Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45753

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH243 - Cartbridge Lane South Open Space - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt.
• Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• Ecological Evaluation of BC Green Belt found site to be of Very High Ecological Value.
• High ecological connectivity value (Draft BC Local Nature Recovery Strategy).


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45756

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH254 - Pacific Nurseries, Chester Road, Walsall - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
• Site contains a substantial area of semi-natural habitat.
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45757

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH256 - Land to the rear of 114-130 Green Lane, Shelfield - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• Site situated close to Site of Special Scientific Interest and therefore high potential for detrimental impact.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45758

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH108 - Kendrick Place and Castle View Road, Moxley - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• Site contains area of semi-natural habitat.
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45761

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH118 - Poplar Avenue (east), Bentley - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• The site is a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National Planning Policy Framework states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity. WTBBC therefore object to the allocation on this basis.
• WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. Due to the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities no public open space should be allocated for development. On this basis we object.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45763

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH119 - Noose Crescent (former Lakeside School), Willenhall - It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• The site adjoins Wadden’s Brook Local Nature Reserve. Redevelopment provides the opportunity to create a suitable buffer of appropriate habitat (as defined in the Draft Black Country Local Nature Recovery Strategy) as part of the provision of high-quality accessible natural greenspace.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45764

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH128 - Festival Avenue (end of street), Darlaston - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
• The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45766

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH129 - Festival Avenue, Darlaston - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
• The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45767

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH151 - Land at Churchill Road and Kent Road, to the rear of 2-14 Kent Road and 201-205 Churchill Road, Bentley, Walsall - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• The site contains a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National Planning Policy Framework states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity. WTBBC therefore object to the allocation on this basis.
• WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. Due to the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities no public open space should be allocated for development. On this basis we object.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45770

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH161 - Cricket Close Allotments and Tennis Courts, Walsall - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.

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