Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 100 - Do you support the removal of the reference made to canal projects? Yes/No; Do you think that any other changes should be made to Policy ENV4? Please provide details.

Representation ID: 628

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA submits that it would be beneficial for the Core Strategy to include recognition in principle of the benefits that canal restoration can bring to the Black Country. We fully recognise that the feasibility and technical issues of each canal project must be considered at the appropriate stage and at local level.

Full text:

IWA submits that it would be beneficial for the Core Strategy to include recognition in principle of the benefits that canal restoration can bring to the Black Country. We fully recognise that the feasibility and technical issues of each canal project must be considered at the appropriate stage and at local level.

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