Draft Black Country Plan
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Draft Black Country Plan
Policy DEL3 – Promotion of Fibre to the Premises and 5G Networks
Representation ID: 23192
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Policy DEL 3, page 65, clause 5 we would suggest the text is amended as follows, or similar: ‘Proposals should not have an adverse impact on […] heritage assets or conservation areas…’ to ‘Proposals should protect and where possible, enhance […] the significance of heritage assets including their setting’. Conservation areas are listed within the NPPF definition of heritage assets and as such do not require their own reference.
Draft Black Country Plan
Table 3 - Black Country Housing Land Supply and Indicative Phasing 2020-39
Representation ID: 23251
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
We recognise that Table 3 on page 90 sets out a significant housing requirement for the Black Country and seeks to find land to accommodate over 47,000 new homes in the plan period. Historic England is concerned about the location of this proposed development and is keen to ensure that the Plan has a positive strategy for the historic environment, seeks to protect and where possible, enhance the significance of heritage assets including their setting and has suitable and up to date evidence to justify the inclusion of proposed allocations and any potential harm/ avoidance and mitigation measures.
See comments elsewhere on proposed allocations and within the body of the letter attached to this response.
Draft Black Country Plan
7 The Black Country Economy
Representation ID: 23252
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Section 7 This section sets out a hierarchy of employment centres and the need to safeguard employment areas for future development.
It remains unclear as to what the implications may be for the historic environment and what assessment has been undertaken at this stage. We require further detail in order to make an assessment.
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network
Representation ID: 23253
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Policy Trans 1 we welcome reference to the Council’s transport strategy for the Black Country Area. We are keen to understand what stage the proposals listed within the policy are at, and what assessment has been undertaken to date to understand the impacts for the significance of heritage assets including their setting.
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy TRAN2 Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network
Representation ID: 23254
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Policy TRAN2 what assessment has been undertaken with regards to safeguarded land needed for future transport development and the impact on the historic environment? Same comment for TRAN4 where specific sites are referenced.
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy TRAN4 The Efficient Movement of Freight
Representation ID: 23255
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Same comment for TRAN4 where specific sites are referenced. Policy TRAN2 what assessment has been undertaken with regards to safeguarded land needed for future transport development and the impact on the historic environment? Same comment for TRAN4 where specific sites are referenced.
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy TRAN5 - Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and for Walking
Representation ID: 23256
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Policy TRAN5 We support Policy TRAN5 and would welcome the canal network being more accessible. We also welcome public realm improvements and consider that there could be opportunities to enhance the historic environment through signage, interpretation, creation of new links and accessibility etc. and would be keen to see this referenced in the policy as a potential aim.
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy TRAN6 Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices
Representation ID: 23257
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Policy TRAN6 is there any information available on where the sites for new park and rides are likely to be?
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy ENV4 – Provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
Representation ID: 23262
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Policy ENV4 we are supportive of a policy that seeks to retain and enhance tree cover within the wider Black Country area. We do request that there is reference within the policy to heritage assets and the historic landscape to ensure that appropriate design and species are chosen to complement/ enhance the historic environment and that consideration is given to ensure there is no harm for the historic environment or heritage landscapes. The insertion of a clause into the policy could safeguard this issue. We support clause 25) and the retention of hedgerows.
Draft Black Country Plan
Policy ENV 5 - Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness of the Black Country
Representation ID: 23263
Received: 11/10/2021
Respondent: Historic England
Paragraph 10.78 states that where ‘physical evidence of local character persists, it should be conserved’. Can the Plan clarify what is meant by this and how this can be achieved? We are supportive of the aim.