Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

The Strategy

Representation ID: 16747

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Save Wollaston Green Belt

Representation Summary:

I wish to object to loss of 'all greenbelt sites' in Dudley's Black Country Plan.
In particular I wish to object to plans to see off Council owned land at rear of the Kingsway, Wollaston, site no DUH217. This is a delightfull, historic site full of wildlife at the moment. Walkers and path users of all kinds are able to enter the countryside via these paths a vital 'clear you head pathway' particular users on the Kingsway estate escape relitive poverty through this gateway.
The knocking down of two semi-detached houses would be required to enable access - that 2 more houses lost. In particular the access would lead to more land loss of the green belt in the future as the land is landlocked at the moment - providing a vital safeguarding of the green belt. Identical land down to the canal would be at risk!!
I am also concerned about gridlock of cars and danger to pedestrians on the Kingsway, another 150 cars cannot be in anyway suitable for this road. Should be disallowed on this danger too. School at St James is extremely busy - the infrastructure problems are no solvable, due to the narrow roads.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 16794

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Save Wollaston Green Belt

Representation Summary:

DUH217 - I wish to object to loss of 'all greenbelt sites' in Dudley's Black Country Plan.
In particular I wish to object to plans to see off Council owned land at rear of the Kingsway, Wollaston, site no DUH217. This is a delightfull, historic site full of wildlife at the moment. Walkers and path users of all kinds are able to enter the countryside via these paths a vital 'clear you head pathway' particular users on the Kingsway estate escape relitive poverty through this gateway.
The knocking down of two semi-detached houses would be required to enable access - that 2 more houses lost. In particular the access would lead to more land loss of the green belt in the future as the land is landlocked at the moment - providing a vital safeguarding of the green belt. Identical land down to the canal would be at risk!!
I am also concerned about gridlock of cars and danger to pedestrians on the Kingsway, another 150 cars cannot be in anyway suitable for this road. Should be disallowed on this danger too. School at St James is extremely busy - the infrastructure problems are no solvable, due to the narrow roads.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 22589

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Save Wollaston Green Belt

Number of people: 80

Representation Summary:

Oppose the development of the Green Belt in the Draft Black Country Plan, Wollaston Green Belt and site DUH 217 - Wollaston Farm Grazing Field


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 45443

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Save Wollaston Green Belt

Number of people: 235

Representation Summary:

In relation to the Black Country Plan consultation, we oppose the development of Green Belt land at DUH 217 (Wollaston Farm grazing field)

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