Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 2 - Do you think that the key evidence set out in Table 1 is sufficient to support the key stages of the Core Strategy review? Yes/No; If not, what further evidence is required and, if there
Representation ID: 1920
Received: 17/11/2017
Respondent: Council for British Archaeology (CBA) West Midlands
There is mention of the Natural Environment but no mention of the Historic Environment/Heritage Assets
The importance of the Black Country local authority Historic Environment Records and the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation should be highlighted and the need for a historic environment assessment to inform the Preferred Spatial Options Report and to bring the proposals for the historic environment in line with those for the natural environment
Black Country Core Strategy Proposals
Comments from the Council for British Archaeology: West Midlands Branch
Key Issue 1: Updating the Evidence Base
Table 1 Evidence Base and Question 2 regarding further evidence required
There is mention of the Natural Environment but no mention of the Historic Environment/Heritage Assets
The importance of the Black Country local authority Historic Environment Records and the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation should be highlighted and the need for a historic environment assessment to inform the Preferred Spatial Options Report and to bring the proposals for the historic environment in line with those for the natural environment
Key Issue 5 claims to be about 'Protecting and enhancing the environment' but is in fact only about protecting and enhancing the natural environment! The recommendations contained in Section 12 ('Conserving and enhancing the historic environment') of the National Planning Policy Framework need to be taken on board, particularly the need for a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats (Section 126) and, again, the requirement for historic environment assessments to enable heritage assets to be taken into account in assessing proposals for development (Sections 128-9).
Key Issue 6 - Reviewing the role and extent of the green belt
Again, the need for the identification, protection and enhancement of the historic environment in the green belt should be emphasised. In particular there are likely to be pre-industrial buried archaeological sites within the green belt areas.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Key Issue 5 - Protecting and enhancing the environment
Representation ID: 1922
Received: 17/11/2017
Respondent: Council for British Archaeology (CBA) West Midlands
Key Issue 5 claims to be about 'Protecting and enhancing the environment' but is in fact only about protecting and enhancing the natural environment! The recommendations contained in Section 12 ('Conserving and enhancing the historic environment') of the National Planning Policy Framework need to be taken on board, particularly the need for a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats (Section126) and, again, the requirement for historic environment assessments to enable heritage assets to be taken into account in assessing proposals for development (Sections128-9).
Black Country Core Strategy Proposals
Comments from the Council for British Archaeology: West Midlands Branch
Key Issue 1: Updating the Evidence Base
Table 1 Evidence Base and Question 2 regarding further evidence required
There is mention of the Natural Environment but no mention of the Historic Environment/Heritage Assets
The importance of the Black Country local authority Historic Environment Records and the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation should be highlighted and the need for a historic environment assessment to inform the Preferred Spatial Options Report and to bring the proposals for the historic environment in line with those for the natural environment
Key Issue 5 claims to be about 'Protecting and enhancing the environment' but is in fact only about protecting and enhancing the natural environment! The recommendations contained in Section 12 ('Conserving and enhancing the historic environment') of the National Planning Policy Framework need to be taken on board, particularly the need for a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats (Section 126) and, again, the requirement for historic environment assessments to enable heritage assets to be taken into account in assessing proposals for development (Sections 128-9).
Key Issue 6 - Reviewing the role and extent of the green belt
Again, the need for the identification, protection and enhancement of the historic environment in the green belt should be emphasised. In particular there are likely to be pre-industrial buried archaeological sites within the green belt areas.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Key Issue 6 - Reviewing the role and extent of the green belt
Representation ID: 1923
Received: 17/11/2017
Respondent: Council for British Archaeology (CBA) West Midlands
Again, the need for the identification, protection and enhancement of the historic environment in the green belt should be emphasised. In particular there are likely to be pre-industrial buried archaeological sites within the green belt areas.
Black Country Core Strategy Proposals
Comments from the Council for British Archaeology: West Midlands Branch
Key Issue 1: Updating the Evidence Base
Table 1 Evidence Base and Question 2 regarding further evidence required
There is mention of the Natural Environment but no mention of the Historic Environment/Heritage Assets
The importance of the Black Country local authority Historic Environment Records and the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation should be highlighted and the need for a historic environment assessment to inform the Preferred Spatial Options Report and to bring the proposals for the historic environment in line with those for the natural environment
Key Issue 5 claims to be about 'Protecting and enhancing the environment' but is in fact only about protecting and enhancing the natural environment! The recommendations contained in Section 12 ('Conserving and enhancing the historic environment') of the National Planning Policy Framework need to be taken on board, particularly the need for a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats (Section 126) and, again, the requirement for historic environment assessments to enable heritage assets to be taken into account in assessing proposals for development (Sections 128-9).
Key Issue 6 - Reviewing the role and extent of the green belt
Again, the need for the identification, protection and enhancement of the historic environment in the green belt should be emphasised. In particular there are likely to be pre-industrial buried archaeological sites within the green belt areas.