Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 49a - Is there still a need for existing Policy DEL2 in order to manage the release of poorer quality employment land for housing? Yes/No; If no, please explain why.

Representation ID: 274

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that there is no need to retain Policy DEL2 in order to manage the release of poor quality employment land. Such land will either have been identified for alternative uses or evidence can be provided which demonstrates that it is not suitable for continued employment use.

Full text:

LCP believe that there is no need to retain Policy DEL2 in order to manage the release of poor quality employment land. Such land will either have been identified for alternative uses or evidence can be provided which demonstrates that it is not suitable for continued employment use.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 49b - If yes, should this policy be used to assess the release of employment land to alternative uses, other than housing? Yes/No; If yes, please explain why.

Representation ID: 275

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

There is no requirement to retain this policy to assess the release of employment land to alternative uses other than housing for the reasons given to Question 49a.

Full text:

There is no requirement to retain this policy to assess the release of employment land to alternative uses other than housing for the reasons given to Question 49a.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 50a - Do you think that the Core Strategy should continue to set a target for the total employment land stock in Policy EMP1? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 276

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that Policy EMP1 should set a target for the total employment land stock. However, the figure should not be a definitive target or ceiling. They also believe that it is still appropriate to distinguish between different types of employment areas. However, they believe that consideration should be given within such policies to enabling ancillary uses to be introduced into industrial areas which would increase the attractiveness of these areas e.g. gyms, crèches etc.

Full text:

LCP believe that Policy EMP1 should set a target for the total employment land stock. However, the figure should not be a definitive target or ceiling. They also believe that it is still appropriate to distinguish between different types of employment areas. However, they believe that consideration should be given within such policies to enabling ancillary uses to be introduced into industrial areas which would increase the attractiveness of these areas e.g. gyms, crèches etc.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 51 - Do you think that the criteria used to define Strategic High Quality Employment Areas are appropriate and reflect actual market requirements? Yes/No; If not, how do you think the criteri

Representation ID: 277

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that flexibility is required within strategic high quality employment areas. It is not for the Development Plan to restrict potential occupiers from locating within a particular industrial area. Furthermore there should be flexibility to enable a variety of ancillary uses to be provided which would further improve the attractiveness of these areas

Full text:

LCP believe that flexibility is required within strategic high quality employment areas. It is not for the Development Plan to restrict potential occupiers from locating within a particular industrial area. Furthermore there should be flexibility to enable a variety of ancillary uses to be provided which would further improve the attractiveness of these areas


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 52 - Do you think that the criteria used to define Local Quality Employment Areas are appropriate and reflect actual market requirements? Yes/No; If not, how do you think the criteria and/or

Representation ID: 278

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that flexibility is required within strategic high quality employment areas. It is not for the Development Plan to restrict potential occupiers from locating within a particular industrial area. Furthermore there should be flexibility to enable a variety of ancillary uses to be provided which would further improve the attractiveness of these areas

Full text:

LCP believe that flexibility is required within strategic high quality employment areas. It is not for the Development Plan to restrict potential occupiers from locating within a particular industrial area. Furthermore there should be flexibility to enable a variety of ancillary uses to be provided which would further improve the attractiveness of these areas


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 53 - Do you think that Strategic High Quality Employment Areas should continue to be protected for manufacturing and logistics uses, with the other uses set out in Policy EMP3 discouraged? Y

Representation ID: 279

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP believe that Strategic High Quality Employment Areas should not just be protected for employment and logistical uses. Other potential uses should be encouraged to ensure that such industrial areas remain attractive.

Full text:

LCP believe that Strategic High Quality Employment Areas should not just be protected for employment and logistical uses. Other potential uses should be encouraged to ensure that such industrial areas remain attractive.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 55 - Do you agree with the proposal to retain Policy EMP5? Yes/No; If no please explain why.

Representation ID: 280

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP consider that this policy should be deleted. From their experience new developments within their industrial portfolios have already created job opportunities for local people and so there is no need for such a requirement.

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LCP consider that this policy should be deleted. From their experience new developments within their industrial portfolios have already created job opportunities for local people and so there is no need for such a requirement.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 57 - Do you support the proposal to merge Policy CEN1 and Policy CEN2, given that both policies focus on the overall strategy in the Black Country, including the hierarchy of centres? Yes/No

Representation ID: 281

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP have no objection to the retention of Policies CEN1 & 2 subject to the precise drafting of the new policy.

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LCP have no objection to the retention of Policies CEN1 & 2 subject to the precise drafting of the new policy.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 58 - Do you think there is any evidence to suggest that the hierarchy of centres is not appropriate going forward in the context of the regeneration strategy? Yes/No; If so, please provide de

Representation ID: 282

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP manage a number of retail centres throughout the Black Country Core Strategy Area. These include Aldridge Shopping Centre, Moor Centre Brierley Hill, Churchill Shopping Centre, Park Place Shopping Centre, Astle Retail Estate, Wulfrun Shopping Centre. There is nothing to suggest that these centres should not be retained within the hierarchy of retail centres identified in Table 6.

Full text:

LCP manage a number of retail centres throughout the Black Country Core Strategy Area. These include Aldridge Shopping Centre, Moor Centre Brierley Hill, Churchill Shopping Centre, Park Place Shopping Centre, Astle Retail Estate, Wulfrun Shopping Centre. There is nothing to suggest that these centres should not be retained within the hierarchy of retail centres identified in Table 6.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 60 - Is there evidence to suggest that identified centres are no longer performing as a centre or at their identified level in the hierarchy? Yes/No; If Yes, do you agree that they should be

Representation ID: 283

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: D2 Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

LCP would comment that the retail centres have altered significantly in the last 10 years for a variety of reasons. The number of potential retailers with requirements has significantly decreased and this should be reflected in policy. Many policies seek to retain significant retail floorspace and this may not be appropriate. Consideration needs to be given to firstly, protection of existing retail centres and secondly, for the retention of retail floorspace in centres.

Full text:

LCP would comment that the retail centres have altered significantly in the last 10 years for a variety of reasons. The number of potential retailers with requirements has significantly decreased and this should be reflected in policy. Many policies seek to retain significant retail floorspace and this may not be appropriate. Consideration needs to be given to firstly, protection of existing retail centres and secondly, for the retention of retail floorspace in centres.

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