Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 118 - Do you agree with the proposal to streamline and simplify the Core Strategy Monitoring Framework? Yes/No; If no, please explain why
Representation ID: 219
Received: 07/09/2017
Respondent: Birmingham and the Black Country Wildlife Trust
The only measure within the proposed streamlined monitoring framework relating to the natural environment is open space provision. It is our opinion that under this revised framework the Local Auhtority will not be monitoring their duty in relation to NERC (2006).
The current monitoring regime is preferred but has limitations, both in the selection of indicators and the terms of 'success'. The Wildlife Trust can provide advice and support in developing a measure that provides a more robust assessment of whether policies are protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity.
The only measure within the proposed streamlined monitoring framework relating to the natural environment is open space provision. It is our opinion that under this revised framework the Local Auhtority will not be monitoring their duty in relation to NERC (2006).
The current monitoring regime is preferred but has limitations, both in the selection of indicators and the terms of 'success'. The Wildlife Trust can provide advice and support in developing a measure that provides a more robust assessment of whether policies are protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity.