Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
4. Reviewing the Strategy to Meet New Challenges and Opportunities
Representation ID: 2503
Received: 24/08/2017
Respondent: Steve Shaw
Object to any release of Halesowen Green Belt for development. This countryside is beautiful and historic and one of the few havens for wildlife, widely accepted to have some of the best landscape in England, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. It is unthinkable that where Constable painted the Hay Wain would ever be developed. I regard this area as Halesowen's "Hay Wain." There are large pockets of brownfield eyesores in the region that should be developed. It is less costly for developers to build on virgin land. If no new Green Belt is released through planning then these brownfield sites will ultimately have to be used and cleaned up. This is what local people desire.
I object to any Green Belt development to this area and state that no Green Belt should be released.
This countryside is both beautiful and historic and is one of the few havens for wildlife. It is widely accepted that this area has some of the best landscape in England, and is enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. It is unthinkable that The River Stour in Sussex where Constable painted the Hay Wain would ever be developed. I regard this area as Halesowen's "Hay Wain."
There are large pockets of brownfield eyesores in the region that should be developed. It is simply less costly for developers to build on virgin land. If no new Green Belt is released through planning prudence then these brownfield sites will ultimately have to be used and cleaned up. This is what local people desire.