Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 32 - Do you think that the proposed approach to incorporate health and wellbeing issues in the Core Strategy review is appropriate? Yes/No; If no, please provide details

Representation ID: 125

Received: 04/09/2017

Respondent: Kentucky Fried Chicken (Great Britain) Limited

Agent: SSA Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

Health and wellbeing is an important issue and should be addressed to ensure that it is incorporated into existing policies and monitored.

Full text:

Health and wellbeing is an important issue and should be addressed to ensure that it is incorporated into existing policies and monitored.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 34a - Do you agree that the health and wellbeing impacts of large development proposals should be considered at the Preferred Spatial Option stage of the Core Strategy review through a Health

Representation ID: 126

Received: 04/09/2017

Respondent: Kentucky Fried Chicken (Great Britain) Limited

Agent: SSA Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

To optimise health outcomes, we consider it best to focus on the design of built development at the site and area level to secure basic planning objectives.

We suggest incorporating assessment of characteristics such as walkability into the Design and Access Statements already required for major developments.

Full text:

To optimise health outcomes, we consider it best to focus on the design of built development at the site and area level to secure basic planning objectives.

We suggest incorporating assessment of characteristics such as walkability into the Design and Access Statements already required for major developments.


Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 34b - What design features do you think are key to ensuring new development encourages healthy living, which could be assessed through the HIA process?

Representation ID: 127

Received: 04/09/2017

Respondent: Kentucky Fried Chicken (Great Britain) Limited

Agent: SSA Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

The design features at site and area level include securing and protecting access by sustainable means of transport (ideally walking or cycling) to an adequate amount and variety of open space, sport, recreation, food, leisure and other facilities.

Full text:

The design features at site and area level include securing and protecting access by sustainable means of transport (ideally walking or cycling) to an adequate amount and variety of open space, sport, recreation, food, leisure and other facilities.

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