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Form ID: 10107
Respondent: Savills

Sole owner



Map 1268

Land to the East and West of Chester Road, Hardwick

Land to the East and West of Chester Road, Hardwick, Walsall




The land is currently used for agricultural purposes.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing , Retail , Sports / Leisure

Maximum of 495 dwellings – 35dph using 60% of the site.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity , Gas

Pylons crossing the site / sub – station , Constraints on adjoining land e.g. railway line, noisy industry

There is a pylon running from north to south across the western boundary of the site. There is a railway line running adjacent to the eastern part of the site.

Grade 3 Agricultural Land – good to moderate (Source – Natural England West Midlands ALC Plan)


A new local centre , A new park / open space , Footpaths and cycleways , Other

New site entrance junction – either separate or combined



Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers

10 proposals received from national developers and site promoters.




The site is adjacent to the existing settlement of Hardwick and would be a logical extension to the settlement. It is also within 2 km to Aldridge town centre and 640 meters to Hardwick District Centre.

Form ID: 10130
Respondent: Savills

Sole owner



Map 1268

Land at Heathfield Lane West, Darlaston

Land (including Factory Complex AP (UK) at Heathfield Lane West,, Darlaston



The site comprises brownfield previously developed land. The site comprises a factory with offices and associated rough unused ground to the north and rough undulating scrub land to the south, including Wards Pool and part of the Wards Pool SINC. The site was granted full permission on 23/08/2008 under reference 08/0394/FUL for the “Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 304 houses and apartments, revised access, amenity areas, parking and associated works (Resubmission of 07/2465/FL/W2). This planning permission has been implemented, albeit no dwellings have yet been constructed, and remains extant.

Private Market Housing , Affordable Housing

Planning permission (ref. 08/0394/FUL) was granted for 304 houses and apartments. However, should an alternative, lower density, scheme be progressed and based on a net developable area of 5ha, it is considered that the site is cable of accommodating c. 150-200 dwellings.

Mains water supply , Mains sewage , Electricity

Rights of way (public or otherwise) across the site , Contamination known or suspected , Previous mining activity known or suspected , Flood risk / drainage problems , Watercourse / culvert / other water body , Underground services , Pylons crossing the site / sub – station

An existing public footpath (Bridle Path 1 Darlaston) is currently routed form Heathfield Lane West across the site to the Black Country New Road via the footbridge over the Walsall Canal. There is an historic mine shaft located to the north of the existing factory building. The existing factory building will be demolished as part of any redevelopment proposal. There is also known contamination, associated with the historic industrial use of this site, within the northern part of the site. Remediation has taken place in the southern end of the site, around Wards Pool. Wards Pool is a Site of Nature Conservation (SINC) and is located to the southern part of the site. There is also a SLINC (canal) along the western boundary of the site. A small part of the south western corner of the site is within Flood Zone 2. Overhead high voltage electricity cables cross along the western boundary of the site, parallel to the canal. Two pylons are located within the site, one close to Herberts Park Road and the second just south of the factory buildings, adjoining the existing offsite Gas Valve Compound. Existing underground utilities also cross the central area of the site from east to west.




The site was granted full permission on 23.08/2008 under reference 08/0394/FUL for the “Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 304 houses and apartments, revised access, amenity areas, parking and associated works (Resubmission of 07/2465/FL/W2). This permission has been implemented and therefore extant.


The site is available for redevelopment.

Enquiries received from prospective purchasers / developers


There may be a need to seek the use of external funding to assist with ensuring that development proposals on the site are viable (subject to details of the development proposals and S106 requirements).


The site is currently included within the 2016 Walsall SHLAA and is the subject of a proposed site allocation within the emerging Walsall Site Allocations Document (ref HO303).

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