
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Representation ID: 1725

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Jay Farm Homes Limited and Lawnswood Homes Limited

Agent: SLR Consulting

Representation Summary:

Answer: Yes
Detail: As stated, national planning guidance suggests that 'most Local Plans are likely to require updating in whole or in part at least every five years' and as the Black Country Core Strategy covers the period from 2006- 2026 and it was formally adopted in 2011. As such, given these timescales, the Core Strategy it is now due for review to remain relevant and to meet the needs of the Black Country area now and into the future.

In addition, although the extant Core Strategy has been perceived to be successful in the past six years, a review will ensure that it continues to support the delivery of housing, industrial and retail growth of the area, whilst protecting the environment.

SLR would agree that the most appropriate strategy is for a comprehensive review of the extant Core Strategy and its associated evidence base. This would provide an opportunity to continue the ethos and good work of the extant Core Strategy and ensure continuity of the Black Country vision going forward, including accounting for any uplift housing projection levels for the wider Housing Market Area.

Notwithstanding, any such review must be based on robust evidence. As such, SLR would emphasise that a comprehensive review of evidence base documents relating to the following topics should take place as part of the Core Strategy review:

Green Belt;
Strategic Housing Market;
Strategic Housing Land Availability;
Population and Household Forecasts;
Retail Study and Centres Healthcheck;
Infrastructure Deliverability & Planning Delivery;
Employment Land;
Minerals and Waste;
Strategic Flood Risk;
Sustainability; and

2.1 Other Plans
SLR are fully supportive of the Black Country Core Strategy taking into account other strategic plans and strategies, such as the Black Country and West Midlands Combined Authority Strategic Economic Plans, as well as other local authorities working with the Black Country to meet the needs and aspirations of the Plan going forward. This will be especially pertinent for meeting the needs of the wider Housing Market Area and potentially allocating sufficient sites for both this plan period and beyond.

Indeed, SLR fully supports the statement within paragraph 1.19 of the document that "it will not be possible to accommodate all future development needs within the urban area. Therefore, an examination of the potential for additional development land outside the existing urban area... will need to take place as part of the Core Strategy Review."
This is particularly pertinent given the generally tightly constrained boundary to the Black Country urban areas which are preceded by the exhaustive surrounding Green Belt within other Authority Areas. A review of the Green Belt adjoining the edge of existing urban areas to the Black Country, in conjunction with adjacent authorities, is therefore imperative.

2.2 Consultation and Call for Sites Process
SLR understands that not all of the questions contained within the Core Strategy Issues and Options Review consultation need be answered. This document has sought to be concise in the areas that any such comments
are raised.

However, in accordance with paragraph 1.25 of the document, SLR has also completed a 'call for sites' form on behalf of our client(s). This submission seeks to promote the site at Springhill Lane, Wolverhampton for residential development. In addition, a Land Promotion Document has been prepared and is submitted to provide additional detail relating to the site at Springhill Lane.

This site is not located within the Black Country Core Strategy area but is located immediately adjacent to the administrative boundary of The City of Wolverhampton Council. As outlined within paragraph 1.27, it is understood that such sites are welcome for consideration and the submission of such details will facilitate discussions with adjoining authorities. We trust that this submission assists with the consideration of the Springhill Lane site and its potential release from the Green Belt.

However, please do not hesitate to contact SLR should you have any queries or require any further information relating to the promotion site. We would welcome the opportunity to hold a meeting with representatives from the authority to discuss this site in more detail, at the appropriate time.

Full text:

Full text is 54 pages. See scanned rep for more detail