Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 50a - Do you think that the Core Strategy should continue to set a target for the total employment land stock in Policy EMP1? Yes/No; Please explain why.

Representation ID: 573

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

We believe that Policy EMP1 should provide a net employment land target in order to allow for losses to alternative uses to be taken into account.

Full text:

We believe that Policy EMP1 should provide a net employment land target in order to allow for losses to alternative uses to be taken into account.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 95a - Do you think Garden City principles should be applied in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, how should they be applied?

Representation ID: 574

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

We would not encourage this as a design approach in the Black Country. Garden City proposals were developed expressly for new settlements. The Black Country has a different history and heritage as do the settlements that are geographically and functionally close to the Black Country. We do not consider the vernacular of the existing urban area and adjoining settlements appropriate for Garden City principles.

Full text:

We would not encourage this as a design approach in the Black Country. Garden City proposals were developed expressly for new settlements. The Black Country has a different history and heritage as do the settlements that are geographically and functionally close to the Black Country. We do not consider the vernacular of the existing urban area and adjoining settlements appropriate for Garden City principles.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 98 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to Design Quality? Yes/No; If you think that any other changes should be made to Policy ENV3 please provide details.

Representation ID: 575

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

The introduction of the Nationally Described Space Standard has implications for viability since it introduces a significant additional cost to new house building without necessarily any uplift in values. It can, therefore, reduce the ability of schemes to provide other planning obligations. We, therefore, suggest it is removed.

Full text:

The introduction of the Nationally Described Space Standard has implications for viability since it introduces a significant additional cost to new house building without necessarily any uplift in values. It can, therefore, reduce the ability of schemes to provide other planning obligations. We, therefore, suggest it is removed.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 99c - Do you think that national space standards for housing development should be introduced in the Black Country? Yes/No; If yes, please specify what level and percentage would be appropria

Representation ID: 576

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

In the context of our response to Question 98, we do not agree that National Space Standard should be introduced.

Full text:

In the context of our response to Question 98, we do not agree that National Space Standard should be introduced.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 101a - Do you support the proposed changes relating to Flood Risk, Sustainable Drainage and Urban Heat Island effects? Yes/No; Further comments?

Representation ID: 577

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

Whilst we appreciate the need to have regard to new standards regarding SuDS provision, the implications on site layout and viability do need to be considered. A flexible approach is required from the Local Authorities in assessing individual schemes taking into account matters such as viability and effects on density. In particular, a joint approach is needed by statutory undertakers to ensure that SuDS areas can be adopted if they are provided as part of wider open space areas.

Full text:

Whilst we appreciate the need to have regard to new standards regarding SuDS provision, the implications on site layout and viability do need to be considered. A flexible approach is required from the Local Authorities in assessing individual schemes taking into account matters such as viability and effects on density. In particular, a joint approach is needed by statutory undertakers to ensure that SuDS areas can be adopted if they are provided as part of wider open space areas.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 1 - Do you agree that the Core Strategy review should be a partial review, retaining and stretching the existing spatial strategy and updating existing policies? Yes/No; If not, what do you

Representation ID: 2800

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

see attachment

Full text:

see attachment


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 2 - Do you think that the key evidence set out in Table 1 is sufficient to support the key stages of the Core Strategy review? Yes/No; If not, what further evidence is required and, if there

Representation ID: 2801

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

see attachment

Full text:

see attachment


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 3 - Do you agree that the housing need identified for the Black Country over the period 2014-36 in the SHMA, and the anticipated amount of supply, are appropriate and in line with national gu

Representation ID: 2802

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

see attachment

Full text:

see attachment


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 4 - Do you consider the employment land requirement identified for the Black Country up to 2036 in the EDNA is appropriate and in line with national guidance? Yes/No; If not, please explain w

Representation ID: 2803

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

see attachment

Full text:

see attachment


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 5 - Do you agree with the proposed approach to the Black Country Green Belt Review? Yes/No; If not, what additional work do you think is necessary?

Representation ID: 2804

Received: 07/09/2017

Respondent: SBP Property Ventures Ltd

Agent: Harris Lamb

Representation Summary:

see attachment

Full text:

see attachment

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