Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 5 - Do you agree with the proposed approach to the Black Country Green Belt Review? Yes/No; If not, what additional work do you think is necessary?

Representation ID: 178

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Blackmoor Group

Agent: Blackmoor Group

Representation Summary:

Given the HMA -wide shortfall in hosing land supply and one of the most important objectives of any local plan is to ensure that it identifies sufficient land for housing, and that there has not be a strategic Green Belt review since the 1970s, it is essential that the Black Country Green Belt review is carried out in conjunction with South Staffordshire Council.

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Given the HMA -wide shortfall in hosing land supply and one of the most important objectives of any local plan is to ensure that it identifies sufficient land for housing, and that there has not be a strategic Green Belt review since the 1970s, it is essential that the Black Country Green Belt review is carried out in conjunction with South Staffordshire Council.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 12a - Do you support Spatial Option H1? Yes/No; What criteria should be used to select suitable sites? e.g. ability to create a defensible new green belt boundary, size, access to existing re

Representation ID: 179

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Blackmoor Group

Agent: Blackmoor Group

Representation Summary:

Support is given to Spatial Option H1.

Full text:

Support is given to Spatial Option H1. These sites often require less infrastructure than larger sites and have shorter delivery timescales. They also provides sites suitable for a broader range of housebuilders and allow smaller villages to thrive by providing a wider choice of housing. This is all endorsed in the Housing White Paper.

To avoid piecemeal release of Green Belt sites, a threshold should be set of approximately 1 hectare. These should be located adjacent to villages and close to the urban edge, where there is access to facilities and/or include brownfield sites which are presently washed with the Green Belt designation.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 12b - Do you think there are any potential locations that should be considered? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details (please submit specific sites through the 'call for sites' form).

Representation ID: 180

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Blackmoor Group

Agent: Blackmoor Group

Representation Summary:

Land within South Staffordshire Council include the following:

West of Moor Lane, Pattingham WV6 7DW

East of School Lane, Coven WV9 5AN

Bridge Farm, Brinsford Lane, Coven Heath, WV10 7PR

Full text:

Yes namely at land adjacent to Pattingham (land known as West of Moor Lane, Pattingham WV6 7DW) and Coven (land known as east of School Lane, Coven WV9 5AN). These are sustainable villages with a number of services, and fall within the administrative boundary of South Staffordshire District Council. Both sites are currently being promoted through the South Staffordshire Site Allocations Document. A 'call for Sites' form has been submitted for the specific sites.

Also land at Bridge Farm, Brinsford Lane, Coven Heath, WV10 7PR. This is an under-utilised brownfield site in the Green Belt which has excellent links to the highway and three Strategic Employment Sites in South Staffordshire.

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