Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 3 - Do you agree that the housing need identified for the Black Country over the period 2014-36 in the SHMA, and the anticipated amount of supply, are appropriate and in line with national gu
Representation ID: 80
Received: 23/08/2017
Respondent: First City Limited
I agree that is unrealistic to base the Review housing strategy on the development of employment sites as remaining sites of this type are required to maintain the employment base of the BC. It is now an appropriate tome to review the Green Belt within the Black Country and in locations in the adjoining Shire Districts that can accommodate sustainable urban extensions.
It is unclear how you have arrived at the figure of 3,000 for testing on the basis that there is presently no consensus or agreement to cooperate between the recipient authorities to deliver this.
I agree that is unrealistic to base the Review housing strategy on the development of employment sites as remaining sites of this type are required to maintain the employment base of the BC. It is now an appropriate tome to review the Green Belt within the Black Country and in locations in the adjoining Shire Districts that can accommodate sustainable urban extensions.
It is unclear how you have arrived at the figure of 3,000 for testing on the basis that there is presently no consensus or agreement to cooperate between the recipient authorities to deliver this.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 5 - Do you agree with the proposed approach to the Black Country Green Belt Review? Yes/No; If not, what additional work do you think is necessary?
Representation ID: 81
Received: 23/08/2017
Respondent: First City Limited
The Review of the Green Belt is fundamental to meet housing need and demand stemming from the Review. It is essential that this review fully tests the capacity to accommodate BC housing need in the BC though the review of the Green Wedges and existing areas of Green Belt in the the BC before Green Belt in South Staffordshire
Equally there are opportunities n South Staffordshire to accommodate housing beyond the Green Belt at Penkridge the norther edge of which is not Green Belt.
The Review of the Green Belt is fundamental to meet housing need and demand stemming from the Review. It is essential that this review fully tests the capacity to accommodate BC housing need in the BC though the review of the Green Wedges and existing areas of Green Belt in the the BC before Green Belt in South Staffordshire
Equally there are opportunities n South Staffordshire to accommodate housing beyond the Green Belt at Penkridge the norther edge of which is not Green Belt.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 10 - In continuing to promote growth within the Growth Network, is there a need to amend the boundaries of any of the Regeneration Corridors in the existing Core Strategy? Yes/No; If so, whic
Representation ID: 82
Received: 23/08/2017
Respondent: First City Limited
The Growth Corridor approach to spatial planning should be reviewed and expanded to include areas in South Staffordshire that are on the principal transport routes into the Black Country A41, A449 and A460. This corridor recognises the economic and housing links between South Staffordshire and the Black Country. Within the widened corridor Green Belt should be reviewed to accommodate 1.5000 - 3,000 dwelling locations for mixed use development
The Growth Corridor approach to spatial planning should be reviewed and expanded to include areas in South Staffordshire that are on the principal transport routes into the Black Country A41, A449 and A460. This corridor recognises the economic and housing links between South Staffordshire and the Black Country. Within the widened corridor Green Belt should be reviewed to accommodate 1.5000 - 3,000 dwelling locations for mixed use development
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 117 - Do you agree with the proposed approach to updating and amending Appendix 2 of the existing Core Strategy and Tables 2 and 3 of this document? Yes/No; If not, what alternative approach
Representation ID: 83
Received: 23/08/2017
Respondent: First City Limited
As stated the Growth Corridor approach requires a comprehensive review to ensure that it remains valid for spatial planning. This requires cooperation between authorities in the BC and in the adjoining Shires. There is however only scant evidence published to date to show that in practice this can be realistically delivered
As stated the Growth Corridor approach requires a comprehensive review to ensure that it remains valid for spatial planning. This requires cooperation between authorities in the BC and in the adjoining Shires. There is however only scant evidence published to date to show that in practice this can be realistically delivered
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 119 - Do you think that a new Core Strategy policy is required? Yes/No; If yes, please explain why and provide details of the suggested policy.
Representation ID: 84
Received: 23/08/2017
Respondent: First City Limited
A new Policy that commits authorities in the BC and South Staffordshire to allocate specific sites and remove them from the Green Belt is required
A new Policy that commits authorities in the BC and South Staffordshire to allocate specific sites and remove them from the Green Belt is required
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 13a - Do you support Spatial Option H2? Yes/No; What should the characteristics of Sustainable Urban Areas (SUEs) be? e.g. minimum/ maximum size, mix of uses, mix of housing types, accessibi
Representation ID: 117
Received: 30/08/2017
Respondent: First City Limited
Green Belt review covered by transparent audit trail and Dtc; Redefinition of northern growth corridor to reflect TTW work area and job growth at I54 and Strategic Rail Freight; new SUEs through changes to the Green Belt large enough to delver facilities and services
The Green Belt for the West Midlands was originally drawn up by the region's planning authorities working jointly in the 1950s and 1960s following the issue of the Duncan Sandys Circular of 1955. A single proposed Green Belt around the Birmingham conurbation and Coventry was announced by 1964.
The Staffordshire County Council consulted on and took through to adoption the Staffordshire Green Belt in the 1970s. Parallel planning at the Regional level of planning in the Black Country defined inner Green Wedges.
It is important that through the Dtc there is a clear and transparent audit trail to support a spatial policy that delivers Spatial Option H2 based on re-definition of the Regeneration Corridor north of Woverhampton extending into South Staffordshire covering the travel to work zone that extends to includes the I54 site the Strategic Rail Freight site at 4 Ashes and new housing in locations linked to this corridor.
Sues through changes to the Green Belt in WCC/South Staffordshire need to be of sufficient minimum size to deliver linked infrastructure facilities and services including local retail, schools, and community facilities.