Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 45 - Should an increased affordable housing requirement be set for green belt release sites, to reflect the likely financial viability of these sites? Yes/No; If yes, what should this be.

Representation ID: 3216

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

A single approach to affordable housing provision should be made for all sites which are brought forward. Viability as a measure of affordable housing provision is something that is dealt with during the application process and should not be contained within the Core Strategy itself.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Policy DEL2 - Managing the Balance between Employment Land and Housing

Representation ID: 3217

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

The release of poor quality employment land should be a continuous process. However, SLR would not support the release of further employment land at this point in time given the current demand within the Black Country. As outlined above, SLR considers that the release of Green Belt sites would be the most appropriate and sustainable strategy for the Black Country and the wider HMA to meet the necessary housing needs provision.

Releasing too much employment land will only necessitate the release of Green Belt land for employment rather than housing as this is a finite resource.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 49b - If yes, should this policy be used to assess the release of employment land to alternative uses, other than housing? Yes/No; If yes, please explain why.

Representation ID: 3218

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

Not all employment land that can be released would be suitable or of significant quantum to meet the housing needs of the Black Country and wider HMA. As such, alternate uses, including key services and infrastructure, should be considered at these locations where appropriate. This will ensure we make the best and most appropriate use of land.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 50a - Do you think that the Core Strategy should continue to set a target for the total employment land stock in Policy EMP1? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 3219

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

A target should be set to ensure that sufficient employment land provision and stock is at the levels necessary to support the onward growth of the sub-region. In addition, SLR agrees that employment land within the Core Strategy area should continue to be graded to ensure that sites of strategic importance are afforded the due protection required for the plan period.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 66 - Should the Core Strategy set new housing targets for the Strategic Centres through the review? Yes/No; Any further comments?

Representation ID: 3220

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

SLR supports the further provision of housing within the defined centres. However, it should be duly appreciated that this will not result in the quantum of housing that is required to meet current housing needs now and into the future. As such, further sites outside of the Strategic Centres and within the Green Belt will need to be considered to achieve the necessary level of allocation and/or safeguarding.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 71 - Should the Core Strategy set housing targets for the Town Centres? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 3221

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

SLR supports the further provision of housing within the defined town centres. However, it should be duly appreciated that this will not result in the quantum of housing that is required to meet current housing needs now and into the future. As such, further sites outside of the Strategic Centres and within the Green Belt
will need to be considered to achieve the necessary level of allocation and/or safeguarding.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 88 - Do you agree that the overall transport strategy supports all of the Core Strategy spatial objectives? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 3222

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

SLR supports the overall transport strategy contained within the Core Strategy in terms of meeting the spatial objectives. Notwithstanding, consideration will need to be given to any housing sites which are identified for Green Belt release and whether these would be of such quantum that additional infrastructure
would be required to support these developments.

Notwithstanding, the transport strategy should recognise that the release of Green Belt sites within urban area are more sustainable than village locations given the choice of transport and proximity to services.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 89 - Do you support the proposed changes to the priorities for the development of the transport network? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 3223

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

SLR supports the identified priorities for development of the transport network but would encourage further links and accessibility to be invested within the Black Country.

Notwithstanding, the transport strategy should recognise that the release of Green Belt sites within the urban area is more sustainable than village locations given the choice of transport and proximity to services.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 90 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to managing transport impacts of new developments? Yes/No; If no, please explain why.

Representation ID: 3224

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

The transport strategy should recognise that the release of Green Belt sites within the urban area is more sustainable than village locations given the choice of transport and proximity to services.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.



Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 93 - Do you support the proposed changes to Policy TRAN5? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 3225

Received: 14/12/2017

Respondent: CJZ Design Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

SLR supports the proposed changes to Policy TRAN5 but would encourage further consideration of links and accessibility to be invested within the Black Country to ensure the accessibility for economic purposes.

Notwithstanding, the transport strategy should recognise that the release of Green Belt within the urban area is more sustainable than village locations given the choice of transport and proximity to services.

Full text:

See the attached Issues and Options Report Consultation - Land at Tipton Road and Setton Drive, Woodsetton/Sedgley.


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