Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 62 - Do you agree that the Strategic Centres should remain the focus for large scale comparison retail (clothes, white goods etc), office and major commercial leisure development in the Black

Representation ID: 284

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP agree that the Strategic Centres should and must remain the focus for large scale comparison retail, offices and major commercial leisure development. Such uses underpin these centres and if allowed to locate to out of centre locations would only undermine these centres.

Full text:

LCP agree that the Strategic Centres should and must remain the focus for large scale comparison retail, offices and major commercial leisure development. Such uses underpin these centres and if allowed to locate to out of centre locations would only undermine these centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 63 - Do you agree that the targets for comparison retail floorspace and office floorspace should be revisited as part of this review to take into account current and future trends? Yes/No, An

Representation ID: 285

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP agree that an update retail capacity assessment should be undertaken to ensure that current and future trends are taken into account in the formulation of future policy. As stated in response to Question 60, the retailing sector has changed significantly in the past 10-15 years and planning policy has not taken account of such change. It is imperative that the Core Strategy is underpinned by an up to date evidence base.

Full text:

LCP agree that an update retail capacity assessment should be undertaken to ensure that current and future trends are taken into account in the formulation of future policy. As stated in response to Question 60, the retailing sector has changed significantly in the past 10-15 years and planning policy has not taken account of such change. It is imperative that the Core Strategy is underpinned by an up to date evidence base.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 64 - Is there a need to set targets for convenience retail floorspace in the Core Strategy? Yes/No; Any further comments?

Representation ID: 286

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe there is a need to set targets for convenience retail floorspace in the Core Strategy. Furthermore to do so would provide an opportunity for speculative convenience applications to be submitted which could undermine the strategic centre.

Full text:

LCP believe there is a need to set targets for convenience retail floorspace in the Core Strategy. Furthermore to do so would provide an opportunity for speculative convenience applications to be submitted which could undermine the strategic centre.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 65 - Should the Core Strategy set any targets or policy requirements for leisure development in the Strategic Centres? Yes/No; Any further comments?

Representation ID: 287

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that the Core Strategy should provide a policy requirement for new leisure development to be accommodated within strategic centres. This is to avoid the potential for speculative leisure applications being submitted in out of centre sites. Such proposals could have the potential to undermine the vitality and viability of strategic centres.

Full text:

LCP believe that the Core Strategy should provide a policy requirement for new leisure development to be accommodated within strategic centres. This is to avoid the potential for speculative leisure applications being submitted in out of centre sites. Such proposals could have the potential to undermine the vitality and viability of strategic centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 67 - Do you think there are any other uses and/or developments that should be planned for in the Strategic Centres Yes/No; Please provide details

Representation ID: 288

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that emerging policy should be flexible for a range of uses within the strategic centres.

Full text:

LCP believe that emerging policy should be flexible for a range of uses within the strategic centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 69 - Should more types of uses be encouraged and more flexibility be allowed to ensure the regeneration and vitality of the Black Country Town Centres? Yes / No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 289

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

There should not be more flexibility with regards the range of uses allowed within the Black Country Town Centre. It is apparent that there is less demand for Class A1 retail floorspace within such centres due to online shopping etc. Accordingly Town Centres must evolve if they are to survive otherwise they will only stagnate. Planning policies need to ensure protection of town centres and be flexible with regards the range of uses that are to be acceptable.

Full text:

There should not be more flexibility with regards the range of uses allowed within the Black Country Town Centre. It is apparent that there is less demand for Class A1 retail floorspace within such centres due to online shopping etc. Accordingly Town Centres must evolve if they are to survive otherwise they will only stagnate. Planning policies need to ensure protection of town centres and be flexible with regards the range of uses that are to be acceptable.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 70 - Do you think there are any specific developments or uses that should be supported in any particular Town Centre? Yes/No; Please provide details.

Representation ID: 290

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

Policies need to be flexible rather than provide a range of specific development.

Full text:

Policies need to be flexible rather than provide a range of specific development.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 71 - Should the Core Strategy set housing targets for the Town Centres? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 291

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

Policies should enable residential development to be provided within town centres. There is no need to provide targets as it is difficult to estimate the likely levels of housing that would be provided.

Full text:

Policies should enable residential development to be provided within town centres. There is no need to provide targets as it is difficult to estimate the likely levels of housing that would be provided.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 72 - Should more types of uses be encouraged and more flexibility be allowed to ensure the regeneration and vitality of the Black Country District and Local Centres? Yes/No; Please explain wh

Representation ID: 292

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

Flexibility must be allowed within the Black Country District and Local Centres if such centres are to remain strong and provide services to the local amenity. It is no longer appropriate for such centres to have Class A1 retail dominant as there is no longer the requirement for such uses

Full text:

Flexibility must be allowed within the Black Country District and Local Centres if such centres are to remain strong and provide services to the local amenity. It is no longer appropriate for such centres to have Class A1 retail dominant as there is no longer the requirement for such uses


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 73 - Are there are any specific developments or uses that should be supported in any particular District or Local Centre? Yes/No; Please provide details.

Representation ID: 293

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

No flexibility in policy is required rather than specific developments.

Full text:

No flexibility in policy is required rather than specific developments.

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