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New searchLand at Bosty Lane, Aldridge, Walsall.
College Farm, Bosty Lane, Aldridge, Walsall,
WS9 0LF.
The site is currently used for agriculture and generally comprises agricultural fields associated with College Farm, which lies at its centre. The farm currently consists of a mix of agricultural, equine and commercial buildings and associated areas of hardstanding.
Approximately 570 new homes, at an average density of 35 dwellings per hectare, appropriate to current requirements of Walsall Council and suited to the local area with a mix of housing types, tenure, and sizes.
The proposals have the support of the landowner and thus the agricultural use of the site would cease if the site were redeveloped for housing. The existing PRoW through the site would be retained within a green corridor which would ensure that views to the open land to the south will be retained. Park Lime Pits LNR and SINC are situated adjacent to the site to the west, with a small part of the SINC extending into the site. Daw End Branch Canal SLINC is also situated adjacent to the site. There is potential to retain this area as part of a new wildlife corridor within the western part of a new residential development, which could have controlled public access. A railway line bounds the site to the north west, and despite the railway being in a cutting, there is the potential for noise impact on the site. However this constraint could be overcome if the development included an appropriate landscape buffer area between the railway line and the site, and orientated new residential properties to minimise any noise impacts upon future residents. Please refer to the Development Statement submitted with Taylor Wimpey UK Limited’s representations to the Black Country Core Strategy Review Issues and Options consultation (GVA, September 2017) for full details of the constraints and opportunities on the site.
The proposals have the support of the landowner and thus the agricultural use of the site would cease if the site were redeveloped for housing.
It is anticipated that complementary uses for the residential development would be required in the form of an educational facility, a local centre with shops, open space and footpaths and cycleways. These features have been designed in to the Illustrative Masterplan which has been submitted for the site. The need for a primary school or secondary school would need to be discussed and agreed with the Education Authority and informed by robust evidence. The other complementary uses on the site would also need to be informed by up-to-date evidence of local need.
A detailed planning history search has not been undertaken but it appears that historic planning permissions are only those which relate to the extant agricultural use of the site at College Farm.
Taylor Wimpey UK Limited control’s the site by way of an option agreement with the three different landowners.
No - The site is achievable and could be bought forward for development within the first five years of the new Core Strategy plan period, given there are no known legal or technical impediments that would preclude the development of the site.
The full details of the site and the opportunity provided by it are presented within the Development Statement (which contains an Illustrative Masterplan) that has been submitted alongside Taylor Wimpey UK Limited’s representations to the Black Country Core Strategy Review Issues and Options consultation (GVA, September 2017). Please refer to the Development Statement for further information.
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