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New searchHolbeache Lane/Wolverhampton Road, Kingswinford
Land fronting Wolverhampton Road and Holbeache Lane, Kingswinford
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Agricultural land
350 – 400 dwellings at a density of 30 to 35 dwellings per hectare
The Site is not directly affected by any of the constraints listed above. Holbeache House to the north of the site is listed, but there is significant landscape screening between such that the building or its setting is not affected.
Yes, precise grade not known. Site does not form an essential part of existing farm holding.
There are no major infrastructure requirements associated with the site’s development. Where improvements are required to say local schools, appropriate financial contributions can be provided.
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The site currently lies within the Green Belt, but a logical and defensible Green Belt boundary can be secured by following the north western boundary of the site along Holbeache Lane. The site is already contained by and sits opposite existing housing on Wolverhampton Road and sits immediately adjoining existing housing to the south east. The site has direct access to Wolverhampton Road, with provision of a new arm of the existing roundabout. New local equipped play facilities could support the development of the site, existing trees to site boundaries retained and a sustainable development of high quality new housing provided which would positively contribute to the area and meet housing needs.
Middlemore Lane West, Aldridge
Land at junction of Middlemore Lane West and Bosty Lane, Aldridge
Agricultural land
35 – 40 dwellings at a density of around 30 – 35 dwellings per hectare
The Site is not directly affected by any of the constraints listed above. The Daw End Railway Cutting SSSI lies immediately to the north of the site. There are also some existing mature trees to Bosty Lane and to the railway embankment, but these can be retained.
Yes, precise grade not known. Site does not form an essential part of existing farm holding.
There are no major infrastructure requirements associated with the site’s development. Where improvements are required to say local schools, appropriate financial contributions can be provided.
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Land at Birchley Island
Land at Birchley Island, Junction 2 of M5, Oldbury, Sandwell
Brownfield site, formerly a used car garage
Located adjacent to junction 2 of M5 – potential for noise impacts but not likely to be an issue for the uses proposed.
DC/03/40410 – Three storey offices with associated car parking and site access DC/09/51482 – Extend the implementation of DC/03/40410 for a further 3 years DC/10/52812 – Casino, Office (B1) and Hotel (C1) development, car parking, access, landscaping and associated works DC/15/58308 – Proposed amenity restaurant (use class A3/A4) with ancillary residential accommodation, access, parking, site levels reprofiling, landscaping and associated infrastructure
St Modwen Developments Ltd have a Development Agreement with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to bring the site forward for development.
This is a longstanding vacant site within a prominent, highly accessible location. The planning history of the site demonstrates that principle of the development of the site for a variety of uses including centre type uses. The site lends itself to a high quality development that would help to generate employment opportunities and attract investment.
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Land north of Mucklow Hill, Coombswood
Land north of Mucklow Hill, Coombswood, Dudley
Undeveloped land
c. 4.5ha
Not all of the site is affected by all of the factors above and some relate to the wider area and context of the site. The site and wider area is located within a Landscape Heritage Area and Site of Local Importance to Nature Conservation.
There is potential opportunity to provide for enhancements to local access to the site and this may require some additional infrastructure to support it, e.g. car parking or visitors’ facilities
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Former Goodyear Factory
Former Goodyear Factory, Bushbury Lane/Stafford Road, Wolverhampton
Former Goodyear Factory and associated buildings
c. 230 dwellings (based on 39 dph across 5.94 ha)
Goodyear Clock Tower and Bushbury Academy Primary School are non-designated heritage assets within the vicinity of the site. The site does not contribute to the significance of these assets in its current form. Development of the site would provide enhancement to their setting.
A neighborhood park, supermarket and pub restaurant have been delivered through earlier phases of the former Goodyear Factory redevelopment.
Site is currently subject to an outline planning application for ““Residential redevelopment (up to 230 dwellings), access (including revised school access and dropoff), public open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and associated development infrastructure” which is pending consideration – ref. 17/00671/OUT
Viability is being assessed.
Development of this brownfield site would significantly improve the local environment by removing highly obtrusive factory buildings. The site does not possess the characteristics of a High Quality Employment site and should be considered for residential development. It would positively contribute to the supply of, and ongoing need for, housing within the City. The site has good access to a range of local facilities and employment opportunities and is well served by public transport.
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Land at Yorks Bridge
Land at Yorks Bridge, Lichfield Road, Pelsall, Walsall
Agricultural Land
c. 300 dwellings
Site is located adjacent to Pelsall North Common LNR/SINC. Development of the site would provide an opportunity to extend the value and landscape character of Pelsall North Common within the site to the north to provide a recreational landscape that also establishes a strong (new) landscape edge for the Green Belt.
Uncertain; this is an issue that would be examined further as the process progresses.
Development of the site would provide a logical new development boundary for Pelsall to the north. The site is sustainably located and within close proximity to a range of local facilities including doctors, schools, post office, convenience stores as well as existing employment areas; all of which are accessible by bus, cycle and foot. The site can be accessed via Lichfield Road and there are no technical or utility constraints. Development of the site provides an opportunity to extend the value and landscape character of Pelsall North Common Nature Reserve to provide a recreational landscape that also establishes a strong (new) landscape edge for the Green Belt. The site is available, deliverable and could contribute to housing provision in the local area. The majority of the site owned by St Modwen is within the administrative boundaries of Walsall Council however part of the site (3.6 ha) is located within Cannock Chase District Council. The site should be considered in its entirety.
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