OC2 version of form
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409 chester road, aldridge walsall
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residential and part garden center
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This is not a planning classification recognised in the Dudley Policies (2017)Map
There is no need for new infrastructure
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There hasn't been any publicity from the Local Authority to allow people to better understand the process or to property prepare submissions.
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34 - 38 Gould Firm Lane, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands
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Traveler Site
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6-12 months
The site is currently a traveler site, supporting 2 families. As the family has expanded over the years there is a need for larger accommodation. The families would like to build 2-3 houses which will be larger and more suitable to modern living for the families. As well as the planning and legal requirement to make this financially viable, they would need to change the classification of the site to housing. They will however continue to reside their.
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Locally known as the Top Field Oldnall
No actual postcode address but nearest is 109 DY9 8YF
Approx 8 HA
Farmers Field.
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This is designated Agricultural Land under the current and latest local plan (Dudley 2017)
None - there is no requirement for new infrastructure
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The granting of LGS has immediate effect.
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Green Space on Seymore Road
Not site address but in the post code area DY9 8YQ
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This is part of the Pedmore Hill Estate built in the late 70's .
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None this is a Local Green Space Application;
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LGS once granted is immediate
This land was an integral part of the planning of this estate.
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Sites at Sutherland Avenue/ Cooper Street
Sites at Sutherland Avenue/ Cooper Street Wolverhampton
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The current business is looking to relocate within the Wolverhampton area to consolidate and update to higher quality premises.
The landowner needs to find an appropriate site for relocation.
The site is in a well located sustainable location, with good access to located services. The development is able to contribute to infrastructure to support the development if required.
All permissions on the site are related to the current use.
The landowner is looking to relocate as soon as possible.
Site is not currently being marketed to developers.
The landowner is open to working with neighbouring landowners and the Local Authority to achieve a more comprehensive development.
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Open Space Between Denton Road and Apollo Road Wollescote
Close Proximity to DY9 8YE
approx 5.5 HA
Open space that acts as a green corridor between urban and open country side.
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This is small area of land that separates the last part of the 1970's development of Pedmore Hill from the earlier developments of the area. This is a naturalistic landscape with trees and a grasses. This area has always served as a way to access the Oldnall and Foxcote Farms, rights of ways and wider countryside. This is used by walkers as a place of destination and as part of the wider walking network. This land was given to the Council to protect the area from wider development. This site provides space which has an amenity value to local community as both a space in its own right and as a linking space. As a linking space this recognises the value placed locally on accessing the countryside and was part of the design consideration given by the developers and planners at the time the planning application was approved. This side links a right of way that runs from Drummond Road up to Seymour Road to the right of way that runs from the back of properties in Denton Road to Oldnall Road and has done so for over 50 years.
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Land at Bott Lane
Bott Lane Lye Stourbridge
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Please see accompanying representations document for details
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Please see accompanying representations document
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Please see accompanying representations document
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site currently in use
Please see accompanying representations document for additional comments
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Former Star and Garter Public House
252 Duchess Parade High Street West Bromwich
B70 7QG
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Former use: public house Has planning permission for the demolition of the former public house and the erection of 39 residential apartments and 2 ground floor retail units.
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Sandwell Council Planning Decision Notice - DC/18/61831
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We have marketed the site for sale for 2 years and have been unable to secure a sale. We have tried via an agent and in an auction.
Yes. Given the high construction costs and the low end values, it is very difficult to obtain development finance for the construction of the building.
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Land at Stonnall Road, Aldridge
Stonnal Road Aldridge Walsall
The site comprises two parcels of land which, together, cover approximately 5.1 ha. The northern development parcel extends to approximately 3.8 ha and consists of arable farmland. The south-western parcel comprises a vacant area of hard-standing, with a buffer of mature trees and vegetation on its northern and western boundaries.
110 homes (minimum)
The south-western parcel is the subject of a Tree Preservation Order (Walsall Tree Preservation Order No.14).
The northern parcel comprises arable farmland. According to Natural England's Agricultural Land Classification Map (West Midlands Region ALC004), the northern parcel is considered to be Grade 3.
To be confirmed as the development proposals progress, however, the impacts of developing a site of this size are unlikely to result in a need for a developer to deliver any significant new infrastructure.
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Bernardo's wishes to meet with Officers to discuss the merits and possible development options for the site.
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51 & 53 Brierley Lane
51 & 53 Brierley Lane, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 8TU
0.2 Ha
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Two large bungalows, used previously as a residential care facility (Use Class C2).
10 + dwellings
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The site is not agricultural land.
The site is vacant and has been identified by NHS Property Services as surplus to requirements following the relocation of services.
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2 to 5 years.
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Land at Queslett Road, Walsall
Land at Queslett Road/ Aldridge Road, Walsall
B74 2DT
41.95 Ha
22.4 Ha
Agricultural / Grazing
Up to 1,200 homes
Pylons cross the northern corner of the site, however this area does not form part of the ‘developable land’. The site is affected by the Great Barr Conservation Area.
Yes, some is recorded as grade 3 (good to moderate), however further testing will need to be undertaken.
The land parcels included within the promotion do not include business premises that will require relocation.
Studies are currently being undertaken to understand infrastructure requirements associated with development of the site.
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The site is subject to a Promotion Agreement, inclusive of Walton Homes as one of the freehold landowners.
Circa 8
The site is being comprehensively promoted by IM Land to demonstrate its delivery in the short-medium term. A Vision Document, backed up by detailed evidence accompanies IM Land’s ‘Issues and Options’ submission, showing that there are no technical constraints that would prevent a scheme of approximately 1,200 houses being delivered in this location.
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Land at Junction 3, M5
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Please see accompanying letter.
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Land at Yieldfields Farm
Stafford Road (A34) - to the north of Bloxwich
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Agricultural land
Approximately 2,000 homes
Landscape, Visual and Green Belt Appraisal (December 2019)
A mix of Grade 3a, 3b and 4. Please see enclosed map.
Please refer to Vision Document (Nov 2018) and Addendum - Landscape Principles (August 2020)
Planning Permission BC54065P - Erection of agricultural building for cattle shelter Planning Permission BC60933P - Change of use of agricultural land to golf practice ground and erection of shelter Planning Permission 05/0912/PT/E4 - Prior approval of a telecommunications base station comprising 14.7 metre high tower, incorporating 3no. 3G antennae, ground base cabinets and ancillary development
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L&Q Estates control the site and will co-ordinate all aspects of the development
South Staffordshire District Council were receptive of the initial proposals.
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Approx 70 dwellings
A note on the current ground conditions of the site is submitted
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Improvements to the open space
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Yes, due to the ground conditions, LEP funding or Combined Authority support will be required.
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Currently agricultural use
Approximately 170 dwellings
Part of the site is Jockey Fields SSSI
A combination of grade 2, grade 3a and grade 5 agricultural land
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yes, not graded
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Land North of Hughes Road, Wednesbury
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Current use is scrubland
100,000 sq ft
A note on the current ground conditions of the site is submitted.
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Yes, due to ground conditions - LEP funding will be required.
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Central Clinic
Tipton Central Clinic, Horseley Road, Tipton Centre
circa 0.12 Ha
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NHS Property Services are the freeholders of Central Clinic. D1 GP Branch Clinic and Health related community services.
5 residential units
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The site is not agricultural land.
Current services are temporary only and can be relocated within other accommodation held by the owner if required.
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Planning records for the site, made available online by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council identify no recent planning history on the site. Historic Applications include: DC/02/39677 - Outline application for Construction of a primary Healthcare facility comprising GP Practice, Pharmacy and associated Healthcare accommodation (Withdrawn) DC/13/5961A - Proposed 2 No. non illuminated fascia signs (Granted)
Once the site has been declared surplus to requirements the site will be available for development. Estimated time to release will be 2 years.
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2 to 5 years
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Land off Tansey Green Road and Dreadnought Road
Land between Dreadnought Road and Tansey Green Road
lanning Granted for part of the site (P19/0942) for the development of B1 B2 & B8. The rest of the site is used for storage of clay, excavated soils and other materials with the remainder as self seeded open ground.
The part of the site subject to planning application P19/0942 is proposed to be brought forward for B1, B2 or B8, with the remainder of the land proposed for new housing development, for a mixed-use development with new housing or for future employment development. 1 hectare of employment land is planned, for the rest of the site covering 1.5 hectares the proposed use will be subject to market conditions and commercially viable solutions.
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P19/0942 and historic applications 85/50127, C/B/76/325 & C/C75/2279
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The area subject to planning application P19/0942 is scheduled to start construction in the near future and the further development of the site for B1, B2 or B8 will be subject to the commercial viability of this development. In view of the ground conditions and therefore the build cost this will be monitored closely and will impact on whether the alternative of residential or mix use should be considered.
We would maintain the option to use the 1.5 hectares of land not currently scheduled for development for housing should employment uses not prove viable.
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Hall Street, Dudley
The Alan Nuttall Partnership Ltd, National Works, Hall Street, Dudley
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Manufacturing and warehousing
154 dwellings (mix of houses and apartments, 3.07ha), 0.38ha commercial, conversion of Bean Cars building for residential / commercial (0.18ha)
CBRE is assisting Nuttall’s in identifying a smaller site for relocation within the local area. A Coal Mining Risk Assessment has been carried out which identifies potential mineshafts within the site, the indicative masterplan has therefore shown development located the appropriate distance away from suspected shafts. There is a locally listed building (Bean Cars) within the site and it is located within an area of High Historic Townscape Value. A Heritage Impact Assessment is being prepared, and the proposals include for conversion of the locally listed building.
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CBRE is advising the landowner of a relocation strategy
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Subject to securing planning permission (application to be submitted in September) and the relocation of existing premises
CBRE will sell the site on behalf of the landowner once planning permission is granted, and has good contacts with regional and national housebuilders, some of which have expressed an interest.
Given the brownfield nature; existing building constraints and topography, potential grant funding routes maybe explored alongside future housebuilders
A full suite of supporting technical planning application documents is currently being prepared and have informed the mix of uses and layout of the proposed development as shown on the indicative masterplan submitted with this form.
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Asda Site, Oldbury
Wolverhampton Road Oldbury
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Land at Enville Road, Wall Heath
Land at Enville Road Wall Heath
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Land to the rear of Sutton Road/ Longwood Road, Walsall
Sutton Road/ Longwood Road, Walsall
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Highfield South
Walsall Road Walsall Wood Walsall
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Operational landfill
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Himley Quarry Landfill Site
Oak Lane, Kingswinford
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Operational landfill
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Dudley MBC - planning permission relating to the operations (refs: P03/2440; P15/1028 and P18/0171).
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In response to your Call for Sites I attach a Location Plan and approved Restoration Plan identifying our current landfill site at Himley, off Oak Lane, Kingswinford. Also attached is the current planning permission relating to the operations (refs: P03/2440; P15/1028 and P18/0171). The site is operated by Enovert. The full site area, including land outside the landfill, extends to some 24.5 hectares. Access is via the existing entrance from Oak Lane. In the Black Country Core Strategy the Himley landfill is identified as a strategic waste management site whose capacity will be safeguarded and will contribute to serving the identified waste management needs of the Black Country for landfill during the Plan period to 2026. At the time of the previous planning application it was assumed that by the end of December 2025 the landfilling of the site would be complete. This is reflected in revised Condition 6 of planning permission P18/0171. This assumption was considered realistic at the time, taking into account the remaining void and the rate of waste inputs. However, in the meantime, reflecting the continued drive both to recycle more waste and to produce less waste in the first instance, inputs have declined. Whilst we are some way off the end of 2025, it is likely that the final area to be filled – the north facing flank to the site, parallell to Oak Lane – will require additional time to complete, together with the importation of restoration soils, a material which has previously been in short supply here. The consequence is that, although large parts of the site have been filled and are in the process of being, or have been, capped and restorated, at the end of 2025 there will likely remain some 125-150,000m3 along the north facing flank of the site that remains to be filled and restored so that the the approved scheme for the site can be delivered. It is not proposed to increase the size of the void or to change the final levels or restoration scheme for the site. The only change will be to the lifespan of the site to enable landfilling to continue and the approved restoration scheme to be delivered. To enable delivery of the restored site and to continue contribute to meeting the waste disposal needs of the Black Country, we request that the Himley landfill be identified in the Black Country Plan as a landfill site for non-hazardous and inert waste.
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Land at Castlecroft Farm
Radford Lane, Wolverhampton
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Land at Sandyfields Road
Sandyfields Road Sedgley
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Brockmoor Foundry
Leys Road, Brierley Hill
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Iron Foundry – producing castings for commercial vehicles
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No site plotted.
237 Watling Street / Sadlers Farm, Lichfield Road
237 Watling Street, Brownhills, Walsall / Sadlers Farm, Lichfield Road
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Mix of agricultural land; three dwellings; agricultural and commercial buildings; car repair and storage; caravan storage.
195 houses @ 35 dph or 7 ha employment / mixed houses and employment.
Noise from industrial estate beyond the canal is audible on parts of the site at certain times.
Not known
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Please see below (after question 48)
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