Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 13d - Do you think that the Core Strategy should set out detailed guidance for the development of SUEs (e.g. type and tenure of housing, specific infrastructure required), rather than details
Representation ID: 451
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
From an environmental perspective it would be preferable if the selection of sites were undertaken using an evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently referred to in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
From an environmental perspective it would be preferable if the selection of sites were undertaken using an evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently referred to in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 16 - Do you support Spatial Option E1? Yes/No; What type of sites are needed to meet the needs of industry and what criteria should be used to select sites? (e.g. quick motorway access) If yo
Representation ID: 452
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 17 - Do you support Spatial Option E2? Yes/No; What type of sites are needed to meet the needs of industry and what criteria should be used to select sites e.g. quick motorway access, good su
Representation ID: 453
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 18 - Do you support Spatial Option E3? Yes/No; What type of sites are needed to meet the needs of industry and what criteria should be used to select sites? (e.g. quick motorway access) If yo
Representation ID: 454
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 19a - Do you support Spatial Option E4? Yes/No; Any further comments.
Representation ID: 455
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 20 - Do you think there are any other deliverable and sustainable Employment Land Spatial Options? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details.
Representation ID: 456
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
As with the spatial options proposed for housing, we would prefer the selection of sites for employment to be undertaken through evidence based approach that weighs up the pros/cons of each individual site. The impact on and potential benefits for the provision of green and environmental infrastructure should be one of the characteristics used in the assessment of sites. This is not currently fully explored in the opportunities and challenges tables for the different approaches.
Assessing each proposed development on its merits rather than using a broad-brush approach provides a genuine spatial choice that enables better sustainable development.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 21 - Do you think that changes are required to Policy DEL1 to ensure it covers both development within the existing urban area and any within the Green Belt? Yes/No; If yes, please provide de
Representation ID: 457
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
The infrastructure definition in Policy DEL 1 is broad, including public open space and sustainable drainage, but not specifically mentioning environmental infrastructure in DEL1 nor Paragraphs 5.1 to 5.6 of this report except in mitigating environmental impacts. We would like to see the provision of additional environmental and green infrastructure explicitly covered in this policy recognising the multiple benefits that will impact on health, transport networks and community facilities. The LNP can provide advice and support for this. It is also our opinion that this policy should be no different in greenbelt or urban areas.
The infrastructure definition in Policy DEL 1 is broad, including public open space and sustainable drainage, but not specifically mentioning environmental infrastructure in DEL1 nor Paragraphs 5.1 to 5.6 of this report except in mitigating environmental impacts. We would like to see the provision of additional environmental and green infrastructure explicitly covered in this policy recognising the multiple benefits that will impact on health, transport networks and community facilities. The LNP can provide advice and support for this. It is also our opinion that this policy should be no different in greenbelt or urban areas.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 32 - Do you think that the proposed approach to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the Core Strategy review is appropriate? Yes/No; If no, please provide details
Representation ID: 458
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
It is our opinion that the policy should contain reference to quantifiable standards of accessibility to greenspace, such as those outlined in the LNP Programme of Action.
It is our opinion that the policy should contain reference to quantifiable standards of accessibility to greenspace, such as those outlined in the LNP Programme of Action.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 33 - Is there more that the Core Strategy can do to address health and wellbeing issues in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, is a new policy needed to address such issues for example?
Representation ID: 459
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
It is our opinion that the policy should contain reference to quantifiable standards of accessibility to greenspace, such as those outlined in the LNP Programme of Action.
It is our opinion that the policy should contain reference to quantifiable standards of accessibility to greenspace, such as those outlined in the LNP Programme of Action.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 36 - Do you think that the current accessibility and density standards set out in Policy HOU2 and Table 8 should be changed? Yes/No; If yes, what standards should be applied instead, for exam
Representation ID: 460
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Local Nature Partnership
We disagree with both the assumption that housing densities should be different in greenbelt and urban areas and that there should be a minimum net housing density on brownfield sites. The ecological importance of brownfield sites can equal or greater than in the greenbelt and the need for green infrastructure is often higher in urban areas. The density of a development should depend on the needs of the residents and strategic goals and should therefore be assessed on a site by site basis. Environmental infrastructure should be integrated across housing developments.
We disagree with both the assumption that housing densities should be different in greenbelt and urban areas and that there should be a minimum net housing density on brownfield sites. The ecological importance of brownfield sites can equal or greater than in the greenbelt and the need for green infrastructure is often higher in urban areas. The density of a development should depend on the needs of the residents and strategic goals and should therefore be assessed on a site by site basis. Environmental infrastructure should be integrated across housing developments.