Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 5 - Do you agree with the proposed approach to the Black Country Green Belt Review? Yes/No; If not, what additional work do you think is necessary?

Representation ID: 1125

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 83 of the NPPF states that Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances.
Whilst a significant proportion of the canal network within the Black Country is within an urban setting the canal network does pass through the more rural parts of the area.
These rural sections do add to the overall experience of the waterways and are important in providing relief from the urban environment.

The proposal to review Green Belt boundaries across the Housing Market Area and in
conjunction with South Staffordshire will provide a strategic overview. However, the impact at a local level will be critical to fully assessing the value of existing Green Belt and
determining if 'exceptional circumstances' do exist. The review should clearly demonstrate that proposed development cannot be accommodated within the existing urban fringe.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Key Issue 7 - Keeping the Black Country connected

Representation ID: 1132

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The canal network can play an important role in providing safe, pleasant, traffic free off-road walking and cycling routes right into the centre of many of the Black Country's most developed centres.

Significant work has been done to improve canal towpaths across the area, but there are further opportunities to make more improvements and promote this network to local communities and visitors. The review should acknowledge the role of the canals and highlight the potential of this existing network, including opportunities to integrate with the wider transport network.

The Trust generally seeks to maintain its assets in a "steady state", and in the case of towpath maintenance, this is based on current usage. Where new development has the likelihood to increase usage we consider that it is reasonable to request a financial contribution from developers to mitigate this impact by, for example upgrading an access /towpath surface to a standard which is more durable and thus able to accommodate
increased usage. The delivery mechanisms eg. CIL/S106 for such works should be identified within the review.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 10 - In continuing to promote growth within the Growth Network, is there a need to amend the boundaries of any of the Regeneration Corridors in the existing Core Strategy? Yes/No; If so, whic

Representation ID: 1135

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

Canals have played a significant part in the development of the Black Country and in particular the regeneration agenda.

They can be a catalyst for economic and social regeneration and the regeneration of waterside corridors can produce many benefits which could include: the creation of a more
attractive and secure environment in which existing communities can live, work and play; the attraction of new residents, business and visitors (both land and water based) thereby
generating income for the area; attracting new housing and new housing types; encouraging good design; and assistance in attaining goals for more pedestrian / cycle friendly routes.

Many of the current regeneration corridors include sections of the canal network and these are enabling improvements to be made in these areas. To further develop these and promote growth the regeneration area of Wolverhampton should be extended to cover the whole of Canalside Quarter and Horsley Fields Junction.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 24- Do you have evidence of pressure being placed on the capacity of current social infrastructure which could be exacerbated by new housing? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details.

Representation ID: 1160

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The canal network is a form of strategic and local infrastructure and performs multiple functions, including sustainable transport, open space, green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation, which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development.

70% of the population in the Black Country live within 1km of a canal. This makes them easily accessible to large numbers of people and presents a key asset and opportunity for the development / regeneration of the Black Country.

Many new developments adjacent to the canals reference the canal corridor / towpath in their application submissions, but there is often little investment from the developer to
improve these routes.

Local Growth Fund has enabled significant improvements of towpaths in some areas, which have seen up to a 60% increase in use, but further investment is necessary if the opportunities for improving sustainable access around areas of redevelopment are to be realised.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 25 - Will there be any new social infrastructure requirements necessary to serve large new housing developments? Yes/No; If yes, please explain the type and scale of any new social infrastruc

Representation ID: 1161

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The canal network is a form of strategic and local infrastructure and performs multiple functions, including sustainable transport, open space, green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation, which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development.

70% of the population in the Black Country live within 1km of a canal. This makes them easily accessible to large numbers of people and presents a key asset and opportunity for the development / regeneration of the Black Country.

Many new developments adjacent to the canals reference the canal corridor / towpath in their application submissions, but there is often little investment from the developer to
improve these routes.

Local Growth Fund has enabled significant improvements of towpaths in some areas, which have seen up to a 60% increase in use, but further investment is necessary if the opportunities for improving sustainable access around areas of redevelopment are to be realised.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 27 - Do you have evidence of pressure being placed on the capacity of current physical infrastructure which could be exacerbated by new developments? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details.

Representation ID: 1164

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The canal network is a form of strategic and local infrastructure and performs multiple functions, including sustainable transport, open space, green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation, which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development

70% of the population in the Black Country live within 1km of a canal. This makes them easily accessible to large numbers of people and presents a key asset and opportunity for the development / regeneration of the Black Country.

Many new developments adjacent to the canals reference the canal towpath in their application submissions, but there is often little investment from the developer to improve these routes.

Local Growth Fund has enabled significant improvements of towpaths in some areas, which have seen up to a 60% increase in use, but further investment is necessary if the opportunities for improving sustainable access around areas of redevelopment are to be realised.

The Trust wish to highlight the potential of the canal to provide / contribute to provision of other physical infrastructure. The potential for inland waterways to contribute to the low carbon economy and build resilience should also consider new energy technologies such as biomass capacity, and the identification of waste streams such as from the operation and maintenance of waterway management for recycling, reuse and energy from waste markets.
The canal network provides readily available opportunities for developments to incorporate innovative technologies to make use of its water such as the abstraction of canal water for cooling purposes and/or for heating purposes where there is a sufficient flow of water to sustain this use and the canal towpath for the running of pipelines etc. which need to be more greatly encouraged.

The water flowing through the Trust's waterways which pass through most major cities in England contains enough thermal energy to produce approximately 640 MW of energy. This has attracted a number of businesses which now utilise this low carbon source to heat and cool their buildings. DECC too have acknowledged this potential in their Heat Map which includes a specific canal layer. The energy is extracted using water sourced heat pumps which are very efficient compared to conventional forms of heating and cooling. These efficiency improvements will help reduce the electricity demand and assist in balancing electricity supply.

The Document should be amended to include reference to the potential of the canal network to contribute to low carbon technologies.

There is also potential for surface water drainage to the canal which could be referenced in the document. The waterway network presents a number of opportunities to support and enhance urban development, with particular reference to water management. Water levels in the canal network are managed by the Trust using control structures such as weirs and sluices to maintain a suitable depth for navigation by boats, but also to try to avoid water levels becoming too high in periods of heavy rainfall where runoff from hard surfaces can lead to excess water passing into the canals.

With careful design and assessment, canals may be able to receive runoff from future development sites, providing sustainable options for site drainage (although mitigation works to the canal infrastructure may be necessary to cope with this.) This may allow development of sites that would otherwise not be viable due to flood risk concerns with alternative site drainage options. The ability of canals to accept surface water run-off may also assist in wider consideration of flood mitigation measures given the managed nature of canal water levels.

In addition, there may be potential for the canal to be used for the installation of services, pipes/cables etc which could be highlighted.
With the increasing importance of digital connectivity the waterways provide established corridors through the heart of urban areas with the potential to accommodate infrastructure with relatively little disturbance in comparison to, for example, digging up main roads and pavements in busy locations. There is a real opportunity to maximise the use of the Trusts existing fibre optic networks and the canal corridor and Trusts land holdings for the provision of new and improved infrastructure around densely populated areas, such as the routing of infrastructure for district heating schemes and increasing mobile cell density to create 4G and 5G towns and cities.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 28 - Do you think physical infrastructure is necessary to serve large new housing developments? Yes/No; If yes, what type and scale of physical infrastructure is necessary?

Representation ID: 1165

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The canal network is a form of strategic and local infrastructure and performs multiple functions, including sustainable transport, open space, green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation, which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development

70% of the population in the Black Country live within 1km of a canal. This makes them easily accessible to large numbers of people and presents a key asset and opportunity for the development / regeneration of the Black Country.

Many new developments adjacent to the canals reference the canal towpath in their application submissions, but there is often little investment from the developer to improve these routes.

Local Growth Fund has enabled significant improvements of towpaths in some areas, which have seen up to a 60% increase in use, but further investment is necessary if the opportunities for improving sustainable access around areas of redevelopment are to be realised.

The Trust wish to highlight the potential of the canal to provide / contribute to provision of other physical infrastructure. The potential for inland waterways to contribute to the low carbon economy and build resilience should also consider new energy technologies such as biomass capacity, and the identification of waste streams such as from the operation and maintenance of waterway management for recycling, reuse and energy from waste markets.
The canal network provides readily available opportunities for developments to incorporate innovative technologies to make use of its water such as the abstraction of canal water for cooling purposes and/or for heating purposes where there is a sufficient flow of water to sustain this use and the canal towpath for the running of pipelines etc. which need to be more greatly encouraged.

The water flowing through the Trust's waterways which pass through most major cities in England contains enough thermal energy to produce approximately 640 MW of energy. This has attracted a number of businesses which now utilise this low carbon source to heat and cool their buildings. DECC too have acknowledged this potential in their Heat Map which includes a specific canal layer. The energy is extracted using water sourced heat pumps which are very efficient compared to conventional forms of heating and cooling. These efficiency improvements will help reduce the electricity demand and assist in balancing electricity supply.

The Document should be amended to include reference to the potential of the canal network to contribute to low carbon technologies.

There is also potential for surface water drainage to the canal which could be referenced in the document. The waterway network presents a number of opportunities to support and enhance urban development, with particular reference to water management. Water levels in the canal network are managed by the Trust using control structures such as weirs and sluices to maintain a suitable depth for navigation by boats, but also to try to avoid water levels becoming too high in periods of heavy rainfall where runoff from hard surfaces can lead to excess water passing into the canals.

With careful design and assessment, canals may be able to receive runoff from future development sites, providing sustainable options for site drainage (although mitigation works to the canal infrastructure may be necessary to cope with this.) This may allow development of sites that would otherwise not be viable due to flood risk concerns with alternative site drainage options. The ability of canals to accept surface water run-off may also assist in wider consideration of flood mitigation measures given the managed nature of canal water levels.

In addition, there may be potential for the canal to be used for the installation of services, pipes/cables etc which could be highlighted.
With the increasing importance of digital connectivity the waterways provide established corridors through the heart of urban areas with the potential to accommodate infrastructure with relatively little disturbance in comparison to, for example, digging up main roads and pavements in busy locations. There is a real opportunity to maximise the use of the Trusts existing fibre optic networks and the canal corridor and Trusts land holdings for the provision of new and improved infrastructure around densely populated areas, such as the routing of infrastructure for district heating schemes and increasing mobile cell density to create 4G and 5G towns and cities.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 29 - Do you think there are any other tools or interventions that could be used to ensure enough infrastructure is provided by developments? Yes/No; If yes, please provide details.

Representation ID: 1168

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The provision of funds towards the canals via S106 agreements appears to have been more successful than other mechanisms such as CIL. The Trust wish to work with Authorities more in developing a list of improvements within the Local Authority areas that would be required to support the development proposed.
This would set out the authorities in principle support for these improvements and provide developers with a clear outline of the likely infrastructure requirements that developments will need to provide. It would also provide a clear outline of supported canal improvements should other opportunities arise.

The positive impacts of the canals for developments, in terms of higher property values, better quality, better designed homes in waterside locations needs to be clearly set out to demonstrate the benefits to developers. This could be particularly key in promoting the development of brownfield sites and ensuring the current regeneration strategy is not undermined. The Trust are happy to engage further on this.

Local Growth Fund has been useful and beneficial, though it may be that developers could be asked to match this in certain areas to provide a larger funding pot. In order to maintain the urban regeneration focus better knowledge of the grants that are available for brownfield reclamation should be provided to developers.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Question 30 - Do you have any suggestions around how the strategy can be developed in order to maintain the urban regeneration focus of the Black Country while at the same time bringing forward sites

Representation ID: 1169

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The provision of funds towards the canals via S106 agreements appears to have been more successful than other mechanisms such as CIL. The Trust wish to work with Authorities more in developing a list of improvements within the Local Authority areas that would be required to support the development proposed.
This would set out the authorities in principle support for these improvements and provide developers with a clear outline of the likely infrastructure requirements that developments will need to provide. It would also provide a clear outline of supported canal improvements should other opportunities arise.

The positive impacts of the canals for developments, in terms of higher property values, better quality, better designed homes in waterside locations needs to be clearly set out to demonstrate the benefits to developers. This could be particularly key in promoting the development of brownfield sites and ensuring the current regeneration strategy is not undermined. The Trust are happy to engage further on this.

Local Growth Fund has been useful and beneficial, though it may be that developers could be asked to match this in certain areas to provide a larger funding pot. In order to maintain the urban regeneration focus better knowledge of the grants that are available for brownfield reclamation should be provided to developers.

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country




Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report

Policy Area A - Health and Wellbeing

Representation ID: 1174

Received: 08/09/2017

Respondent: Canal & River Trust

Representation Summary:

The canal corridors offer opportunities for leisure, recreation and sporting activities as part of the 'natural health service' acting as 'blue gyms' and supporting physical and healthy outdoor activity as well as reducing stress, making a positive contribution to mental wellbeing.

They can also provide traffic free routes for commuters and also aid in providing a safe, convenient and attractive walking and cycling network to promote health and well-being, consistent with the aims of the NPPF.

The canal network passes through each local authority area within the Black County and in many areas, is an untapped resource in terms of its benefits for health and wellbeing. The canal falls within at least 3no. of the themes identified, which embody the link between planning & health, though they are not mentioned. The Plan could therefore include greater reference to existing green infrastructure, such as the canal network

Full text:

Re: Black Country Core Strategy Review

Thank you for your consultation on the above document.

The Canal & River Trust (the Trust) is the guardian of 2,000 miles of historic waterways across England and Wales. We are among the largest charities in the UK. Our vision is that "living waterways transform places and enrich lives".
Following consideration of the document we have the following comments to make:
The waterways can be used as tools in place making and place shaping, and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. We seek for any development to relate appropriately to the waterway, minimise the ecological impacts and optimise the benefits such a location can generate for all parts of the community.
The waterways span several local authority boundaries and it is therefore important to ensure that there is a clear and consistent approach to development. There is a recognised need to strengthen existing planning policy at all the different spatial levels in order to provide robust planning policy frameworks that supports canals, rivers and docks as a cross-cutting policy theme; acknowledging the value of canals, rivers and docks/wharves, in terms of
* being a form of strategic and local infrastructure performing multiple functions (including sustainable transport, open space and green infrastructure, land drainage and water supply as well as flood alleviation), which is likely to be affected by all scales and types of development;
* their roles in improving the physical environment, opportunities for people and the wider economy;

* their contribution to supporting climate change, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability;
* * the public benefits that can be and are being generated by our canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * support future development, regeneration and improvement of canals, rivers and docks/wharves;
* * protect the heritage, environmental and recreational value of canals, rivers and docks and to safeguard them against inappropriate development;
* * support their ability to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities and the nation, (currently valued at in excess of £500 million per annum);
* * secure the long-term sustainability of inland waterway network, their corridors and adjoining communities; and
* * their contribution to promoting Health and Wellbeing
The Core Strategy is therefore a key document in setting the overarching planning and regeneration policies across the area and ensuring a co-ordinated approach to the waterways across the Black Country.
The Trust therefore welcome continued support and recognition for the waterways but consider opportunities exist to strengthen Policies and further highlight the importance of the canal network to the Black Country



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