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Form ID: 10274
Respondent: HUMO Developments Ltd.

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268

Ketley Farm

Dudley Road, Kingswinford



No answer given

Former derelict farm and outbuildings. It is understood that the land was used for rough grazing. Dudley MBC granted planning permission in September 2018 for the Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 11 for the demolition of farmhouse and outbuildings (reference P18/1306/PN11B).

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Retail

HUMO Developments Ltd. is the current owner of the Ketley Farm site and adjacent Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24). The combined sites would facilitate c.40units/Ha with substantive areas of green infrastructure (POS/LEAP etc.) and will provide approximately 600 houses. There is the potential to incorporate retail development adjacent to the A4101 (Dudley Road).

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No existing land holding/grazing license.

No answer given


If combined with the adjacent site (Entry 24 Ketley Quarry) matters may need to be reconsidered.


Planning Reference P18/1306/PN11B Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 11 for demolition of farmhouse and outbuildings (Approved 27/09/2018)


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

No answer given




HUMO Developments Ltd. is the current owner of the Ketley Farm site and adjacent Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24) and wish to highlight the potential for both sites to be considered jointly as part of the Black Country Site Submission process. The above are shown on the accompanying plan, KT1123-D2: Ketley Farm site Adjacent to Ketley Quarry (site 24). The former site area of Ketley Farm is shaded green and the adjacent Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24) shaded brown. The following points should be noted: • Whilst the Ketley Quarry site (Entry 24) is being prepared for housing development to commence as early as 2020, the Ketley Farm site is technically immediately available for development, although it is anticipated both this site and the Ketley Quarry site will be promoted as an area of housing as a single site. • It is envisaged that the proposals over the combined sites would facilitate c.40units/Ha with substantive areas of green infrastructure (POS/LEAP etc.) and will provide approximately 600 houses. • There is the potential to incorporate retail development adjacent to the A4101 (Dudley Road). • Both sites are presently being regenerated for immediate release. • Currently, an outline planning application is being prepared and pre-application discussions are being held with Dudley MBC.

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