildings to include Dementia Care and Palliative Care Units together with access, associated hard and soft landscaping 07/2085/FL/E11 40no. Dementia Care Apartments, Communal Facilities, Day Treatment and Day Care Centres, Parking and associated landscaping. 08/1299/FL New build palliative care centre, accommodation to include 12 inpatient beds, day care centre, therapy and counselling services along with associated ancillary services and staff/admin facilities. External landscaping and provision of 37 no. parking spaces


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

Confirmation the site is surplus to the operational healthcare requirements of the NHS is expected within the next 12 months. Interest received from prospective developers.


Not known at this stage


This site is being promoted to provide additional residential development and/or care home uses, subject to parts of the site being declared surplus to the operational healthcare requirements of the NHS (confirmation expected within 12 months).

Form ID: 10071
Respondent: Blackmoor Group

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land between A449 and east of School Lane, Coven

Land East of School Lane Coven



Unused open land Grade 3 Agricultural Land

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Circa 90 houses

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Land in other ownership must be acquired to develop the site

Access to the site to be taken from School Lane, this would be aligned to the north of properties to Sunset Close. Part of the land required to create the access is currently owned by Brewood and Coven Parish Council. Discussions have been held with the Parish Council, and with assistance from the South Staffordshire Council legal team, confirmation has been received in writing dated 14 August 2015 that the Parish council is willing to sell the land.


Non other than those that would be sought through S106 planning obligations or CIL such as a Travel Plan and public transport contributions.



Under option to developer

The ownership of the site is straightforward and therefore deliverable, as it is owned by one family. They have granted a long term option to Peter Maddox and Associates to promote the site and carry out the development.




The site is approximately 0.3km from the s St Paul’s C of E First school and nursery, which is located on School Lane, and 0.6km from the village centre which includes local convenience stores, a post office and a public house. The site is within close proximity of industrial and employment sites including Four Ashes Industrial Estate, Wolverhampton Business Park, Hilton Main Industrial Estate and i54 Enterprise Zone. Bounded by the A449, Stafford is approximately 10.6 miles away and Wolverhampton 5.8 miles away. The A449 also provides access to the junction 2 of the M54, which is two miles from the site, and the A5 is within 2.3 miles of the site which provides access to the M6. The A449 provides a strong, defensible and definitive boundary for any revised Green Belt Boundary at this location. We are not aware of any constraints to the site which would prevent development such as restrictive covenants, public rights of way, flood risk, physical constraints including topography or trees or contamination affecting the site. The site is therefore available immediately.

Form ID: 10072
Respondent: Blackmoor Group

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land West of Moor Lane, Pattingham

Moor Land Pattingham



Open land Agriculture Land Classification Grade 3A

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Community Facilities (including health or education)

24 dwellings and medical facility/community use circa 400 sqm

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

Not applicable

Non-other than those that would be sought through S106 planning obligations or CIL such as a Travel Plan and public transport contributions



Under option to developer

The ownership of the site is straightforward and therefore deliverable, as it is owned by one family. They have granted a long term option to the Blackmoor Group to promote the site for development.




The site is boarded by the village on three sides, with the hedge and house to the south providing a clear definitive boundary, where the land rises. Discussions have been held with Staffordshire County Council Highways department, and they have no objection to the access, from Moor Lane. Discussions have been held with Claverley Medical Practice, with regard to providing a medical centre on part of the site, as currently this is provided in an annex to a dwelling in the village. An Agricultural Land Classification report has been commissioned which confirms that the site is Grade 3A. We are not aware of any constraints to the site which would prevent development such as restrictive covenants, public rights of way, flood risk, physical constraints including topography or trees or contamination affecting the site. The site is therefore available immediately.

Form ID: 10073
Respondent: Blackmoor Group

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land at Bridge Farm, Brinsford Lane, Coven Heath

Bridge Farm, Brinsford Lane, Coven Heath,

WV10 7PR


Class B8 - storage of HGVs

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Contamination known or suspected

Owing to the historic use of the site namely the storage of vehicles, some remediation works may be required which would form part of any planning application.

Existing operator is retiring

Non-other than those that would be sought through S106 planning obligations or CIL such as a Travel Plan and public transport contributions


Application for mobile static caravan - refused (13/01017/FUL); application for change of use for the storage of caravans including reception office - refused (01/00235/COU); and application for renewal of narrow boat workshop - refused (00/00576/VAR)


Under option to developer

Option agreement Green Homes Telford Ltd



Rectangular in site this is a brownfield underutilised site located in the Green Belt. There are two substantial double height storey sheds; a large bungalow; and the remainder of the site is covered in hardstanding. The site is bounded to the north by the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal; to the east by a mature hedge and the Wolverhampton Casuals Football Club; to the south by Brinsford Lane; and the west by the A449. The site is approximately 0.6miles from Junction 2 of the M54 and is located within the triangle to the three Strategic Employment Sites in South Staffordshire namely i54; Hilton Cross; and the Royal Ordnance Factory (ROF) at Featherstone. The site is approximately 1.3 miles away from the shops on Brewood Road in Coven, and 2 miles from the shops on The Avenue in Featherstone. The site is presently used as a storage facility for HGVs, but the operator is retiring. As part of the evidence gathering exercise for the South Staffordshire Site Allocations Document, (SAD), the Employment Land Study identifies that there is an oversupply of 12.3 ha of employment land to meet South Staffordshire’s local employment need. However, in light of the findings of the Black Country and South Staffordshire Sub Regional High Quality Employment Land Study 2014/15, and whilst it is not for South Staffordshire to meet the Black County employment land shortfall, the Council has sought to allocate modest extensions to the designated Strategic Employment Sites in the SAD to help to meet these wider regional needs. The loss of this existing use (Class B8) is therefore not considered an obstacle is respect of considering alternative uses for this brownfield site.

Form ID: 10074
Respondent: Mr Carl Higgs

Part owner



Map 1268
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Land off 385 Penn Road and Vicarage Road

385 Penn Road, Wolverhampton




The site is currently used as a dwelling house with garage, out house and swimming pool (0.72 Ha) with the remaining land being used for farm animal grazing.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Taking into account the character of the surrounding area, the site's topography and the tree's along the boundary the site could accommodate between 50 - 70 homes

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these


None of the above will be required. However, the site will be expected to deliver the normal planning gain requirements in line with the adopted planning policy at the time.


C/1294/87 - change of use from dwelling house to old peoples home, extension and conversion of existing garage to bedrooms - Approved A/C/2893/79 - erection of detached bungalow - Refused 06/01722/FUL - single storey rear extension - Approved


Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

The site is located in a highly desirable residential area. There are a number of interested house builders who would acquire the site once planning permission for housing is granted.


No. The site has no real abnormal development costs which would require external funding.


We attach for your information a site location plan. The site is located on the Penn Road in Upper Penn. The site is highly sustainable being on a main bus route into Wolverhampton and being within walking distance of a comprehensive range of facilities including pubs, nursery, shops, doctor’s surgery and dentists. The site is well hidden from most views with a strong belt of trees surrounding the site to the north, west and south. The site in not in a Conservation Area nor within any designated ecology or habitat area. However, the site is adjacent to Penn Hall School which is a Grade II Listed Building. However, there is a substantial tree buffer between the subject site and the listed building which sits within its own grounds. This in addition to the sites topography would result in minimal effect on the setting on the Listed Building given its current use and the amount of new buildings that have been constructed within the grounds of Penn Hall. The site is within the greenbelt however, we would argue that there is no real purpose for the inclusion of this site within the greenbelt as it is unclear what the reasons are for protecting the land from development. The land in fact, lends itself more to the suburban nature of Upper Penn and with development on all sides of the site including the cemetery to the west. The release of this site from the greenbelt would result in minimal harm to the surrounding area and would not contribute towards the coalescence or joining of any surrounding villages. In addition, Vicarage Road acts as the natural boundary between the suburban built form of Penn and the countryside to the south, and its release for development would have limited visual and landscape impact. The site is immediately deliverable for housing and there are no technical issues which would adversely affect the viability of the site.

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Form ID: 10075
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.


No site plotted.

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Land at Limepit Lane, Huntington

Land to the north and south of Limepit Lane, Huntington (immediately adjacent to the eastern edge of the settlement)



Agricultural and area of woodland. The area of woodland is excluded from the development proposal.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

The total capacity of the site is envisaged to be in the region of 840 dwellings. However, it should be noted that the land to the north and east of Limepit Lane are capable of coming forward for development independently. Both parcels of land are approximately the same size and can deliver c420 units each.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Broadband internet

Area of mature woodland / tree preservation order

There is an area of woodland on the site. It is, however, proposed that this should be excluded from any residential allocation.

NA – the site is clear of development.

A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

There are no specific infrastructure requirements to serve the development other than those normally expected of a development of this scale such as on-site public open space, new access roads, etc. The site is, however, capable of providing new infrastructure to serve residents of the development and the benefit and the wider areas as a whole if this is required. IM Land would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter further with officers of South Staffordshire and Black Country authorities.


Time expired South Staffordshire planning permission 95/00455. Planning permission was granted for residential development on part of the application site. Please see attached representation to South Staffordshire Council Site Allocation’s Local Plan.


Under option to developer

The site is controlled by an experienced land promoter and has been acquired in the knowledge of strong market interest in delivering residential development in this location. IM Land are of the view that if the site is allocated for development the delivery of residential development on site will be prompt and sales rate will be strong.


At the present time no viability constraints are expected.


The site is in a suitable and sustainable location for development. It is capable of providing a relatively significant amount of development to meet the growth requirements of the Black Country authorities (and South Staffordshire). It has good access to a range of services and facilities given its close proximity to Huntington Town Centre and the relationship between Huntington and Cannock. The site can start to deliver development promptly assisting in meeting the significant Black Country housing shortfall in the short term.

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Form ID: 10076
Respondent: Berrys

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Wightwick Mill Field

Land south of Bridgnorth Road, Compton, Wolverhampton




Site has historically been farmland but not farmed in recent years.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches


Mains sewage

Flood risk / drainage problems

Part of the site is Flood Zone 2 and 3. It is not proposed to build in these areas.


As part of any proposal a large part of the site would be made available for open space/ nature area with public footpaths/access.



Owned by developer

The owner of the site Haywood Homes would develop the site straight away if planning permission is secured.




The site has existing housing development on either side of it and any proposal would incorporate using the undeveloped area of the site as public open space / nature reserve and allow for public footpath / assess. This will improve wider connectivity and improve the biodiversity value of the site.

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Form ID: 10093
Respondent: Tyler-Parkes

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land off Overend Road, Cradley Heath Business Park, Cradley Heath

Land off Overend Road, Cradley Heath Business Park, Cradley Heath

B64 7DW


Employment use.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

At a density of 35 to 60 units per hectare, approximately 105 to 180 dwellings could be provided, subject to agreement with the LPA and detailed design and layout.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Current use needs to be relocated

Discussions with occupants of employment units to discover requirements and assist in identifying alternative premises/land – potentially within new areas of land yet to be allocated within Black Country Core Strategy Review process.


The sites have a long history of employment related planning applications. There have been pre-application enquiries regarding the construction of 2 industrial units (Pre-App 7808)


Could be made available within 15 years if allocated for residential development.



Please refer to letter of representation in response to Black Country Core Strategy Review and the comments made in this letter in support of the ‘Call for Sites’ application.

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Form ID: 10099
Respondent: Fisher German

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268
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Land south of Holly Lane

Holly Lane, Landywood, Great Wyrley, Staffordshire



No answer given


Private Market Housing

The overall site capacity would be subject to assessment against gross:net area density assumptions.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Watercourse / culvert / other water body , Constraints on adjoining land e.g. railway line, noisy industry , Historic building / landscapes

There is a pond located to the south of the site (this may already been drained). A drain is located north of the site behind Landywood Farmhouse and its accompanying buildings. A narrow watercourse runs through the south of the site across the train line and through the boundary. The sites are located either side of the local railway line between Birmingham and Rugeley. Landywood Farmhouse is Grade II Listed, this property can be viewed from the north, east and southern part of the site.

Grade 4 agricultural land – poor quality (Natural England Agricultural Land Classification Map West Midlands Region (ALC004)).


A new park / open space

Any requirement for new facilities shall depend on the scale of the development and evidence of infrastructure needs in the local and wider areas.


No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

No answer given

No answer given



The site is a central settlement location surrounded by residential housing estates to the north and close to village facilities including the public house directly opposite the north of the site. Bus stops are a short walk away and are both to the east and west on Gorsey Lane, Strawberry Lane and Streets Lane. Landywood train station is located approximately 900m away with regular trains between Birmingham and Rugeley. Landywood Primary School is located on the east boundary edge and Holly Lane Nursery is also located close by. The nearest supermarket is located approximately 1.5km in the north of Great Wyrley. The site is located at the edge of the existing settlement boundary and would be a logical extension of the settlement to meet the wider Housing Market Area’s needs.

Form ID: 10102
Respondent: William Davis

Part owner



Map 1268
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Land off Sutton Road

Longwood lane, Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

The site is a combination of low grade, unfarmed agricultural land and a small paddock with access directly off Longwood Lane

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Assuming 65% of the land can be converted into dwellings (the remainder being infrastructure, attenuation and ancillary mitigation) the site would yield circa 200 homes.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

No answer given

The site is not actively farmed.

No answer given

Flood mitigation system , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

The proposed residential development will incorporate ancillary infrastructure including footpaths and (if necessary) cycleways. Moreover, an attenuation pond and public open space will form integral parts of the scheme


No answer given


No answer given

Owned by developer

No answer given




The site is deemed to be accordance with the emerging Black Country Issues and Options in that it is a sustainable, accessible and deliverable parcel of Green Belt land. The site is within 1.5km of the Walsall ring road (A4148) and can therefore be considered accessible in the context of local shopping, education and employment opportunities; it is also well linked to the town’s existing regeneration corridors and regional road network. The Town centre is 2.5km west and provides train linkages throughout the local and regional area. The site is easily accessed by a frequent bus route, running between Walsall and Sutton Coldfield (77.) At a more local level, an existing and well established shopping facility lies within 500m of the site and further restaurants, coffee shops and a post office are within easy walking reach. Within 2km of the site, 6 schools are available, ranging from primary to secondary and featuring one grammar school.

Form ID: 10103
Respondent: William Davis

Part owner



Map 1268
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Land off Bromwich Lane

Land off Bromwich Lane Pedmore Dudlety


Un-farmed grassland

Private Market Housing

Assuming 65% of the land can be converted into dwellings (the remainder being infrastructure, attenuation and ancillary mitigation) the site would yield circa 80 homes.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Flood mitigation system , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

The proposed residential development will incorporate ancillary infrastructure including footpaths and (if necessary) cycleways. Moreover, an attenuation pond and public open space will form integral parts of the scheme


Nothing chosen

Under option to developer




The site is considered to be in accordance with the emerging issues and options policy in that it is a sustainable and deliverable Green Belt parcel. Although not within an allocated regeneration corridor, the site is closely linked to two. Moreover, the Stourbridge strategic centre is within 5km and local shopping centres and facilities are within 2km of the site. In terms of access, the site adjoins a road network affording bus routes to and from Dudley and Stourbridge via the 276; where access to other towns and Birmingham can be gained. Further to this, two train stations (Stourbridge Junction and Hagley) are within 1500m and offer services to local and regional hubs. In terms of the private car, the M6 is around 6km due east of the site and easily reached through the existing road network. Ten schools, with a mixture of primary, secondary and colleges are within 2km of the site.

Form ID: 10105
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land at former Caparo Works

Land between Wyrley and Essington Canal, Miner Road, Green Road and Old Birchalls, Walsall



Vacant cleared industrial land.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

It is envisaged that the site will accommodate up to 310 dwellings.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Contamination known or suspected , Previous mining activity known or suspected , Ground instability (not linked to mining)

The site is a former industrial site and contains disused mineshafts, underground workings and filled land. Ground investigation work is currently in progress.


There are no uses at the site that need to be relocated in order to accommodate the development.

Other tha the provision of access and on-site roads and infrastructure the owner is not aware of any new infrastructure requirements that will be needed to support the development.


There is an undetermined planning application for the development of the site for residential purposes (reference 11/1411/OL). Technical reports are presently being prepared in order to progress the application.


Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

There is interest from PLC housebuilders.


Unknown - to be determined by the developer and the results of the current investigations.


In June 2017 we agreed with the council (Alison Ives, Principle Planning Officer) that updated technical reports would be submitted in order ro progress the undetermined planning application for the site. The work is underway.

Form ID: 10106
Respondent: Barton Willmore

Nothing chosen



Map 1268
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Land at Yieldsfarm Farm

Stafford Road (A3), To the north of Bloxwich



Agricultural land

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Retail , Community Facilities (including health or education)

2,000 (approximately)

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Watercourse / culvert / other water body , Protected species / habitats , Historic building / landscapes




Flood mitigation system , Primary School , Local shops , A new local centre , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

Please refer to development framework document (April 2017)




Under option to developer






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Form ID: 10107
Respondent: Savills

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land to the East and West of Chester Road, Hardwick

Land to the East and West of Chester Road, Hardwick, Walsall




The land is currently used for agricultural purposes.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Retail , Sports / Leisure

Maximum of 495 dwellings – 35dph using 60% of the site.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Pylons crossing the site / sub – station , Constraints on adjoining land e.g. railway line, noisy industry

There is a pylon running from north to south across the western boundary of the site. There is a railway line running adjacent to the eastern part of the site.

Grade 3 Agricultural Land – good to moderate (Source – Natural England West Midlands ALC Plan)


A new local centre , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways , Other

New site entrance junction – either separate or combined



Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

10 proposals received from national developers and site promoters.




The site is adjacent to the existing settlement of Hardwick and would be a logical extension to the settlement. It is also within 2 km to Aldridge town centre and 640 meters to Hardwick District Centre.

Form ID: 10108
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Lawnswood House Estate

Lawnswood House, Kingswinford, Dudley

No answer given



Private House and outbuildings and Agricultural land.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Broadband internet

Footpaths and cycleways , Other

Connections can be made to existing networks Section 106/ CIL contribution can be made to social infrastructure such as education. Development at this site can connect into the existing highway network. Offsite works of a minor nature are anticipated but no major works are required. Otherwise contributions can be made to social infrastructure.



Owned by developer

The land and building are controlled by a developer.


None are expected.


The site is capable of providing a high quality residential scheme adjoining the border with BCCS, thereby contributing to the greenfield element of housing provision.

Form ID: 10109
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land off Western Road / A491 Stourbridge Road

Land off Western Road / A491 Stourbridge Road


Agricultural land.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Rights of way (public or otherwise) across the site

A public right of way crosses the site.

The site is currently subject to a short term grazing license, which can be terminated when the site is required.

Secondary School , A new local centre , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

Hagley is already well served with a range of existing facilities and infrastructure which make it suitable to accommodate further new residential development. The site will form a logical extension to Hagley and will use existing infrastructure in the settlements.



Under option to developer

The site is being promoted by a housebuilder and will be developed when planning permission is secured.


The site is a greenfield site and as such we are not aware of any constraints to development at this stage.


The site represents a logical extension to existing housing development in Hagley. Hagley is highly sustainable settlement, with existing primary and secondary schools, along with a train station, that is well related to the Black Country and, therefore, well placed to receive a proportion of the current housing requirement in the BCCS. The following questions ask what you think the site could potentially be used for, what services are available and any related constraints on the site.

Form ID: 10110
Respondent: Harris Lamb

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Stoney Lane, Stakenbridge, Hagley

Stone Lane, Stakenbridge, Hagley


Agricultural land.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Pylons crossing the site / sub – station , Constraints on adjoining land e.g. railway line, noisy industry

The site is located close to an existing railway line and therefore could be subject to noise emanating from this. Likewise, the Sweetpool nature area is located in close proximity to the site. Notwithstanding these potential constraints, we consider that development could be adequately mitigated to take account of these.

The site is currently subject to a short term grazing license, which can be terminated when the site is required.

A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways , Other

Hagley is already well served with a range of existing facilities and infrastructure which make it suitable to accommodate further new residential development. The site will form a logical extension to Hagley and will use existing infrastructure in the settlements.


No – No relevant planning applications


Under option to developer

The site is being promoted by a housebuilder and will be developed when planning permission is secured.


The site is a greenfield site and as such we are not aware of any constraints to development at this stage.


The site represents a logical extension to existing housing development in Hagley. Hagley is highly sustainable settlement, with existing primary and secondary schools, along with a train station, that is well related to the Black Country and, therefore, well placed to receive a proportion of the current housing requirement in the BCCS. The following questions ask what you think the site could potentially be used for, what services are available and any related constraints on the site.

Form ID: 10111
Respondent: Planning Prospects Ltd

Potential Purchaser



Map 1268
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Holbeache Lane/Wolverhampton Road, Kingswinford

Land fronting Wolverhampton Road and Holbeache Lane, Kingswinford

No answer given



Agricultural land

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

350 – 400 dwellings at a density of 30 to 35 dwellings per hectare

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Nothing chosen

The Site is not directly affected by any of the constraints listed above. Holbeache House to the north of the site is listed, but there is significant landscape screening between such that the building or its setting is not affected.

Yes, precise grade not known. Site does not form an essential part of existing farm holding.


Nothing chosen

There are no major infrastructure requirements associated with the site’s development. Where improvements are required to say local schools, appropriate financial contributions can be provided.


No answer given


No answer given

Under option to developer

No answer given




The site currently lies within the Green Belt, but a logical and defensible Green Belt boundary can be secured by following the north western boundary of the site along Holbeache Lane. The site is already contained by and sits opposite existing housing on Wolverhampton Road and sits immediately adjoining existing housing to the south east. The site has direct access to Wolverhampton Road, with provision of a new arm of the existing roundabout. New local equipped play facilities could support the development of the site, existing trees to site boundaries retained and a sustainable development of high quality new housing provided which would positively contribute to the area and meet housing needs.

Form ID: 10112
Respondent: Planning Prospects Ltd

Potential Purchaser



Map 1268
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Middlemore Lane West, Aldridge

Land at junction of Middlemore Lane West and Bosty Lane, Aldridge



Agricultural land

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

35 – 40 dwellings at a density of around 30 – 35 dwellings per hectare

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

The Site is not directly affected by any of the constraints listed above. The Daw End Railway Cutting SSSI lies immediately to the north of the site. There are also some existing mature trees to Bosty Lane and to the railway embankment, but these can be retained.

Yes, precise grade not known. Site does not form an essential part of existing farm holding.


There are no major infrastructure requirements associated with the site’s development. Where improvements are required to say local schools, appropriate financial contributions can be provided.



Under option to developer




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Form ID: 10113
Respondent: Tyler-Parkes

Sole owner



Map 1268
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30 Gorge Road, Sedgley

30 Gorge Road, Sedgley, Dudley



Employment/Commercial Yard

Private Market Housing , Sports / Leisure

8 dwellings

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Oil

Current use needs to be relocated , Contamination known or suspected

Relocation of existing commercial yard


Existing occupation is the business operated by the current land owner.



95/51740 – Outline for residential development. Resolution to approve ,but S106 not completed and application subsequently withdrawn.


Relocation of business. Unknown.

Not known




See accompanying letter in support of Call for Sites submission

Form ID: 10114
Respondent: Turley Associates

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Racecourse Lane, Stourbridge

Racecourse Lane, Stourbridge




Golf course, farm land and grazing

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Community Facilities (including health or education) , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

500 dwellings

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Rights of way (public or otherwise) across the site , Protected species / habitats

Footpath and local habitat on golf course Minor substations on edge of area and some telegraph poles

Not known

No answer given

Primary School , Secondary School , Other

Health facility


Planning application by Golf Club for a practice area (P09/0282/E1) Planning application for school sports field (withdrawn – built elsewhere – P04/0240)


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

Numerous enquiries from national housebuilders and promoters




Please see representations report (submitted 8 September 2017)

Form ID: 10115
Respondent: Turley Associates

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land off Birmingham Road, Great Barr

Land off Birmingham Road, Great Barr

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Offices (Use Class B1a) , Retail , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education) , Sports / Leisure , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

Residential only = 700-900 homes Mixed residential and employment = 300-400 new homes and circa 35,000-40,000 sqm employment space

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Broadband internet

None of these

No answer given

The land is identified within the West Midlands Region Agricultural Classification as ‘Other land primarily in non-agricultural use’


Nothing chosen

Studies are currently being undertaken to understand infrastructure requirements associated with development of the site.


No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

The landowner has been approached by both housebuilders and industrial developers regarding the availability of the site.




No answer given

Form ID: 10116
Respondent: Turley Associates

Nothing chosen



Map 1268
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Columba Park

Land at Queslett Road/ Aldridge Road, Walsall

B74 2DT



Agricultural/ grazing

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education) , Sports / Leisure , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify


Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Underground services , Pylons crossing the site / sub – station , Historic building / landscapes

There is a 450mm aqueduct pipe running along the western boundary, which has been taken account of in the development masterplan. Pylons cross the northern corner of the site, however this area does not form part of the ‘developable land’. The site is affected by the Great Barr Conservation Area.

Yes, some is recorded as grade 3 (good to moderate), however further testing will need to be undertaken.

The land parcels included within the promotion do not include business premises that will require relocation.

Primary School , Local shops , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

Studies are currently being undertaken to understand infrastructure requirements associated with development of the site.


No answer given


No answer given

Owned by developer , Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

Part of the site is owned Freehold by a developer (Walton Homes). The remainder will be subject to a Promotion Agreement, where phases will be taken to the market following planning consent. Interest has been expressed by plc housebuilders to date.




The site is being comprehensively promoted by IM Land to demonstrate its delivery in the short-medium term. A Vision Document, backed up by detailed evidence accompanies IM Land’s ‘Issues and Options’ submission, showing that there are no technical constraints that would prevent a scheme of approximately 1,500 units coming forward.

Form ID: 10118
Respondent: GVA

Developer - you intend to construct the development yourself if the site is allocated and planning permission is subsequently obtained.



Map 1268
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Land at Bosty Lane, Aldridge, Walsall.

College Farm, Bosty Lane, Aldridge, Walsall,

WS9 0LF.



The site is currently used for agriculture and generally comprises agricultural fields associated with College Farm, which lies at its centre. The farm currently consists of a mix of agricultural, equine and commercial buildings and associated areas of hardstanding.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education) , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

Approximately 570 new homes, at an average density of 35 dwellings per hectare, appropriate to current requirements of Walsall Council and suited to the local area with a mix of housing types, tenure, and sizes.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Current use needs to be relocated , Rights of way (public or otherwise) across the site , Constraints on adjoining land e.g. railway line, noisy industry , Protected species / habitats

The proposals have the support of the landowner and thus the agricultural use of the site would cease if the site were redeveloped for housing. The existing PRoW through the site would be retained within a green corridor which would ensure that views to the open land to the south will be retained. Park Lime Pits LNR and SINC are situated adjacent to the site to the west, with a small part of the SINC extending into the site. Daw End Branch Canal SLINC is also situated adjacent to the site. There is potential to retain this area as part of a new wildlife corridor within the western part of a new residential development, which could have controlled public access. A railway line bounds the site to the north west, and despite the railway being in a cutting, there is the potential for noise impact on the site. However this constraint could be overcome if the development included an appropriate landscape buffer area between the railway line and the site, and orientated new residential properties to minimise any noise impacts upon future residents. Please refer to the Development Statement submitted with Taylor Wimpey UK Limited’s representations to the Black Country Core Strategy Review Issues and Options consultation (GVA, September 2017) for full details of the constraints and opportunities on the site.

The proposals have the support of the landowner and thus the agricultural use of the site would cease if the site were redeveloped for housing.

Primary School , Secondary School , Local shops , A new local centre , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

It is anticipated that complementary uses for the residential development would be required in the form of an educational facility, a local centre with shops, open space and footpaths and cycleways. These features have been designed in to the Illustrative Masterplan which has been submitted for the site. The need for a primary school or secondary school would need to be discussed and agreed with the Education Authority and informed by robust evidence. The other complementary uses on the site would also need to be informed by up-to-date evidence of local need.


A detailed planning history search has not been undertaken but it appears that historic planning permissions are only those which relate to the extant agricultural use of the site at College Farm.


Under option to developer

Taylor Wimpey UK Limited control’s the site by way of an option agreement with the three different landowners.


No - The site is achievable and could be bought forward for development within the first five years of the new Core Strategy plan period, given there are no known legal or technical impediments that would preclude the development of the site.


The full details of the site and the opportunity provided by it are presented within the Development Statement (which contains an Illustrative Masterplan) that has been submitted alongside Taylor Wimpey UK Limited’s representations to the Black Country Core Strategy Review Issues and Options consultation (GVA, September 2017). Please refer to the Development Statement for further information.

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Form ID: 10119
Respondent: First City Limited

Sole owner

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Map 1268
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Land at Cherringham, Bridgnorth Road, Wightwick

Bridgnorth Road, Wightwick, Wolverhampton, South Staffordshire

No answer given



The site is currently open countryside. A greenfield site on the urban fringe.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

We anticipate the development could accommodate approximately 120 dwellings at a density of 15 dwellings per hectare. The density of the scheme could be increased to accommodate additional dwellings. Affordable housing would be provided in accordance with local planning guidance and the dwellings will include 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom dwellings.

Mains water supply , Electricity , Gas

None of these

No answer given


There are no uses of the site which requires relocating.

Nothing chosen

The infrastructure required will be typical of an open market residential development on a greenfield site. There will be the requirement for internal access road and pavements. We do not consider there will be the requirement for any infrastructure that would be considered abnormal.


No answer given


No answer given

Not known

No answer given


No it is not envisaged that there will be viability issues that will require the use of external funding.


The site is located within a sustainable location on the edge of Wolverhampton and has the capacity to accommodate approximately 120 dwellings with sufficient areas of private amenity space and a large are of public open space to be enjoyed by the community. The density of the scheme has been proposed at 15 dph taking into consideration the density of the dwellings surrounding the site and the built development characteristics of the area. However, there is the opportunity for the density of the scheme to be increased to support more dwellings. Affordable would be provided in accordance with local planning guidance and the scheme will include 2,3,4 and 5 bedroom dwellings. The proposed development will take access from Bridgnorth Road. From this access point, a series of internal avenues will provide access to the interlinking areas of residential development. There will be a main primary road which runs through the site. This will circle the area of open space which will be the Village Green in the centre of the development. The secondary roads throughout the site will incorporate private drives and cul-de-sacs. The site will also have new footpaths to provide links throughout the site and linking the new housing to the wider area and the wealth of services and facilities provided for in the local area. The site is highly sustainable and accessible with excellent links to services and facilities. Located within 3 miles of Wolverhampton City Centre and within 2 miles of the local centres of Tettenhall; Tettenhall Wood; Compton; Finchfield, Castlecroft, Merryhill all situated within Wolverhampton. The South Staffordshire settlements of Perton and Pattingham are within 3 miles of the site. There are 13 educational institutes within easy access of the site including primary; secondary; higher education; and special needs schools and the site is accessible to employment opportunities in South Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, the Black Country and Birmingham. The site is within close proximity to facilities such as elderly care facilities; medical care (doctors, dentist and opticians); churches; public houses and restaurants and recreation and sports facilities in addition to the aforementioned facilities within a 3 mile radius. The site benefits from high quality transport links. The Bridgnorth Road (A454) provides access to both Bridgnorth and to Wolverhampton City Centre. The Arriva number 9 Telford to Wolverhampton via, Ironbridge and Bridgnorth bus service travels along Bridgnorth Road and is an hourly service. There is a bus stop 300m from the site. Wolverhampton Train station is within 4 miles of the site providing a direct train service to Telford in 17minutes; Stafford in 12 minutes and Birmingham within 17 minutes. Direct services to both Manchester and London can be achieve in 1 hour 10 minutes and 1hour 48 minutes respectively. Further, the site is within easy access to other A roads such as the A41 and A449 within 3.5 miles of the site and the Motorway network is easily accessible with both the M54 and M6 within 7 miles. Please see attached previous representation submitted and redline boundary plan.

Form ID: 10120
Respondent: First City Limited

Sole owner

Map 1268
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Land off Heath Road, Darlaston, Walsall

Heath Road, Darlsaton, Walsall



We understand that the site benefitted from planning permission for the erection of 5 no. 2 bedroom dwellings granted in 1997 (Application Reference Number: BCW640). We are also aware that a further application was granted permission in 1993 for the renewal of permission for domestic garages. The site is currently unused brownfield land.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

We consider the site could accommodate approximately 5 dwellings.

Not known

None of these

No, this site is not agricultural land.

There is no current use that requires relocating.

We do not consider any of the above would be required to support the development of the site. The site is highly sustainable. On site as part of the development, an access road will be required. We envisage a single access that will lead to all the properties.


We understand that the site benefitted from planning permission for the erection of 5 no. 2 bedroom dwellings granted in 1997 (Application Reference Number: BCW640). We are also aware that a further application was granted permission in 1993 for the renewal of permission for domestic garages.


Not known


No it is not envisaged that there will be viability issues that will require the use of external funding.


The site is located within the urban area of Darlaston, Walsall with excellent sustainability. The site is located within a mile of Darlaston town centre with an array of shops including Asda and Boots. The site is also with 1 mile of the regions only Ikea store and of Gallagher Retail Park which has shops such as B&Q, Currys PC World, TK Maxx, Burger King, Next, Decathlon and other clothes and household goods related stores. The site has excellent accessibility with junctions 9 and 10 of the M6 motorway being within 1 and 1.7 miles respectively of the site. The Black Country Route is within 1.3 miles of the site providing access to Walsall town centre and Wolverhampton and Dudley. The site is located within close proximity of a number of schools catering for both primary and secondary education. Medical facilities such as Darlaston Medical Centre and Bhadal Dental Surgery and both within 0.6miles from the site. Public transport is available for eventual users of the site. There are two bus stops located within 100 both to the east and west of the site on Walsall Road. Bus service 34, 37, 39 and 334 providing frequent bus services to Walsall town centre, Darlaston town centre, Bilston and Willenhall The site is adjacent to a Texaco petrol station which also sells a range of convenience goods. Development will comprise of approximately 5 dwellings with a single access point. The dwellings will be 2 and 3 bedroom properties and will be designed in keeping with surrounding properties. We consider the site is highly sustainable as indicated above and development of this site would result in much needed housing within an urban location. The site is indicated by means of a redline boundary on the attached plan.

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