Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

4. Reviewing the Strategy to Meet New Challenges and Opportunities

Representation ID: 2489

Received: 22/08/2017

Respondent: Vivian Kerry

Representation Summary:

I am against any development of the Green Belt Land next to the bypass in Halesowen. This land is used by our Halesowen constituents and it is for their children and future families to enjoy. Large corporations seek to make money without thinking of local people. The old argument that the development of Green land will create thousands of jobs never materialises and we end up with local services stretched to bursting point e.g. schools, medical services, water and drainage (this causes flooding, Belvale is a good example), gas and electric. Leave our Green Belt Land alone.

Full text:

I am against any development of the Green Belt Land next to the by Pass in Halesowen. This land is used by our Halesowen constituents and it is for their children and future families to enjoy. It unfortunately appears that large corporations just seek to make money without thinking of the local people wherever they may live. The old argument that the development of Green land will create thousands of jobs never materialises and we end up with local services stretched to bursting point e.g. schools, medical services, water and drainage (this causes flooding Belvale is a good example), gas and electric. Leave our Green Belt Land alone.

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