Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 32 - Do you think that the proposed approach to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the Core Strategy review is appropriate? Yes/No; If no, please provide details
Representation ID: 2970
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.103 We support the strategy to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the BCCS Review. Health and wellbeing underpin sustainable planning and creating places where people want to live. 2.104 The Health and Wellbeing Technical Paper (June 2017) emphasises the importance of integrating health and wellbeing into all policies, including those of the emerging BCCS Review. In particular, the technical note encourages the creation of communities which are:
* Well-connected and walkable; * Have a wide choice of homes; * Accessible to services; and * Where people can belong to a cohesive community which fosters diversity, social interaction and social capital. 2.105 As such, health and wellbeing should not be standalone policies in the plan, but rather should be a 'golden thread' running through the review and all policies. Any sites promoted through the Local Plan process should demonstrate their health and wellbeing benefits if they are to be proposed for allocation. 2.106 As demonstrated by the Vision Document (Appendix 3) submitted with these representations, health and wellbeing are key principles at the heart of the proposals for Pennwood. It will include significant new green infrastructure accessible to the public, such as new open space and links to sites of local importance for nature conservation. New pedestrian and cycle links will form a key component of the proposals, linking Pennwood to urban areas to the north, east and south-east.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 34b - What design features do you think are key to ensuring new development encourages healthy living, which could be assessed through the HIA process?
Representation ID: 2971
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.103 We support the strategy to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the BCCS Review. Health and wellbeing underpin sustainable planning and creating places where people want to live. 2.104 The Health and Wellbeing Technical Paper (June 2017) emphasises the importance of integrating health and wellbeing into all policies, including those of the emerging BCCS Review. In particular, the technical note encourages the creation of communities which are:
* Well-connected and walkable; * Have a wide choice of homes; * Accessible to services; and * Where people can belong to a cohesive community which fosters diversity, social interaction and social capital. 2.105 As such, health and wellbeing should not be standalone policies in the plan, but rather should be a 'golden thread' running through the review and all policies. Any sites promoted through the Local Plan process should demonstrate their health and wellbeing benefits if they are to be proposed for allocation. 2.106 As demonstrated by the Vision Document (Appendix 3) submitted with these representations, health and wellbeing are key principles at the heart of the proposals for Pennwood. It will include significant new green infrastructure accessible to the public, such as new open space and links to sites of local importance for nature conservation. New pedestrian and cycle links will form a key component of the proposals, linking Pennwood to urban areas to the north, east and south-east.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 34a - Do you agree that the health and wellbeing impacts of large development proposals should be considered at the Preferred Spatial Option stage of the Core Strategy review through a Health
Representation ID: 2972
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.103 We support the strategy to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the BCCS Review. Health and wellbeing underpin sustainable planning and creating places where people want to live. 2.104 The Health and Wellbeing Technical Paper (June 2017) emphasises the importance of integrating health and wellbeing into all policies, including those of the emerging BCCS Review. In particular, the technical note encourages the creation of communities which are:
* Well-connected and walkable; * Have a wide choice of homes; * Accessible to services; and * Where people can belong to a cohesive community which fosters diversity, social interaction and social capital. 2.105 As such, health and wellbeing should not be standalone policies in the plan, but rather should be a 'golden thread' running through the review and all policies. Any sites promoted through the Local Plan process should demonstrate their health and wellbeing benefits if they are to be proposed for allocation. 2.106 As demonstrated by the Vision Document (Appendix 3) submitted with these representations, health and wellbeing are key principles at the heart of the proposals for Pennwood. It will include significant new green infrastructure accessible to the public, such as new open space and links to sites of local importance for nature conservation. New pedestrian and cycle links will form a key component of the proposals, linking Pennwood to urban areas to the north, east and south-east.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 35 - Do you support the proposed approach to housing land supply? Yes/No; If no, please explain why.
Representation ID: 2973
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.107 The BCCS Review proposes at paragraph 6.30 to 'update' Policy HOU1. As set out in our response to Q1 a full review of the Plan is necessary given there are now greater housing needs, the NPPF has been published and the WMRSS has been revoked, and the adopted BCCS has not been delivering the required level of growth. As such the approach to housing land supply should be reviewed in full also. 2.108 Given there is a shortfall of 3,039 dwellings against the targets set in the adopted BCCS (a shortfall of 1,396 in Wolverhampton), largely as a result of brownfield sites not being developed due to viability issues, the Review should include a 10% lapse rate should be applied to the requirement to ensure flexibility in deliverability should sites in the supply not come forward.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 36 - Do you think that the current accessibility and density standards set out in Policy HOU2 and Table 8 should be changed? Yes/No; If yes, what standards should be applied instead, for exam
Representation ID: 2975
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.111 The NPPG states that wherever possible, local needs assessments should be informed by the latest available information and the government's official population and household projections are generally updated every two years. 2.112 The affordable housing requirement; preferred housing mix; housing types; and density standards for the Black Country therefore need to remain fluid in order to respond to the most up to date evidence and market conditions. The BCCS Review should not comprise policies that set standards for the whole Plan Period. The standards set out in Policy HOU2 should be reviewed in full to ensure they comply with the NPPF, PPG and the most up to date guidance. 2.113 Pennwood will be capable of delivering a range of house types, including high quality larger 'professional / executive' type housing which is currently in short supply in Wolverhampton and results in residents moving out the City to find suitable housing.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 40 - Do you agree that the 2017 SHMA findings should be used to set general house type targets for the Plan period? Yes/No; If no, please explain why.
Representation ID: 2976
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.111 The NPPG states that wherever possible, local needs assessments should be informed by the latest available information and the government's official population and household projections are generally updated every two years. 2.112 The affordable housing requirement; preferred housing mix; housing types; and density standards for the Black Country therefore need to remain fluid in order to respond to the most up to date evidence and market conditions. The BCCS Review should not comprise policies that set standards for the whole Plan Period. The standards set out in Policy HOU2 should be reviewed in full to ensure they comply with the NPPF, PPG and the most up to date guidance. 2.113 Pennwood will be capable of delivering a range of house types, including high quality larger 'professional / executive' type housing which is currently in short supply in Wolverhampton and results in residents moving out the City to find suitable housing.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 42 - Do you agree that the annual affordable homes target should be increased to reflect the 2017 Black Country Strategic Housing Market Assessment? Yes/No; If no, please explain why.
Representation ID: 2978
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
Agent: Turley Associates
2.111 The NPPG states that wherever possible, local needs assessments should be informed by the latest available information and the government's official population and household projections are generally updated every two years. 2.112 The affordable housing requirement; preferred housing mix; housing types; and density standards for the Black Country therefore need to remain fluid in order to respond to the most up to date evidence and market conditions. The BCCS Review should not comprise policies that set standards for the whole Plan Period. The standards set out in Policy HOU2 should be reviewed in full to ensure they comply with the NPPF, PPG and the most up to date guidance. 2.113 Pennwood will be capable of delivering a range of house types, including high quality larger 'professional / executive' type housing which is currently in short supply in Wolverhampton and results in residents moving out the City to find suitable housing.
2.33 We discuss the strategy to meeting housing needs in the Green Belt in response to Q12a and Q13a.
2.34 The Green Belt Review should be a robust assessment, undertaken in accordance with national planning practice guidance and the NPPF, specifically taking account of the need to promote sustainable patterns of development and not including land that does not serve the five purposes of the Green Belt.
2.35 As part of this the methodology for the Green Belt Review should be published for consultation prior to work commencing. This will be important to ensure the Review is robust and has the support of the development industry.
2.36 The I&O Report indicates the GBHMA Strategic Growth Study (renamed the 'Strategic Locations Study') will "inform and provide the basis" for the Black Country Green Belt Review.