Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45485

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH233 - Middlemore Lane West, Aldridge - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site is bounded by defunct hedgerow with mature trees which should be retained/restored.
• Site adjoins Daw End Railway Cutting SSSI therefore buffer of appropriate habitat should be retained/created.
• Daw End Railway Cutting SSSI known to be important site for bats and therefore lighting strategy required.
• Ecological Evaluation of BC Green Belt found site to be of High Ecological Value.
• Green Belt Assessment found development would be of Moderate to High harm.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45488

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH234 - Land between Queslett Road, Doe Bank Lane and Aldridge Road, Pheasey - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site provides an important ecological stepping-stone between Walsall green belt and Sutton Park NNR.
• Area known to be important migration route for bats and therefore lighting strategy required.
• Site provides opportunity to retain significant open space and create heathland habitats as identified in the Draft BC Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
• Green Belt Assessment found development would be of Very High harm.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45489

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH235 - Home Farm, Sandhills, Walsall Wood - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this and the development area be retained, thereby providing an area of high quality accessible natural greenspace.
• Site provides opportunity to retain significant open space and create heathland habitats as identified in the Draft BC Local Nature Recovery Strategy.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45725

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH236 - Land at Yorks Bridge, Lichfield Road, Pelsall - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt.
• The site contains a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC).
• Site is close to Cannock Extension Canal SAC and adjoins Pelsall North Common LNR, therefore very high potential for detrimental impact.
• Site provides opportunity for heathland creation and therefore increased ecological connectivity.
• Ecological Evaluation of BC Green Belt found site to be of Very High Ecological Value.
• Green Belt Assessment found development would be of Moderate High harm.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45726

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH237 - Land north of Stonnall Road, Aldridge - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this and the development area be retained.
• The western portion of the site forms part of an important ecological corridor which links a number of areas of the Walsall green belt. This area should therefore be excluded from any development.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy WSA2 – Land at Vicarage Road and Coronation Road, High Heath and land at Mob Lane, Pelsall

Representation ID: 45728

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH238 - Land at Vicarage Road / Coronation Road, High Heath - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• Site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this and the development area be retained.
• The western portion of the site forms part of an important ecological corridor which links a number of areas of the Walsall green belt. This area should therefore be excluded from any development.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45730

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH239 - Land north of Northfields Way, Clayhanger, Brownhills - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt.
• Site was previously cleared of vegetation which prevented an objective Local (wildlife) Site Assessment being undertaken (this conflicts with Policy ENV4 10.67).
• Site forms an important ecological corridor which links Clayhanger SSSI to Clayhanger Common SINC and SLINC.
• Site adjoins canal and therefore high potential for detrimental impact to canal corridor.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45731

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH240 - Land at Mob Lane, High Heath, Pelsall - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. Features within the site should be retained:
• The site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity. It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this and the development area be retained, thereby providing an area of high quality accessible natural greenspace.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45733

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH241 - Former NHS site, land east of Nether Hall Avenue, Great Barr - WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt. It is WTBBC’s position that features within the site should be retained:
• The site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity. It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this and the development area be retained.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45749

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WAH242 - Calderfields West, Aldridge Road, Walsall - WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of green belt.
• Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• High ecological connectivity value (Draft BC Local Nature Recovery Strategy). Site forms part of an important ecological corridor linking areas of the Walsall green belt.

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