Draft Black Country Plan
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Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45771
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAH172 - Rowley View, Moxley (former nursery and open space) - It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• WTBBC understand the allocation contains an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space should be allocated for development. The area of public open space should therefore be retained within the development.
• The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45772
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAH174 - Gorway Road - It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• The site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity. It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this and the development area be retained, thereby providing an area of high quality accessible natural greenspace.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45774
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE409 - 237 Watling Street, Brownhills - It is WTBBC’s position that the following needs to be given consideration:
• Site adjacent to a canal SLINC: Include measures to ensure any development doesn’t have both short and long term detrimental effects on the adjacent canal corridor (please also refer to WTBBC comment under policy ENV7) and, through the implementation of Black Country Plan Policy, support development that not only causes no damage but also delivers enhancements to the Local Nature Recovery Network/LLNRS priorities as identified in Draft BC LNRS opportunities map.
• Implement recommendations from Local Site Assessment carried out in 2019
• Site is within the Green Belt: WTBBC strongly encourages that alternatives are sought and any other options explored in order to prevent areas of the Green Belt being lost even where those areas may have not fully met the ecological value threshold for objection.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45775
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE404 - Lynx / Beatwaste Site, Bentley Lane - It is WTBBC’s position that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• Site forms part of important and well connected area in draft Local Nature Recovery Map. It is next to an LNR and directly adjoins a SLINC. Development of this site could have a significant detrimental effect not only on both the existing designated areas but the connectivity of the wider LNRS.
• High potential for/evidence of presence of important/priority habitats and species (namely farmland birds).
• Site is within Green Belt: WTBBC strongly encourages that alternatives are sought and any other options explored in order to prevent areas of the Green Belt being lost.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45777
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE410 - Johnsons Farm and Meadow Farm - It is WTBBC’s position that the following needs to be given consideration:
• Retain any areas of semi-natural habitat. A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment should be carried out to identify these areas and any opportunities for enhancement in line with the draft BC LNRS priorities/opportunities map.
• Site is within the Green Belt: WTBBC strongly encourages that alternatives are sought and any other options explored in order to prevent areas of the Green Belt being lost even where those areas may have not fully met the ecological value threshold for objection.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45778
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE411 - Land to the south east of Longwood Bridge - It is WTBBC’s position that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• Site forms part of important and well connected area in draft Local Nature Recovery Map and development of the site could have a significant detrimental impact on that connectivity.
• Site is also adjacent to a Canal SLINC (please refer to WTBBC comment under policy ENV7).
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45779
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE412 - Sandown Quarry, Stubbers Green Road, Aldridge - It is WTBBC’s position that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• Part of this site is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (Swan Pool and The Swag SSSI).
• The remainder are of this site is identified as PSI. A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• Site is identified as Core Habitat zone in draft BC LLNRS map and forms part of important and well connected area (to the North and East) in draft Local Nature Recovery Map. Development of the site could have a significant detrimental impact in the LNRS.
• Site is also adjacent to a Canal SLINC (please refer to WTBBC comment under policy ENV7).
• High potential for/evidence of the presence of priority habitats and species (namely Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land (OMHPDL)).
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45782
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE002 - Pelsall Road / Bullows Road, Brownhills - It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site hedgerows and trees/woodlands should be retained.
• Site in close proximity to Clayhanger SSSI. Opportunity exists to create a substantial green buffer.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45783
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE005 - North of Maybrook / Clayhanger Road, Brownhills - It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site originally mapped as PSI though cleared since (c2019). Remaining pond feature adjacent to canal should be retained and canal corridor habitat enhancements delivered in line with Draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
Draft Black Country Plan
Development Allocations
Representation ID: 45784
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
WAE004 - Former scrapyard, north of Joberns Tip, Coppice Lane, Walsall Wood - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• LNRS core habitat area/High Ecological evaluation score, with high potential for/evidence of presence of important/priority habitats.