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Results for Lichfields search

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Form ID: 10184
Respondent: Lichfields

Sole owner



Map 1268

Merry Hill

Merry Hill, Brierley Hill




Retail, Leisure, Office, Non-Residential Institutions

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Offices (Use Class B1a) , Sports / Leisure , Any other use or a more specific proposed use for the site e.g. type of employment or type of open space please specify

Not known at this time

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas , Broadband internet

Restrictive covenants - what land uses do these prevent or require? , Current use needs to be relocated , Rights of way (public or otherwise) across the site , Contamination known or suspected , Previous mining activity known or suspected , Ground instability (not linked to mining) , Watercourse / culvert / other water body , Undulating or steeply sloping ground , Underground services , Protected species / habitats


Not known at this time

Not known at this time


Intu Merry Hill - Store F - Next/Sainsbury’s (P17/0615) - Infill of colonnade, erection of mezzanine and external alterations to Store F – approved 13 June 2017. Intu Merry Hill - Store B/D - Primark (P17/0781) - Change of use of mall space (sui generis) to shop (A1) to form part of Store D and change of use of Store B Café (A3) to mall space (sui generis) at lower mall level – approved 21 July 2017


Not known


Not known at this time


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