
Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 43805

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: John Mason Associates Ltd

Agent: John Mason Associates Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land to Rear of 105 Skip Lane

1.1 The Black Country Plan (formerly known as the Black Country Core Strategy) is a plan prepared by the four Black Country authorities (Walsall, Dudley, Sandwell, and
Wolverhampton) to identify and allocate for development sufficient land for housing and employment needs for the next 15 years.

1.2 Government requires a review of all land use plans every five years. The current Core Strategy was adopted in 2011. It is currently projected that the Black Country Plan will be adopted during 2023 and will allocate sufficient land to meet housing needs for 15
years or until 2039.

1.3 During 2018, Government introduced a standard calculation for working out how many new homes are required. Using this method, the Black Country had a need for 3,761 new homes each year or 71,459 homes in total over the Black Country period from 2020 – 2039.

1.4 In our view even allowing for the number of houses that can be accommodated on brownfield land in Walsall and taking this number of the total number of houses
required there is still a gap which will require Walsall Council to allocate land in the Green Belt.

1.5 Subsequent to the above, this statement provides an assessment of the proposals and justifies how the proposed development accords with relevant planning considerations before concluding that it should be supported, and the site should be allocated for residential development.

2. Location & Site Context

2.1 The Policy Map for Walsall identifies the site at Skip Lane as Green Belt. However, the following sections of this statement provide a description of the site and its context and describes the proposed development. The relevant policy framework, including the National Planning Policy Framework and policies of the Development Plan are detailed.

2.2 Skip Lane leads onto the Birmingham Road (A34) and is within walking distance of facilities and services in Gillity Village – COOP, King Arthur PH, and local dentist.
The nearest bus stops are close by, located on Skip Lane, with connections to the local community hub at Perry Barr, which is short distance to the south, with
connecting bus services to Walsall town centre, which also has a good range of services. The site is therefore sustainable in transport terms by both public transport
and the private car.

2.3 The overall site area is 3.4 ha (8.5 acres). The proposed residential development is illustrated on the Feasibility Layout Drawing 1480-10 attached.

2.4 In accordance Table 3 of the Black Country Plan 2,398 dwellings need to be released from the Green Belt between 2020-39. It is considered that the subject site can assist meet housing needs.

2.5 In accordance with Policy HOU3 of the Black Country Plan 15% of the dwellings will be designed to be wheelchair user with 30% of the dwellings designed to be
affordable dwellings with the mix determined by the Council.

2.6 The proposed residential development, will seek permission for the demolition of No 105 Skip Lane, a detached dwelling, and the redevelopment of land to the rear with 98 new homes with a variety of styles.

2.7 It is important that the housing on the site reflects the housing mix in accordance with the Black Country Housing Market Assessment (HMA) 2021 in accordance with paragraph 6.20 of the Black Country Plan.

2.8 The area hosts a wide range of dwellings, with a variety of setbacks from the highway, height, age, and architectural style.

2.9 The proposed dwellings would be set back behind the existing houses that front Skip Lane.

2.10 The proposed access road to the proposal is 5.5m wide with a 2m footpath on either side and is located in a landscaped setting.

2.11 Consideration of the scale and form of neighbouring dwellings weighed in the design process.

2.12 The site is located on the east side of Skip Lane, adjacent to the Great Barr Golf course that encloses the site.

3. Planning Policy (See Appendix1)
3.1 Planning Law requires that planning applications must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For the purposes of Section38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Development Plan comprises:
Walsall Site Allocations (SAD) (2019)
Walsall Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP) (2019)
The Black Country Core Strategy (BCCS) (2011)
Saved policies and maps for the Walsall Unitary Development Plan (UDP) (2005)
Additional Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) in the wider Local Pan

3.2 The site is located within the Green Belt on the adopted Walsall Site Allocations Document (adopted 2019).

3.3 Objective 2 of the SAD states that housing will be delivered on vacant, derelict, and under-used land.

4. Other Material Considerations
4.1 Key Benefits of the Proposed Development:
Will provide a mix of house types, including bungalows, with wheelchair access, that will contribute towards housing supply in this part of the Borough.
Will contribute towards the need for adaptable family homes.
Will contribute towards the three pillars of sustainable development.
Will make efficient use of vacant land.
Each dwelling will have an electric vehicle charging point installed.
Permanently discourage the misuse of the land or the risk of the existing building becoming derelict or being use inappropriately.
Will ensure a good quality long term future of the land and reduce the need to develop more prominent sites.
Deliver a quality development of sympathetically designed aspirational family houses.

Impact on the character and appearance of the area
4.2 The NPPF says that developments should respond to local character, it is proper to seek to promote or reinforced local distinctiveness, address the integration of new development into the built environment. Permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available to preserve or enhance the character of the area. BCCS Policies CPS4, HOU2, ENV2, ENV3; SAD Policy HC2; saved UDP policies GP2, 3.6 and ENV32 and Supplementary Planning Document Designing Walsall, requires developments to be informed. Influenced by their context
and to reinforce locally distinctive elements.

4.3 The proposal in this case adds medium density quality development that will have a positive effect on the character and appearance of the area.

Layout Scale and Design
4.4 The overall proposal provides sufficient amenity space to meet the needs of future occupiers. The layout design limits any impact of overlooking or shadowing between the existing and proposed properties. For the neighbouring properties, the proposal would not result in a loss of amenity.

4.5 In architectural terms and from the standpoint of scale, height, depth and closeness to each other, the layout is acceptable.

4.6 Please take note a standard 2100mm close boarded fence would have more of an impact than the proposed dwellings relative to the neighbouring properties facing
Skip Lane.

4.7 Due to the isolated nature of the development site, we recommend the use of Secured by Design security measures which can be imposed as a planning

Access and Parking
4.8 The proposal utilises the proposed new access off Skip Lane. In terms of traffic generation terms, each dwelling is provided with a minimum of three parking spaces which meets the requirements of saved UPD policy T13. Some plots are provided with four parking spaces within garages and drives. It is considered that this level of parking is acceptable.

4.9 There is an existing footpath along both sides of the access. A construction method statement, covering surfacing, drainage arrangements and landscaping/maintenance for the highway verge, can also be secured as part of the allocation description.

Local Finance Considerations
4.10 Section 143 of the Localism Act requires the local planning authority to have regard to ‘local finance considerations’ when determining planning applications. In Walsall this means there is a need to take account of New Homes Bonus monies that might be received because of the construction of new housing.
This proposed allocation will provide 98 new homes.

4.11 The Government has indicated that it will award over £1,000 per dwelling per year. This is made each year for a period of 4 years from completion of the dwelling.

4.12 The weight that should be given to this, including to the other issues, is a matter for the decision-maker.

Planning Balance
4.13 The NPPF sets out the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Paragraph 11 sets out that this means approving development that accords with an up-to-date Development Pan without delay. Having regard to the above assessment given the significant change in the proposal we consider that the site is an ideal opportunity to allocate a site now in accordance with the Development Plan.

4.14 Notwithstanding the above compliance with the Development Plan the NPPF sets out at paragraph 8 that there are three overarching objectives to sustainable development that should be pursued in mutually supportive ways; these are the economic social and
environmental objectives. In considering whether the proposed development constitutes sustainable development, how the development performs against the
objectives and policies of the NPPF as a whole should be considered.

4.15 In considering the economic effects of the proposal to erect 98 dwellings would directly and indirectly create additional jobs and income generation for the area. Local builders would be directly employed as part of the scheme resulting in economic benefits.

4.16 In considering the social and environmental benefits would accrue from re-planning and management and the introduction of new occupiers to support community

4.17 The proposed development would therefore accord with the relevant policies of the NPPF and the Development Plan delivering additional dwellings.

4.18 The proposal makes efficient use of an underutilised site and creates a high-quality living environment that would harmonise with the local area with no effects on
neighbouring properties.

5. Conclusion
5.1 This statement has been prepared to accompany the allocation of the site in the Black Country Plan for the erection of 98 dwellings off Skip Lane, Walsall.

5.2 The proposed development would meet housing needs in Walsall and accord with the relevant policies of the Development Plan, delivering additional dwellings within a sustainable location with good access to facilities and services and sustainable modes of transport. The proposal provides affordable housing and wheelchair access in accordance with The Black Country Plan and makes efficient use of an underutilised site and creates a high-quality living environment that would complete the character and appearance of the surrounding area.

5.3 It is suggested that the proposal accords with the Development Plan taken as a whole and that it represents sustainable development that will deliver a range of social, economic an environmental benefit in accordance with the NPPF.

5.4 It is considered that the application is supported by the NPPF, policies CSP2 and ENV1 and ENV2 of the Black Country Core Strategy; policies ENV1 and EN5 of the Walsall Site Allocations Document and Policies contained to the emerging Black Country Plan.

5.5 In the circumstances we trust that site will be favourably received so that the development can be commenced without delay.