Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 93 - Do you support the proposed changes to Policy TRAN5? Yes/No; Please explain why.
Representation ID: 3226
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR supports the proposed changes relating to environmental infrastructure and how this can be incorporated within housing sites. Indeed, some consideration has already been given to this within the Promotional Document prepared in support of the site which is being sought as a Green Belt release. Such
environmental infrastructure will be key to the deliverability of the site in terms of landscaping, ecological mitigation and biodiversity gains.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 95a - Do you think Garden City principles should be applied in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, how should they be applied?
Representation ID: 3227
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR supports the proposed implementation of the Garden City principals and how this can be incorporated within housing sites. Indeed, some consideration has already been given to this within the Promotional Document prepared in support of the site which is being sought as a Green Belt release. Such environmental infrastructure will be key to the deliverability of the site in terms of landscaping, ecological mitigation and biodiversity gains.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 95b - Should the application of Garden City principles be different for brownfield and greenfield sites? Yes/No; If yes, please explain why.
Representation ID: 3228
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
The Garden City principals should be applied equal weight to both brownfield and greenfield sites. An exception to such principals can be made for large mixed use sites located within the designated centres as these will be aimed to be higher density sites but release of employment land in less central locations should still be subject to the Garden City principals if applied.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 96 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to nature conservation? Yes/No; If no, do you think that any other changes should be made to Policy ENV1?
Representation ID: 3229
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR supports the proposed changes relating to nature conservation and how this can be incorporated within housing sites. Indeed, some consideration has already been given to this within the Promotional Document prepared in support of the site which is being sought as a Green Belt release. Such environmental infrastructure will be key to the deliverability of the site in terms of landscaping, ecological mitigation and biodiversity gains.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 97 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness? Yes/No; If no, please provide details of any other changes that should be made to Policy EN
Representation ID: 3230
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR supports the proposed changes relating to historic character and local distinctiveness and how this can be incorporated within housing sites. Indeed, some consideration has already been given to this within the Promotional Document prepared in support of the site which is being sought as a Green Belt release. Such considerations include the sites proximity to both designated and non-designated heritage assets, its setting within the wider landscape context and consideration of the local distinctiveness associated with the Area of High Historic Landscape Value designated at the site.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 98 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to Design Quality? Yes/No; If you think that any other changes should be made to Policy ENV3 please provide details.
Representation ID: 3231
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
Design Quality will be key for the release of Green Belt sites either within or adjoining the Black Country Core Strategy area.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 99a - Do you think that national standards for housing development on water consumption should be introduced in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, please specify what level and percentage wou
Representation ID: 3232
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
Such national standards would make housing more expensive to build and may not be achievable for many sites within the HMA. The introduction of such standards could result in a further backlog in the provision of housing needs within the HMA, thereby failing to ensure that the Black Country delivers the housing numbers required over the plan period and placing non-allocated sites at risk of development.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 99b - Do you think that national access standards for housing development should be introduced in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, please specify what level and percentage would be appropri
Representation ID: 3233
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
Such national standards would make housing more expensive to build and may not be achievable for many sites within the HMA. The introduction of such standards could result in a further backlog in the provision of housing needs within the HMA, thereby failing to ensure that the Black Country delivers the housing numbers required over the plan period and placing non-allocated sites at risk of development.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 99c - Do you think that national space standards for housing development should be introduced in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, please specify what level and percentage would be appropria
Representation ID: 3234
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
Such national standards would make housing more expensive to build and may not be achievable for many sites within the HMA. The introduction of such standards could result in a further backlog in the provision of housing needs within the HMA, thereby failing to ensure that the Black Country delivers the housing numbers required over the plan period and placing non-allocated sites at risk of development.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 99d - Do you think that the standards should be different for brownfield and greenfield sites? Yes/No; If yes, please explain how and why
Representation ID: 3235
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
Any standards set, whether local or national, should be applied to all housing sites within the Black Country area. There should be no differentiation between brownfield and greenfield sites if standards are to be applied within the HMA. Such differentiation could lead to further inequality of housing stock.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.