Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 56 - Do you agree with the proposal to update Policy EMP6 in line with current priorities? Yes/No; If no, please explain why

Representation ID: 124

Received: 04/09/2017

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

To reflect the NPPF, the Core Strategy should support arts and culture at all levels, not just regionally important facilities, to support the local economy and ensure that all residents and visitors, and future generations, have access to cultural opportunities.

Full text:

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides clear directions to local planning authorities about the importance of safeguarding and promoting ALL cultural venues in their areas.
* One of the 12 core planning principles (paragraph 17) is the need to plan for culture to support social wellbeing and sustainable communities.
* Paragraph 23 recognises the important role town centres play in supporting communities and notes that cultural venues make a valuable contribution to the vibrancy and success of these centres.
* Paragraph 70 states that in 'promoting healthy communities', planning decisions should 'plan positively for cultural buildings' and 'guard against the loss of cultural facilities and services.'
* Paragraph 156 directs local planning authorities to ensure their local plan includes cultural policies that reflect the NPPF.

The Core Strategy should therefore support arts and culture at all levels, not just regionally important facilities, to support the local economy and ensure that all residents and visitors, and future generations, have access to cultural opportunities. For the Core Strategy to be found sound, the Theatres Trust recommends expanding the policy with the following criteria:

Cultural and Tourist Facilities

Development of new cultural and tourist facilities will be supported and should enhance the well-being of the local community, and the vitality and viability of centres.

The loss or change of use of existing cultural and tourist facilities will be resisted unless
* replacement facilities are provided on site or within the vicinity which meet the need of the local population, or necessary services can be delivered from other facilities without leading to, or increasing, any shortfall in provision; or
* it has been demonstrated that there is no longer a community need for the facility or demand for another community use on site.

The temporary and meanwhile use of vacant buildings and sites by creative, cultural and community organisations will also be supported, particularly where they help activate and revitalise town centre locations and the public realm.

Council will apply the 'agent of change' principle, whereby if a development would potentially result in conflict between a cultural activity and another use, especially in terms of noise, then the new development must secure the implementation of any appropriate mitigation.

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