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Form ID: 10547
Respondent: CBRE
Agent: CBRE

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268

Hall Street, Dudley

The Alan Nuttall Partnership Ltd, National Works, Hall Street, Dudley


No answer given


Manufacturing and warehousing

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Industry or Storage (Use Classes B1b/c, B2 or B8) , Offices (Use Class B1a)

154 dwellings (mix of houses and apartments, 3.07ha), 0.38ha commercial, conversion of Bean Cars building for residential / commercial (0.18ha)

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Current use needs to be relocated , Previous mining activity known or suspected

CBRE is assisting Nuttall’s in identifying a smaller site for relocation within the local area. A Coal Mining Risk Assessment has been carried out which identifies potential mineshafts within the site, the indicative masterplan has therefore shown development located the appropriate distance away from suspected shafts. There is a locally listed building (Bean Cars) within the site and it is located within an area of High Historic Townscape Value. A Heritage Impact Assessment is being prepared, and the proposals include for conversion of the locally listed building.

No answer given

CBRE is advising the landowner of a relocation strategy

Nothing chosen

No answer given


No answer given


Subject to securing planning permission (application to be submitted in September) and the relocation of existing premises

Nothing chosen

CBRE will sell the site on behalf of the landowner once planning permission is granted, and has good contacts with regional and national housebuilders, some of which have expressed an interest.


Given the brownfield nature; existing building constraints and topography, potential grant funding routes maybe explored alongside future housebuilders


A full suite of supporting technical planning application documents is currently being prepared and have informed the mix of uses and layout of the proposed development as shown on the indicative masterplan submitted with this form.

No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 10555
Respondent: CBRE
Agent: CBRE

Sole owner

Nothing chosen


Map 1268

Brockmoor Foundry

Leys Road, Brierley Hill



No answer given

Iron Foundry – producing castings for commercial vehicles

No uploaded files for public display

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