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Form ID: 10277
Respondent: Emery Planning

Nothing chosen



Map 1268

Land at Greenwood Road and Lazy Hill Road

Land at Greenwood Road and Lazy Hill Road Aldridge Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

Presently used for agriculture (grazing)

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

In the region of 60 dwellings, potentially in the form of bungalows to meet the need for older persons accomodation

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

Grade 4 (source: Magic Maps, Agricultural Land Classification - Provisional (England))


A small scale development which would require limited infrastructure provision. The site is capable of coming forward quickly to contribute to housing delivery in the early years of the plan period.



Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

HIMOR is an experienced land promotion company that has a track record of bringing sites to the market immediately following the granting of outline planning permission. HIMOR is aware of strong market interest in this area from developers and anticipates no issues in quickly disposing of the site to the market.




The site is triangular in shape, and is bordered on two sides by existing road infrastructure and residential development. Due to its location and physical attributes, the development of the site would not result in any physical or perceived closing of the gap between Aldridge and Walsall Wood to the north. We would request that it is assessed separately in any Green Belt assessment from the wider land to the north and west of the site, and should be considered on its own merits. HIMOR has undertaken initial technical assessments, including access and highways capacity. These indicate that there are no significant technical constraints to the site coming forward. An indicative sketch masterplan has also been prepared, which demonstrates one way in which the site could be delivered for 60 bungalows. A copy is enclosed. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with the Council to further discuss the potential allocation of the site and the development of the proposals.

Form ID: 10279
Respondent: Emery Planning

Nothing chosen



Map 1268

Land at Vicarage Road / Coronation Road

Land at Vicarage Road / Coronation Road, High Heath, Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

Presently used for agriculture (grazing)

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Offices (Use Class B1a)

Approximately 900 dwellings, but could also accomodate other uses such as B1/B2/B8 as part of a mixed use development

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

None of these

No answer given

Yes. Grades 3 & 4 (source : Magic Maps, Agricultural Land Classification - Provisional (England))


Local shops , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways , Other

Infrastructure provision required in association with a development for 900 dwellings could include POS, footpaths and cycleways and potentially new shops and community facilities such as a doctors surgery. Matters such as education provision would need to be reviewed further in association with other planned developments, as there may also be a need for a new primary school. This could be provided on site.


No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

HIMOR is an experienced land promotion company that has a track record of bringing sites to the market immediately following the granting of outline planning permission. HIMOR is aware of strong market interest in this area from developers and anticipates no issues in quickly disposing of the site to the market.




See enclosed letter and site location plan.

Form ID: 10281
Respondent: Emery Planning

Nothing chosen



Map 1268

Aldridge School and land to the south of Bosty Lane

Bosty Lane Aldridge Walsall

No answer given


No answer given

Aldridge School - D1 education Land south of Bosty Lane (East) controlled by HIMOR - agriculture (grazing) Land south of Bosty Lane (West) owned by Walsall Council - we understand previously used for agriculture including a farmshop

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education)

775 dwellings and a new school

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Current use needs to be relocated , Area of mature woodland / tree preservation order , Protected species / habitats

Proposals would involve provision of a new school to meet modern educational requirements. Initial indicative masterplan has been prepared which demonstrates how the site could be developed with appropriate retention and green buffers to areas of woodland (Cuckoos Nook and The Dingle) to the south. Our client controls a significant quantum of land, including land which could also be offset to provide landscape and ecological enhancements as part of a comprehensive development.

Yes - Grade 3 (source: Magic Maps, Agricultural Land Classification Provisional (England))

Please see attached letter in relation to the provision of a new school.

Secondary School , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways

Please see attached letter.

Nothing chosen

No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

HIMOR is an experienced land promotion company that has a track record of bringing sites to the market immediately following the granting of outline planning permission. HIMOR is aware of strong market interest in this area from developers and anticipates no issues in quickly disposing of the site to a developer(s).




Please see attached letter and initial indicative masterplan

Form ID: 10534
Respondent: Emery Planning

Operator - you intend to operate the development yourself, e.g. manufacturer, hotel, mineral extraction.



Map 1268

Land at Bott Lane

Bott Lane Lye Stourbridge



No answer given

Please see accompanying representations document for details

Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Waste Management

No answer given

Mains water supply , Electricity

Nothing chosen

Please see accompanying representations document



Nothing chosen

No answer given


Please see accompanying representations document


No answer given

Not known

No answer given

site currently in use



Please see accompanying representations document for additional comments

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