Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Key Issue 5 - Protecting and enhancing the environment

Representation ID: 578

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA fully supports the need for a vision and strategy for enhancing the Black Country environment and protecting it against detrimental impacts of development. We agree that this should include consideration of the impact of SACs over a wider catchment area.

Full text:

IWA fully supports the need for a vision and strategy for enhancing the Black Country environment and protecting it against detrimental impacts of development. We agree that this should include consideration of the impact of SACs over a wider catchment area.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Key Issue 6 - Reviewing the role and extent of the green belt

Representation ID: 579

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

3.40 IWA supports the significance placed on green belt in the strategy and compliance with the NPPF requirement that green belt boundaries should only by altered in 'exceptional circumstances. IWA commends the importance of canal corridors as a valuable means of restricting urban sprawl.

Full text:

3.40 IWA supports the significance placed on green belt in the strategy and compliance with the NPPF requirement that green belt boundaries should only by altered in 'exceptional circumstances. IWA commends the importance of canal corridors as a valuable means of restricting urban sprawl.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Key Issue 7 - Keeping the Black Country connected

Representation ID: 580

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA supports the need to increase the proportion of people walking and cycling both to reduce the impact of vehicular transport and to increase the health and well being benefits. Canal towpaths with adequate management in place provide safe and attractive routes for walking and cycling.

Full text:

IWA supports the need to increase the proportion of people walking and cycling both to reduce the impact of vehicular transport and to increase the health and well being benefits. Canal towpaths with adequate management in place provide safe and attractive routes for walking and cycling.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 7 - Do you think that the Core Strategy vision and sustainability principles remain appropriate? Yes/No; If not, what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 582

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA supports sustainable development which minimises the environmental impact on any adjoining canal corridors. A considerable extent of brownfield sites is adjacent to the Black Country canals and sustainable development of this land can enhance the canal environment whilst providing development opportunities.

Full text:

IWA supports sustainable development which minimises the environmental impact on any adjoining canal corridors. A considerable extent of brownfield sites is adjacent to the Black Country canals and sustainable development of this land can enhance the canal environment whilst providing development opportunities.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 32 - Do you think that the proposed approach to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the Core Strategy review is appropriate? Yes/No; If no, please provide details

Representation ID: 594

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA fully supports the links between physical environment and health and wellbeing and commends the benefits that the canal corridor provides in this. We agree that a specific "Health & Wellbeing" section should be incorporated into the Core Strategy.

Full text:

IWA fully supports the links between physical environment and health and wellbeing and commends the benefits that the canal corridor provides in this. We agree that a specific "Health & Wellbeing" section should be incorporated into the Core Strategy.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 33 - Is there more that the Core Strategy can do to address health and wellbeing issues in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, is a new policy needed to address such issues for example?

Representation ID: 608

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA believes that a new policy bringing together all the criteria that impact on health and wellbeing in the widest sense would be beneficial to the Black Country.

Full text:

IWA believes that a new policy bringing together all the criteria that impact on health and wellbeing in the widest sense would be beneficial to the Black Country.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 34a - Do you agree that the health and wellbeing impacts of large development proposals should be considered at the Preferred Spatial Option stage of the Core Strategy review through a Health

Representation ID: 610

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

Considering the health and wellbeing impacts at an early stage through a Health Impact Assessment approach will facilitate the most effective way of implementing them.

Full text:

Considering the health and wellbeing impacts at an early stage through a Health Impact Assessment approach will facilitate the most effective way of implementing them.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 97 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness? Yes/No; If no, please provide details of any other changes that should be made to Policy EN

Representation ID: 625

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA recognise the significance of the diverse character of the area particularly in relation to its canals. The historic differences in the various canals provide a strong identity to each part of the Black Country which must be maintained. We comment the Canal & River Trust for recognising this distinctiveness nationally and locally.

Full text:

IWA recognise the significance of the diverse character of the area particularly in relation to its canals. The historic differences in the various canals provide a strong identity to each part of the Black Country which must be maintained. We comment the Canal & River Trust for recognising this distinctiveness nationally and locally.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 92 - Do you support the proposed approach to providing a coherent network for walking and cycling? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 626

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA fully supports the approach to providing a walking and cycling network utilising canal towpaths linked to other routes with appropriate signage and access points.

Full text:

IWA fully supports the approach to providing a walking and cycling network utilising canal towpaths linked to other routes with appropriate signage and access points.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 96 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to nature conservation? Yes/No; If no, do you think that any other changes should be made to Policy ENV1?

Representation ID: 627

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Inland Waterways Association (Birmingham)

Representation Summary:

IWA supports the creation of the Black Country Geo Park as a valuable means of linking geological sites partially utilising the canal system.

Full text:

IWA supports the creation of the Black Country Geo Park as a valuable means of linking geological sites partially utilising the canal system.

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