Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
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Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 5 - Do you agree with the proposed approach to the Black Country Green Belt Review? Yes/No; If not, what additional work do you think is necessary?
Representation ID: 2511
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
The green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
Member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and agree with their representations.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 7 - Do you think that the Core Strategy vision and sustainability principles remain appropriate? Yes/No; If not, what alternatives would you suggest?
Representation ID: 2513
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 30 - Do you have any suggestions around how the strategy can be developed in order to maintain the urban regeneration focus of the Black Country while at the same time bringing forward sites
Representation ID: 2514
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 35 - Do you support the proposed approach to housing land supply? Yes/No; If no, please explain why.
Representation ID: 2515
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 56 - Do you agree with the proposal to update Policy EMP6 in line with current priorities? Yes/No; If no, please explain why
Representation ID: 2516
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 92 - Do you support the proposed approach to providing a coherent network for walking and cycling? Yes/No; Please explain why.
Representation ID: 2517
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 97 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness? Yes/No; If no, please provide details of any other changes that should be made to Policy EN
Representation ID: 2518
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.
Black Country Core Strategy Issue and Option Report
Question 94 - Do you support the proposed changes relating to environmental infrastructure and place-making? Yes/No; If you think that any other changes should be made to Policies CSP3 or CSP4, please
Representation ID: 2519
Received: 08/09/2017
Respondent: Dudley MBC
...we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
It was good to meet you and the other officers at the consultation day in Halesowen. I think you'll agree that Cllr Ian Cooper and I were quite firm on the issue of the green belt and that it must be protected not just at junction 3 of the M5 but also Lutley Gutter and the remaining St Modwen land on Coombeswood Green Wedge.
I'm a member of Halesowen Abbey Trust and I agree with the submissions entered on our behalf by Mick Freer and Roy Burgess.
Cllr Cooper and I would also like to add to the argument about the use of other land other than greenbelt. We believe that brownfield sites should be investigated first, but also we would like to see a programme of removing older, less environmentally friendly council housing and to have them replaced with new developments. These developments need to be designed to make better use of the land available and to provide environmentally friendly housing which will reduce utility costs for tenants and improve the environment.
One final point from me is of course the issue of protecting Halesowen's heritage and leisure area around the Abbey, particularly in view of our meeting last week and the search for a way of gaining safe access across the A456 to this area.
Thanks again for bringing us up to speed on the consultation, the process and the time scale.