Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Policy DSA2– Land at Swindon Road, Wall Heath, Kingswinford (The Triangle site) Strategic Allocation

Representation ID: 22542

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH211, Land at Swindon Road, Wall Heath, Kingswinford (The Triangle Site)

WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss of
green belt.
Features within the site should be retained:
- The site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local
wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance
for biodiversity. It is therefore WTBBC’s position that the SLINC and a suitable buffer between this
and the development area be retained, thereby providing an area of high quality accessible natural


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22543

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH212, Lewis Rd, Lye)

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to
the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space
should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
- The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain
payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local
community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22544

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH213, Lapwood Avenue,

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to
the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space
should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
- The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain
payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local
community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22546

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH215, Bent Street, Brierly Hill)

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to
the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space
should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
- The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain
payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local
community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22547

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH216, Bryce Road, Pensnett)

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to
the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space
should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
- The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain
payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local
community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22548

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH217, Grazing Land Wollaston Farm, Wollaston,

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
- A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment
process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
- WTBBC strongly recommend that alternative development sites are sought in order to prevent loss
of green belt.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22549

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH218, Lower Guys Lane, Lower Gornal)

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- The site is a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The National Planning Policy
Framework (NPPF) states that Local Plans should safeguard components of local wildlife-rich
habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for
biodiversity. WTBBC therefore object to the allocation on this basis.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22550

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH221, Standhills Road, Kingswinford South)

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to
the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space
should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
- The site includes an area of Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC). The SLINC and
a suitable buffer between this and the development area should be retained, thereby providing an
area of high quality accessible natural greenspace.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22551

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

(DUH222, Corbyns Hall Open Space)

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
- WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. It is WTBBC’s position that due to
the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities that no public open space
should be allocated for development. On this basis we object to the allocation.
- The retention of public open space provides the opportunity to invest biodiversity net gain
payments from nearby developments, securing improved accessible natural greenspace for the local
community along with the resources for ongoing maintenance and monitoring.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 43889

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

Representation Summary:

WOH185 Alexander Metals Open Space

WTBBC have concluded that the Site Assessment process should not have selected site:
• Site has been identified as Potential Site of Importance (for nature conservation).
• A Local (wildlife) Site Assessment is required to provide evidence to inform the BCP Site Assessment process. This has not been undertaken and therefore WTBBC object to the allocation on this basis.
• WTBBC understand the allocation is an area of public open space. Due to the broad range of benefits that these sites provide local communities no public open space should be allocated for development. On this basis we object.

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