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Results for HIMOR search

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Form ID: 10520
Respondent: HIMOR
Agent: Turley Assocs

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268

Land off Birmingham Road, Great Barr

Land off Birmingham Road, Great Barr

No answer given




Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Open Space or Sports Pitches

300-355 new homes

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Magic Maps identifies agricultural grade as ‘non-agricultural’ classification.

No answer given

Primary School

Studies are currently being undertaken to understand infrastructure requirements associated with development of the site. There is sufficient existing infrastructure in the surrounding area to accommodate the proposals. This has been discussed with the appropriate stakeholders, such as the Black Country CCG. We continue to explore school capacity with the Council.


No answer given


No answer given

Owned by developer

No answer given

7-8 years



Please see enclosed covering letter and vision document.

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