Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 23574

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Moseley Road Open Space Group Response 2

Number of people: 45

Representation Summary:

Objection to Table 43 Site WOH273

I believe that building on Prouds Lane/ "Grapes Pool" will have a devastating effect on the people of Bilston and those further afield. I have raised three children on a low income and having the field nearby meant that for over twenty years myself, and friends with children of their own have spent countless hours playing games, having picnics and introducing them to the wide variety of nature and wildlife, without having to spend any money. To this day other families can frequently be seen enjoying leisure time there too.

People of all ages also make daily use of the field. The elderly can be seen walking, teenagers meet friends, dogs are walked and many use it as a place to exercise/ jog. Myself and other people whom I have met use the field as therapy. When feeling anxious /stressed or down, the field is a place of calm and by simply walking there, observing the sights and sounds of the trees, insects and birds in both Summer and Winter, it is a cost free way to de-stress. At a time when our Country has cut mental health funding and is publishing an increase in poor mental health statistics I find it hypocritical that more green space may be taken away.

I also believe that having the field also reduces the amount of road traffic accidents as children learn to ride bikes there, play football/games as opposed to doing this is in the street. Where else is nearby for local residents to do this?

The field also provides an informal social space that allows those who may have infrequent social contact to engage in conversation and meet people.

Bilston has had several housing estates built there recently, with more in the process. Surely we need more, not less open space for the extra residents to enjoy. We need you to leave what is becoming a rare piece of natural outdoor beauty, and be aware that people will remember those councillors who have fought to oppose the build at the time of voting.

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