
Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 20848

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Stephen Matthews

Representation Summary:

[General Greenfield/ Brownfield]

It is claimed that there are exceptional circumstances now regarding the need for housing and commercial premises, I believe that there is no justification for removing the protection on greenbelt and greenfield land. It can never be replaced as a source of pleasure and enjoyment for the community. It is not sustainable to build on our countryside, resulting in loss of farmland, natural habitat for wild life, hedgerows and trees.

There are many brownfield sites that remain unused because builders prefer new, easy to develop sites that bring greater profits.The homes built on these greenfield sites are not affordable for most people. More recently many shops and offices are closing whose sites would provide extra capacity for homes in towns and cities which are in need of revival and redevelopment.

Large developments on the edge of our communities bring extra traffic to roads that are already over busy, and extra pressure on local services such as schools and health centres.This lowers the quality of life for the existing population and brings the same problems for the new residents that they may not have anticipated. I do not support any loss of green space, greenbelt land or greenfield land.