Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

3 Spatial Strategy

Representation ID: 22414

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Stafford Borough Council

Representation Summary:

We note that the housing requirement for the Black Country is 76,076 new homes to 2039 with a shortfall of 28,239 new homes, together with employment land provision for 565 hectares resulting in a shortfall of 210 hectares. Furthermore it is acknowledged that a number of neighbouring Districts within the Black Country Housing Market Area are progressing their Local Plans in order to address a proportion of the Black Country’s needs for both housing and employment land.

It is acknowledged that in order to meet the Black Country’s development needs requires the release of land identified within the Green Belt. We have identified that amendments to the Green Belt are not directly related to the boundary with Stafford Borough and that no sites (employment, housing or mixed use) have been allocated on land that would have an impact on Stafford Borough.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy ENV2 - Development Affecting Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) 

Representation ID: 22415

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Stafford Borough Council

Representation Summary:

In terms of strategic cross border issues we will continue to work with you on all relevant matters relating to protection of the Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) & Ramsar sites, in particular the Cannock Chase SAC and the wider nitrogen deposition project. Therefore Policy ENV2 is welcomed within the Black Country Draft Plan in order to mitigate for recreational pressure on the Cannock Chase SAC, although it should be noted that from 1 April 2022 reference to the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Measures (SAMMMs) will be replaced by the Detailed Implementation Plans (DIPs) for Car Parking, and Site User Infrastructure, Education and Engagement.

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