OC2 version of form

Form ID: 10115
Respondent: Turley Associates

Sole owner



Map 1268
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Land off Birmingham Road, Great Barr

Land off Birmingham Road, Great Barr

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Offices (Use Class B1a) , Retail , Open Space or Sports Pitches , Community Facilities (including health or education) , Sports / Leisure , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

Residential only = 700-900 homes Mixed residential and employment = 300-400 new homes and circa 35,000-40,000 sqm employment space

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Broadband internet

None of these

No answer given

The land is identified within the West Midlands Region Agricultural Classification as ‘Other land primarily in non-agricultural use’


Nothing chosen

Studies are currently being undertaken to understand infrastructure requirements associated with development of the site.


No answer given


No answer given

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

The landowner has been approached by both housebuilders and industrial developers regarding the availability of the site.




No answer given