Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

4. Reviewing the Strategy to Meet New Challenges and Opportunities

Representation ID: 2493

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: Tony & Teresa Sewell

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

We object most strongly to the proposals to build on Halesowen's green belt. All building should go on brown sites and should be kept within the urban area in order to protect our green belt for the future and our childrens future. Once the green belt is built on, it is lost forever and a beautiful area is spoiled for future generations, we cannot allow this to happen for any reason.

Full text:

We object most strongly to the proposals to build on Halesowen's greenbelt. All building should go on brown sites and should be kept within the urban area in order to protect our greenbelt for the future and for our childrens future. Once the greenbelt is built on, it is lost forever and a beautiful area is spoiled for future generations, we cannot allow this to happen for any reason.

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