Policy CSA1 – Bushbury Strategic Allocation

Showing comments and forms 31 to 60 of 73


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14361

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Gary Haddon

Representation Summary:

I would like to voice my objection over the proposed plan of 532 new Residential properties & School on Bushbury Lane/Legs Lane.

I cannot believe that the 5% of proposed Green Belt is in an area of History & Environmental beauty (Mosely Old Hall & Northycote Farm.

I know there is proposal to enlarge the Country Park, but with that amount of Residential homes, Services, new road layout etc, the impact will be massive.

I believe in Andy Street's proposal of using Brown Field first, and see all over the region, these areas unused and under developed.

Gary Haddon


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14380

Received: 22/09/2021

Respondent: Kevin Frazer

Representation Summary:

Ref the Bushbury Strategic Allocation in Bushbury Lane, Legs Lane and Northycote Lane.
I object on the basis that the following points have not been detailed, and therefore possibly not considered enough.

1. A new school would increase traffic, pollution, cause parking problems and destroy the peaceful area.
2. Additional 552 homes in this immediate area would mean 1000-3000 additional people, 1000+ additional cars again causing parking problems, pollution, additional traffic and even more noise. This in an area already swamped with driver training and test centre traffic in Cat and Kittens Lane and Northycote Lane in particular.
3.There is no mention of additional shops, including a pharmacy. The existing local LLoyds pharmacy in Broadway cannot cope at the moment. The addition of 1000-3000 additional people plus possibly an additional 400-500 who will inhabit the proposed housing (200 homes) on the now-demolished Northycote Park school, will mean that there is an urgent requirement.
4. The doctors' surgeries in the area will also be swamped. How will these additional 1400-3500 patients be catered for?
5. The Moseley Parklands Estate roads currently facing Northycote Lane are predominantly 2-bed bungalows housing retired people such as myself and my wife. We and others moved here to enjoy a peaceful, clean air environment overlooking a rural landscape. This will, under the proposals, be totally destroyed. Will a Council Tax reduction be offered to all affected? I'm sure the Tax bands currently being paid reflect the rural aspect because other locals in 3-bed houses already pay into lower bands.
6. The farmland between Legs Lane and Northycote Lane already includes a large area allocated to wildlife support. Will the owner/farmer relinquish his subsidy knowing that he will be selling for development? Win-Win.
7. Improvements to the highways in this locale, to accommodate the proposals, will cause noise and disruption, not only in construction, but also with gas, water, sewerage, electricity and fibre broadband network installations. It will also increase the current daily "rat-run" traffic onto Stafford Rd. and with it noise and pollution.
8. Air quality WILL, not might, suffer in this area as a result of this development.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14385

Received: 20/09/2021

Respondent: Jennifer Osborne

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to a plan of over 500 homes being built on Greenbelt land at Cat & Kittens Lane , Northycote Lane & Legs Lane. Bushbury . What about all the animals that have lived in those woods for years . I moved here with my Husband last year in retirement to be near the country side , this is the closest we will get to what we thought was a lovely Green space to enjoy in old age . We have spent 44 years living in built up areas and I don't want that again , I must speak for the hundreds of house holds that do live around here for the same reason. I live a 30 second walk to Northycote Lane and by looking at the plans I will be looking at 182 Homes in that 30 seconds plus further along 124 Homes then 78 Homes then in the opposite direction right next to Bushbury Crematorium another 148 Homes It's ridiculous peolple go to Bushbury crem to have quiet time with their lost loved ones , that's why Graveyards are built in a quiet greenbelt area . Neighbours have mentioned this to me about houses being built and said they won't stay here if more houses are built , It will make the Northycote Lane main road extremely busy and very noisy and this is where hundreds of dog walkers cross every day to get to the woods . So much for saving the planet and not chopping down trees , don't know who thinks to build houses on Greenbelt I bet they wouldn't want them built anywhere near where they live .

Black Country Plan . A- Bushbury Strategic Allocation


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14632

Received: 26/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Keith Hammond

Representation Summary:

Fallings Park- Strategic Allocation:

The building of 303 homes on green belt land is strongly objected to. Why is so much green belt land to the north of Wolverhampton being proposed to be built on? Before releasing green belt land other options need to be considered:

1. Use brownfield sites as a priority- as these sites already have relevant infrastructure in place. Brownfield sites would accommodate affordable housing more readily. It is a known fact that developers prefer green belt land as a way of making vast amounts of profit on the building of non-affordable homes. Incentives should be given to developers to build on brownfield sites.
2. City/Town centres should be re-configures to include housing- as many city and town centre offices and stores have lay empty for many years. Green spaces could be provided in the city and towns, thereby these areas become pleasant places to live and within a short distance from shops, restaurants and public transport. Therefore less need for the use of a car.

Bushbury- Strategic Allocation:

The building of 532 homes on green belt land is strongly objected to. Why is so much green belt land to the north of Wolverhampton being proposed to be built on. I refer to my previous comments above as to the use of other options


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14693

Received: 27/09/2021

Respondent: Jacqueline Webb

Representation Summary:

I have been unable to access the form to object to the building of properties on the aforementioned site. The site of the former Senior school NORTHICOTE in Northwood Park Road has lay desolate & been used as a tipping site by nearby residents as the fencing panels have been broken. Originally when the school & adjoining buildings were demolished we were sent a plan of a housing estate. A supermarket or more shops are needed more than houses. The field on Legs Lane is used for the grazing sheep & cows & the trees are homes for wild life. There are plenty of disused
buildings. The building previously The WOODBINE Pub in Wood Lane has be derelict for years & the factory near the corner of BEE LANE. Use these properties instead of destroying our GREENBELT!!!!!


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14794

Received: 09/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Andrew McNeil

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the proposals for building on Wolverhampton Greenbelt in Bushbury North (highly defensible boundary of greenbelt) & Fallings Park (well used playing field) . The evidence and rationale provided falls far short of providing any justifiable reasons for the removal of this well used and highly valuable green belt land with very weak evidence given. This is a crown jewel area of the city, with people travelling to use, due to the poor environment in most of the city.

Bushbury North - SA-0001-WOL
Far from 'agricultural land' this site contains a well used walking/bridle track route much loved by the community of histroical significance. With many old trees and established hedgerows the contrast of the small fields with the surrouding woods is of fundamental importance to the whole landscape. The mixed country environment means that a much broader selection of wildlife than just 'fields' and 'trees'. The birdlife and raptors are well loved by all. The maps in the consultation do not reflect the landscape and environment at all. The plans will blight the 'gateway' view of Northycote Farm (historic public amenity) and remove it's context with small field.

Bushbury North - SA0002 WOL & SA0003 - same reasons as above plus the damage housing will do to the historical landscape in relation to Mosley Old Hall and Mosley Hall. This is a well used walking area and adjacent footpath - nationally recognised.

Bushbury North - SA0005 - This site allows views of the Wrekin and beyond. Is a key sink of the local rain runoff from Bushbury Hill. Already small flooding issues in the neighbourhood could be seriously exacerbated with just a standard SUD. Local children enjoy seeing farm animals grazing -of enormous benefit for City Children with little GreenBelt on the edg of a densely populated urban environment.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 14974

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Anthony Wilkes

Representation Summary:

I am objecting to the Wolverhampton housing plan identified as "Bushbury Strategic Allocation Policy I
CSA1. This allocated area is individualy identified as WOH257, WOH258, WOH259 & WOH260. 1 Firstly I would like to know why this area is no longer green belt land as it clearly forms an existing
green line (running northward), along Bushbury Lane, Giffard Road, Wentworth Road and Northicote
It is also part of the natural greenfield area bordering the greenfield area of South Staffordshire.
Buiding in this area would encroach on the very popular Northicote Farm, a 15th century building
that corrently enjoys a beautifully elavated view of the surrounding landscape and has done so for
over 420 years. This view would be destroyed with the implimentation of buildings to the west of it.
The original Northycote Lane (still existing and running adjacent to the farm) is also from the 15th
century, if not before, and is a beautiful walkway/bridleway that many people walk along on a daily
basis, (the intension is to build on and remove this lane). The lane currently leads into (what we
localy call), "Ten bob wood" and "Bluebell wood", eventually leading onto Mosely Old Hall. Any
urbanisition along here would completly destroy the ability for local people to escape the emotional
stresses of life and, "get away from it all".
Also, the Northycote farm country walk appears to have been reduced, at some point in time, by the
local authority and has been concentrated towards the east and north east of the farm allowing for
this irresponsible repositioning of the greenbelt.
I asume that the areas historical importance to the English Civil War has alread been accounted for
in the planning proposal.
This is not an affluent area and not everyone has access to a means of transport to escape to the
countryside. This ancient countryside, that is under threat, is the only open space in the north of
Wolverhampton that people here can access on foot.
Personally, I am 58 years old and have lived in North Bushbury since birth. This housing proposal is
deeply distressing for me, as it is for many people in the area, many of whome do not have access to
completing an objection form like this and so I can only speak on their behalf. I only heard about this
via "word of mouth". Many constituents will have no idea about what is planned for their country
There are many other areas in Wolverhampton that I would encourage you to look at that are already] surrounded by urbanisation. CSA1 proposal is and always has been within the green belt.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15193

Received: 24/09/2021

Respondent: Christopher Astley

Representation Summary:

I am appalled, and object to the use of any Greenbelt land for development. All councils should adopt a 'brownfield first' policy and ensure ALL brownfield sites are developed, whatever the size and location, ahead of any decision to use greenbelt land.

Specifically, I object to the reclassification of Greenbelt land at Bushbury Wolverhampton, next to Northycote Land and Legs Lane, and therefore object to the development of the land for housing. This area is treasured local countryside, and has been enjoyed and loved by generations of residents, and if developed will be a tragic loss of natural habitat for wildlife. The impact on the historic National Trust property, Moseley Old Hall surely will be negative.

Additionally I am also disgusted that the land has already been reclassified by Wolverhampton Council without any meaningful consultation with local residents. I have been a resident in the area for all of my life and find it quite uncomfortable that I only heard of the proposals and the reclassification of the land a few weeks ago, despite me having a keen interest in local and city matters. Given the gravity of the proposals, surely every household in the area should have been formally written to, rather than relying on social media, press releases, etc.

In summary, and for clarification, I formally object the proposals to use and Greenbelt land (or land previously designated as Greenbelt) for housing development.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15286

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Carole Colclough

Representation Summary:



Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15502

Received: 05/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Shirley Henn

Representation Summary:

Don't want to look on to houses and have noise for 1 its greenbelt land
had farm animals on that land for a few years know Id rather have green belt land than housing estate like seeing all the animals that need ther fields so no we don't wont the houses bilte


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15616

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Trevor Stockton

Representation Summary:

I have lived in Wolverhampton all my life and live very near to Northicote Lane Bushbury where housing is planned on green belt land that is currently farmed. It is also on the edge of Northicote country park adjoining a bridle way used by a large number of local people enroute to the country park. I wish to object strongly to the use of greenbelt land for housing especially this particular stretch of land. Brown field land should be utilised before any green belt land is used.
Please do not destroy this Green belt it means so much for so many people


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15801

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Stephen Parton

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Bushbury, Wolverhampton - Black Country Plan

Having studied the Black Country Plan for the Bushbury, Wolverhampton area my wife and I wish to object to the planned proposals.

The use of various green belt field areas for building located within close proximity to the existing Moseley Parklands housing estate, will create major devestation of what little green belt we have left in the northern part of the city.

The proposed building of housing in Bushbury would be totally inconvenient from a traffic & environmental impacts viewpoint. Therefore, we must strongly object to the proposals.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15840

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Craig Perry

Representation Summary:

This comment relates to WOH259, WOH258, WOH257 & WOH260

The reason i object is this development will couse stress to my current mental health, along with destroying thw clean air around my home that will damage my lungs further.i do not believe any buildings should be built on greenbelt land when there is plenty of brownfield land in wolverhampton.

Not only will this distroy the local area with more popilation but alos the beatiful wildlife will be distroyed around us.

The government are preaching about keeping greewn spaces and planting tree's, this project defeats the message that has been sent out. These fields should be protected for healthy walks, widelife and cleaner natural air.

We are discusted that there has not been any notice given to local residence via letter to our households, especially to the people that back on to the fields. WE DO NOT WISH TO BE OVER LOOKED. I have known this area since the 70's & permision was denied in the past due to drainage issue's. The result of the build could mean that our homes could be flooded.

Traffic in this area is already an issue, with another 500+ houses this will cause havoc in this area, meaning more noise polution and dirty air.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 15974

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Christine Hunt

Representation Summary:

I am commenting on the proposed housing developments on Top Field at the back of Wentworth Road.
I am strongly against this development as it will not benefit the community at all. It is just money grabbing at its very worst.
There are no local amenities for our kids to play on.
Our kids are stopped from playing on these fields and a lot of children on this estate already play in roads as it is.
There are no pubs on this estate (Bushbury). The former King Charles pub is now all housing. And now all Wentworth Road fields are going to be housing? Its disgusting. We are being hemmed in and surrounded by new private housing. We are a council estate and all these extra homes / cars / people will be a major upset in our lives. Leave our green fields alone. Or give them back to us so our kids can play in safety.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 16083

Received: 27/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Pamela Frazer

Representation Summary:

I object to you building all these houses on the only green land we have round us. We moved into a [text redacted] because we have fields by us and because I am disabled and suffer with asthma. The air was less polluted then but since, the roads have got busier with HGV training lorries up and down the roads 7 days a week. We also have the boy racers speeding up and down the roads and now you want to make it even worse. We keep getting it rammed down our throats that we must make changes to how we live because of the environment and what do you want to do? You keep taking our green land away from us. It's not just a few houses you want to build, its hundreds. You pulled one local school down and now you want to build another one. The shops, doctors and chemist we have would not be able to cope with all the extra bodies. And then it's all the anti social behavior all these extra youngsters would bring. Don't expect every one to keep changing there lives to make the world a better place when in fact you are destroying it. You would be bringing a lot more traffic a lot more pollution and a lot more noise into our bit of countryside. Then there is the wild life you would be killing off. We have lots of different birds that you can see flying in the sky. What will happen to them when you get rid of there trees and bushes? But I don't think you actually care. It's all about money not peoples' quality of life.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 16292

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Dawn McNeil

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the proposals for building on Wolverhampton Greenbelt land in Bushbury. (Is clearly a greenbelt boundary). The proposals for Fallings Park (is to build on a well used playing field).The evidence provided falls of providing reasons for building on used and valuable greenbelt land. The evidence given for this is very weak. Wolverhampton is lucky to have an area such as this in Wolverhampton. The area is used by people from all areas of Wolverhampton. We are all lucky to have this. These areas can help residents with their physical and mental well being. Not everyone can afford to go to the gym.

Bushbury North - SA-0001-WOL - This area is far from just `agricultural land` it is the site of well used for walking/bridle track and cycle route. This area is loved and has historical significance. There are many old trees and well established hedgerows. The woods, hedgerow and fields are important to the enviroment and the wildlife i.e. Bluebells, small mamals and birds. The maps in the consultation does not reflect the landscape and the enviroment at all. The plans will blight the `gateway` view of our historic Northycote Farm.

Bushbury North - SA0002-WOL & SA0003 - My reasons for this are is the same as the above. The historic landscape in relation to Mosley Old Hall and Mosley hall will be damaged by building housing. This is also a well used walking area, with a well known footpath.

Bushbury North - SA0003 - This are allows views of the Wrekin and beyond. This is and important soak away for the rain water coming off Bushbury Hill. The local area is already having problems with flooding. Building on this land could make it worse. Living in a large city such as Wolverhampton, children do not always get the chance to see animals and the sight of the animals is very enjoyable. Some children in urban areas do not get the chance

Fallings Park - SA0009 - This is a popular open space for walkers, dog walkers for exercise. There are a few spaces where people can enjoy fresh air and enjoy and open space. Not everyone can afford to go to the gym. This will be a great loss to the residents.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 16576

Received: 07/10/2021

Respondent: Mr David Terry

Representation Summary:

Re = Proposed housing development: Wolverhampton NE at Legs Lane, Bushbury, Cat + Kittens Lane, Northicote Lane, Belton Ave - Wood Hayes Road and Broadway Green.

I am strongly opposed to the destructive council plans to build on the above greenbelt sites. I have lived in the Bushbury area for [x] years. The area appealed to me because of the close proximity to the peaceful countryside and wildlife; this will be severely blighted if these destructive plans commence.

Damaging the greenbelt will cause the following:
*Increase CO2 emissions, increasing global warming.
*Countryside lost forever
*Loss of wildlife and natural habitat
*Increased in poor mental health (strain on NHS resources)
*Increased in poor physical health (strain on NHS resources)
*Increase in traffic congestion (poor air quality)
*Destruction of picturesque historic land loved for generations, Etc...


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 16764

Received: 30/09/2021

Respondent: Mr David Turner

Representation Summary:

I am writing in response to proposals put forward for the area marked WOH 260 of the black country Plan. I have been living at my current address in bushbury for the last 50 years, over the last few years it has become more & more busy with a massive increase in road traffic, the development of the i54 has been a factor, but also housebuilding on goodyears' which is still ongoing. the impact of this has been noticeable higher levels of noise pollution with all the knock on effects to the environment. In north bushbury 'from giffard road/bushbury lane/northicote farm' it is considered by many people who visit northicote farm on foot, to be an oasis of greenery, a welcome addition over the last few years has been the field in question (WOH 260) which has been used for the grazing of sheep (last 6 years) and currently Fresian cows. I have seen many people from the surrounding area's - women with their children, even carer's from broadway house, bring the residents to see the animals. It is obvious for all to see it gives great pleasure to all, many things area said about people's wellbeing 'open space & greenery' can be a very important part of contributing to good mental health. In my opinion we need to do all we can to keep the area as it is, we should not be forced into having our living environment changed for the worst. I have said living here for 50 years has been a nice place to be, I want the future generations to enjoy the area as I have. these building proposals if allowed to go ahead will destroy it for them.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 16801

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Miss Davinia Clinton

Representation Summary:

1) Plans to build houses on the greenbelt is illegal - this will NOT happen
2) Construction companies bully council's for the land - FACT
3) Twitter and Facebook will do its thing and deter people buying these houses which are on top of the mineshafts in this area - but they will never get built - FACT
4) The government will be getting thousands of letters regarding these plans and it will be thrown out - FACT
5) To the public who want to read these comments online - YOUR SAD GET A LIFE
If my house get subsidence caused by construction of houses being built in this area I will sue the council and construction comanies - FACT


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17095

Received: 08/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Elaine Bucknall

Representation Summary:

I wholeheartedly object to the proposed housing developments around Northycote Lane, Legs Lane, Bushbury Lane and Moseley road.
this area should be left greenbelt , it's an area of beauty, countryside and history there for people to enjoy
There's plenty of space within the city that can be be developed instead


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17373

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Vicki & Geoff Turnbull

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Titchfield Neighbours opposing this plan for 500 homes Legs Lane Wolverhampton


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17445

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mr peter davies

Representation Summary:

Wolverhampton Councils proposal to build on nearly 40 acres of greenbelt land in Bushbury, will not only involve the destruction of hedgerow habitats and mature trees, but will result in the loss of arable land, which, makes up the majority of this area.
As this removes, in places all the greenbelt to the South Staffordshire Border, surely Brownfield sites should be utilised before this development.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17496

Received: 20/09/2021

Respondent: City of Wolverhampton Liberal Democrats

Representation Summary:

The above document calls for responses to the Plan, specifically to the plans for substantial housing development on the fringes of the City.
City of Wolverhampton Liberal Democrats are concerned about several aspects of the plan to expand housing in the North-East part of the City, in particular with regard to both the Bushbury strategic allocation and the Fallings Park allocation.
In both cases, the majority of the plan involves an intrusion into the Green Belt, not just in a technical sense, but in demolishing some of the most beautiful and historic parts of the City, well used by local people for recreation.

Bushbury strategic allocation
Referring to the Bushbury allocation, the plan shows a reservation for '148 homes plus
potential primary school'. This is a plan to which we have no objection. The land had been earmarked for housing for a considerable time so the plan is a good one.
That is where our acceptance ends. The remainder of the plan would be a nightmare for residents of Wolverhampton.
On the map, one can see, clearly identified, 'Moseley Old Hall'. As you may be aware, the Hall plays an important part of the history of the United Kingdom, having sheltered King Charles the Second, after the battle of Worcester. The nearby Northycote Lane, appropriately enough, is blessed with at least 20 ancient oaks, a symbol of the King's restoration, and the plans would result in the felling of these historic trees. It is incredible that the lane and its flora and fauna could be sacrificed in this way. The lane is used by walkers, cyclists and naturalists and its character would be destroyed if one side of the
lane were to be erased.
Further north, along Northycote Lane where it crosses Waterhead Brook, there is to be seen an area of wetland which is scarce in the area; losing this natural spot would be unconscionable.
In addition, Mosely Hall Farm is a listed building and its character would be completely wrecked by the Plan.
Consequently, we wish to register our objection to all development to the East of
Northycote Lane and Underhill Crescent.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17604

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Terry Bonser

Representation Summary:

Cat & Kittens Lane greenfield lane.
Proposed housing on greenfield land!
DISGRACE ([redacted])
Greenfield land the name says it all?
I live in [redacted]
I see herons, [redacted] (protected)
Do not destroy my home for more houses.
I will say it again we need GREENFIELD SPACES We have not got the infrastructure for more houses. 8% added housing? 0% open space
Certain individuals and councillor's have NOT CONSULTED US on this proposal?


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17692

Received: 08/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Olwyn Moore

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the building of housing on greenbelt land adjacent to Northycote Farm and Lane. There is plenty of brownfield sites within the Wolverhampton area that should be used first. I think that the current urgent need to protect and maintain the environment should mean that this proposal should be outright rejected.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17742

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Karen Rogers

Representation Summary:

I would like to OBJECT to the greenbelt land on Bushbury Lane / Legs Lane Wolverhampton being
redeveloped for housing / schools. I feel that this area should remain greenbelt open space which is
beneficial to resident’s mental health including my own, this area was so important during COVID-19
restrictions and being able to enjoy the scenery and walk in and around the area has no financial
implications for residents its free for everyone to enjoy and explore.
It is essential that greenbelt areas are retained across the city, there are other more suitable arears
that should always be used first.
The Northicote School closed its doors in 2014 and in 2018 buildings were demolished to make way
for 196 homes this site still stands empty. Of the properties that are planned to be built there only
49 homes will be used for social housing which will be charged at an affordable rent, which does not
even start to address the need for more social housing across the city. The additional homes that
are being built will be for sale on the open market and with house prices rising and with the
projected increase in interest rates will be out of reach for the vast majority of residents and I believe
that this would be the same on the Bushbury Lane /Legs Lane land.
There is a site on the corner of Bushbury Lane which was once strikers which has for several years
lay derelict and attracts fly tipping along with the old woodbine site on Wood Lane there is also land
opposite the travellers site in Low Hill and now the bingo hall on Bushbury Lane by the junction of
Showell road also lies empty again. Why can’t these sites be used for redevelopment rather than
being left as an eyesore and attracting fly tipping and other forms of ASB. Why can’t land in and
around the city centre be used there are so many retail units that are empty could they not be
converted into low rental city living accommodation? Why do we have to dig up our beautiful
countryside we have already lost enough with the building and expansion of the I54 site.
I also feel that there has not been meaningful public consultation about this how have you consulted
residents who do not have or choose not to have access to social media or the internet how will you
ensure that their voices have been heard ?


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17744

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Kate Lancaster-Evans

Representation Summary:

Comments are regarding the proposed building in Bushbury off Mosley Road and Northycote Lane (WOH259 BNGA / WOH258 BNGA / WOH257 BNGA)

To build on this land would be a disgrace. It is widely used and well loved by local residents and would alter the character of the area forever.
It is very close to a National Trust property and the Northicote Farm and Park. For these historic properties to be surrounded by ugly new builds would be a crime. This land is part of the very small useable amount that is actually left green in this area. With the development of the old ordanance site just down the road. Our small piece of green and open land will be swallowed up by building.

The proposed sites are used by dog walkers, horse riders, children and people taking exercise.
Not only that, but there is a huge amount of wildlife that would be made homeless. Buzzards nest in the trees around here and I love to see them soaring and hunting.

I have also been made aware of South Staffordshire's plan, which is looking to build 1000+ homes just a couple of minutes down the road. So if all this goes ahead, you will basically be building a new town!

We are already having hundreds of houses being built in this area, which they tore down a perfectly good Secondary school for (Northicote). How are we supposed to accomodate hundreds more?

The infrastructure is just not in place here. Doctors are oversubscribed. Ditto decent schools. There are no shops within walking distance or railway stations.

Please, I implore you to not use this land, for local peole it is an escape and a joy. It would be heartbreaking to lose it like this. We will fight this.

The only plan that I dont have an issue with is WOH260 BNGA (Land at Bushbury Lane / Legs Lane) This field is closed off and it often a bit of an eyesore with rubbish and fly tipping being thrown over the fence. Plus it is already surrounded by homes, so some more wouldn't be a massive shock.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17760

Received: 11/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Kathleen Smith

Representation Summary:

I wish to object to the building on Green Belt land especially in Wolverhampton. The amount of Green Belt land in
Wolverhampton is I believe approx. 11% and cannot afford to lose any of this. The benefits of green spaces to the community are well
The most recent survey regarding the loss of biodiversity (Oct 2021) confirms the devastating effect building on green land
has had to this country. Building on Green Belt will further erode the limited green spaces available in the Black Country. I also feel the
local infrastructures will have difficulty coping with the increase in local populations.
I strongly oppose any loss of Green fields.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17928

Received: 07/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Connolly

Representation Summary:

I wish to object to the Bushbury strategic allocation site to build 532 houses.
The Council should exhaust all brown field and derelict sites before even thinking of giving planning
permission to use Green Field sites.
532 houses means at least another 1000+ people will be looking for doctors and dentists and schools,
is there any provision in the plans to accommodate this, other than the possibility of a primary school,
also the extra volume of traffic will cause problems in the area.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 17998

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Miss Michelle Webster

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the proposed building on the green fields near my home - Moseley Meadows and Northicote Farm. When my estate was built, it was on green belt land. There were many objections and the council promised at that time (around forty years ago) that no further green belt land would be built on. I have personally been walking through these local fields and Northicote farm for the last 20 years. I appreciate nature very much, it is why I chose to live where I do. son also loves walking around the area and is equally devasted to hear the fields may soon be built on. So many more people started walking around the local area during lockdown. If the fields are built on, I believe it will have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of people in this area. It will also affect Northicote Farm and Woods, as with all the extra amount of people accessing the much smaller amount of land, more of it will be destroyed. Already there are far less blue bells than there used to be due to so many of the areas being regularly trodden on. It will also completely destroy the character of the area.

The road infrastructure will also not be able to cope. Even when there were temporary traffic lights errected recently on Northicote Lane, the traffic was queuing all the way back to the mini round about. There are a limited amount of routes out of the area due to the railway bridges. So increasing the traffic will have a very noticeable detrimental effect on the area.

There are also not enough local facilities for people who live in the area already. Our closest secondary school has been demolished. So have our local swimming baths and our community centre, as well as most of the local pubs. The GP practices are already overloaded meaning it is almost impossible to get an appointment to see a doctor. There is no local walk in centre either.

Yet I'm aware of plenty of empty buildings, derelict pubs and other unused patches of land, both locally and elsewhere in Wolverhampton, which could be used instead for housing. Surely these should be prioritised over precious greenbelt land.

The empty buildings over the shops in the city centre could also be converted into housing, so regenerating Wolverhampton city centre and making it a more welcoming, safer place to visit.

I strongly hope you will listen to the local Wolverhampton councillors, our local MP Jane Stevenson and our West Midlands Mayor Andy Street, who are all saying that it is important to consider brownfield sties first. They are saying that it should be possible to create enough extra homes and address Wolverhampton's housing need without destroying our greenbelt land. I strongly believe this greenbelt will be so needed, not just now but also for future generations to enjoy.