Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 38 - Do you think that the current accessibility and density standards are appropriate for green belt release locations? Yes/No; If no, what standards should be applied in these locations and

Representation ID: 461

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

Whilst we understand the need for creating space-efficient developments we would like to see each housing application assessed on its own merits to a universal standard.

Full text:

Whilst we understand the need for creating space-efficient developments we would like to see each housing application assessed on its own merits to a universal standard.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 47 - Do you think that Policy HOU5 should be expanded to cover other types of built social infrastructure and to set out standards for built social infrastructure to serve major housing devel

Representation ID: 462

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

The definition of healthcare facilities covered by Policy HOU5 should be extended to explicitly include the provision of multifunctional greenspace to allow healthy lifestyle choices as identified in section 6.11 of this report.

Full text:

The definition of healthcare facilities covered by Policy HOU5 should be extended to explicitly include the provision of multifunctional greenspace to allow healthy lifestyle choices as identified in section 6.11 of this report.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 48 - Do you agree that the requirement in HOU5, to demonstrate there is adequate alternative provision to meet the needs of the community served by a facility which is to be lost, should be r

Representation ID: 463

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

This should be extended to explicitly include the provision of multifunctional greenspace to allow healthy lifestyle choices as identified in section 6.11 of this report with reference to quantifiable criteria in the LNP Programme of Action.

Full text:

This should be extended to explicitly include the provision of multifunctional greenspace to allow healthy lifestyle choices as identified in section 6.11 of this report with reference to quantifiable criteria in the LNP Programme of Action.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 49b - If yes, should this policy be used to assess the release of employment land to alternative uses, other than housing? Yes/No; If yes, please explain why.

Representation ID: 464

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

Given that the NPPF requires the planning system to contribute to and enhance the natural environment in the pursuit of sustainable development, consideration could be given to releasing land for green infrastructure and nature conservation. This is essential as current evidence indicates that our existing network of designated sites is not sufficient to protect wildlife, that areas of publicly accessible greenspace are essential for our health and wellbeing and provide other ecosystem services often lacking in very urban areas.

Full text:

Given that the NPPF requires the planning system to contribute to and enhance the natural environment in the pursuit of sustainable development, consideration could be given to releasing land for green infrastructure and nature conservation. This is essential as current evidence indicates that our existing network of designated sites is not sufficient to protect wildlife, that areas of publicly accessible greenspace are essential for our health and wellbeing and provide other ecosystem services often lacking in very urban areas.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 56 - Do you agree with the proposal to update Policy EMP6 in line with current priorities? Yes/No; If no, please explain why

Representation ID: 465

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

We would welcome reference to the Black Country Geopark into Policy EMP3. The UNESCO endorsement of the Black Country Geopark is predicated by the contribution it will make to the local (visitor) economy (natural capital) so the BC Geopark needs to be added to the updated lists cited.

Full text:

We would welcome reference to the Black Country Geopark into Policy EMP3. The UNESCO endorsement of the Black Country Geopark is predicated by the contribution it will make to the local (visitor) economy (natural capital) so the BC Geopark needs to be added to the updated lists cited.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 65 - Should the Core Strategy set any targets or policy requirements for leisure development in the Strategic Centres? Yes/No; Any further comments?

Representation ID: 466

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.

Full text:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 69 - Should more types of uses be encouraged and more flexibility be allowed to ensure the regeneration and vitality of the Black Country Town Centres? Yes / No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 468

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.

Full text:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 70 - Do you think there are any specific developments or uses that should be supported in any particular Town Centre? Yes/No; Please provide details.

Representation ID: 469

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.

Full text:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 72 - Should more types of uses be encouraged and more flexibility be allowed to ensure the regeneration and vitality of the Black Country District and Local Centres? Yes/No; Please explain wh

Representation ID: 470

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.

Full text:

Strategic centres also have a role to play in providing access to green open space and providing ecosystem services. Each development should be assessed on its merits , and whilst intensive development may be appropriate in some situations in strategic centres, the need and opportunities for multifunctional green infrastructure should be considered in all locations. This is especially relevant to health and wellbeing if strategic centres are developed such that people both live and work in these centres.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 94 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to environmental infrastructure and place-making? Yes/No; If you think that any other changes should be made to Policies CSP3 or CSP4, please

Representation ID: 471

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Local Nature Partnership

Representation Summary:

We welcome updates of environmental infrastructure requirements based on up to date evidence such as the Natural England Green Infrastructure and Pinch Point analysis. The LNP can provide existing data, advice and support in developing new proposals.

Full text:

We welcome updates of environmental infrastructure requirements based on up to date evidence such as the Natural England Green Infrastructure and Pinch Point analysis. The LNP can provide existing data, advice and support in developing new proposals.

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