Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 25 - Will there be any new social infrastructure requirements necessary to serve large new housing developments? Yes/No; If yes, please explain the type and scale of any new social infrastruc
Representation ID: 3196
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR does not have any evidence at this stage, albeit an Accessibility Plan has been prepared as part of the Promotional Document which identifies existing social infrastructure within walking distance of the promotion site. As with all large housing developments, pressure will be placed upon existing infrastructure which may require some additional provision.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 26 - Do you have any evidence of a requirement for new physical infrastructure to serve existing needs? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details of the type of facility and where it should be l
Representation ID: 3197
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR does not have any evidence at this stage, albeit an Accessibility Plan has been prepared as part of the Promotional Document which identifies existing social infrastructure within walking distance of the promotion site. As with all large housing developments, pressure will be placed upon existing infrastructure which may require some additional provision.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 27 - Do you have evidence of pressure being placed on the capacity of current physical infrastructure which could be exacerbated by new developments? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details.
Representation ID: 3198
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR does not have any evidence at this stage, albeit the Promotional Document has considered any site specific constraints in determining whether the site is suitable for housing development. As with all large housing developments, pressure will be placed upon existing infrastructure which may require some additional provision.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 28 - Do you think physical infrastructure is necessary to serve large new housing developments? Yes/No; If yes, what type and scale of physical infrastructure is necessary?
Representation ID: 3199
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR does not have any evidence at this stage, albeit the Promotional Document has considered any site specific constraints in determining whether the site is suitable for housing development. As with all large housing developments, pressure will be placed upon existing infrastructure which may require some additional provision.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 29 - Do you think there are any other tools or interventions that could be used to ensure enough infrastructure is provided by developments? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details.
Representation ID: 3200
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR considers that the existing application process, including CIL and S.106 arrangements, along with any suitable pre-application consultation would be sufficient to ensure that new housing developments provide sufficient infrastructure to support their development.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 30 - Do you have any suggestions around how the strategy can be developed in order to maintain the urban regeneration focus of the Black Country while at the same time bringing forward sites
Representation ID: 3201
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
The completion of the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area (HMA) Strategic Growth Study is a key priority which would subsequently likely require a comprehensive review of both housing needs within the HMA and for the completion of a comprehensive Green Belt Review in collaboration with adjoining local authorities. SLR would suggest that the strategy must ensure that due consideration is given to these key evidence base documents.
Whilst development and particularly employment should be focussed within the Black Country, it is critical to deliver enough housing quantity and locational choice to secure/retain/attract the work force required to deliver the objectives. Sensible Green Belt release will ensure locational choice and improve the attractiveness of opportunities in the Black Country.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 34b - What design features do you think are key to ensuring new development encourages healthy living, which could be assessed through the HIA process?
Representation ID: 3202
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
All housing developments should provide the necessary level of open space and play space provision. Should this be agreed to provided off site, the necessary contributions to off-site provision should be made by the applicant at the appropriate time.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Policy HOU1 - Housing Land Supply
Representation ID: 3203
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
This policy needs to be comprehensively updated to meet the housing needs identified within the forthcoming Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area (HMA) Strategic Growth Study is a key priority which would subsequently likely require a comprehensive review of both housing needs within the HMA and for the completion of a comprehensive Green Belt Review in collaboration with adjoining local authorities. SLR would suggest that clear reference should be made within the Policy regarding the potential release of Green Belt sites within the Black Country and beyond these boundaries within adjoining local planning authorities.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 36 - Do you think that the current accessibility and density standards set out in Policy HOU2 and Table 8 should be changed? Yes/No; If yes, what standards should be applied instead, for exam
Representation ID: 3204
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR considers that the current accessibility and density standards as set out within Policy HOU2 are appropriate for the Black Country Core Strategy Area and the wider HMA. This may, however, need to be updated following the publication of the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market Area (HMA) Strategic Growth Study.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 37a - Do you think that the existing Policy HOU2 site size threshold should be kept at 15 homes or more? Yes/No; If no, please explain why
Representation ID: 3205
Received: 14/12/2017
Respondent: CJZ Design Limited
Agent: SLR Consulting
SLR considers that the current threshold of 15 homes is entirely appropriate.
See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.